Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1594: : Raleigh makes another move

If these Han people attacked him, Yang Wanwan would not be confident that he would be able to avoid it. However, the Han people's attack in such a situation is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. Who could have thought of the assassination of the Han people and infiltrate the tens of thousands of Qiang army. Among them, and successfully killed Cheng Qian, although he was finally discovered by the soldiers of the Qiang, he still fled. It is not only the strength of the Han assassins, but the methods of the Han are really too powerful. If in future battles, If you can't face the Han people, you will suffer even more.

Bei Gongfeng’s complexion became even more gloomy. Cheng Qian was the person he valued. He didn’t expect that after the assassination, he didn’t even have the power to execute the protection of Cheng Qian’s guards. From the look of the patriarch of the Qiang tribe. See their defense of the Qiang people.

"King Qiang, on the battlefield today, the Han scouts are extremely powerful, and it is difficult for our army's scouts to find out more information." Lei Li saw that the atmosphere in the account was wrong, and hurriedly diverted everyone's attention.

When it comes to the scouts of the Han army, the patriarchs of the Qiang tribe have a deep understanding. There are naturally warriors who acted as scouts in their tribes. From the news from the scouts, we can see that this time between the battlefield and the Han army scouts. In the contest, one's own scout was completely at a disadvantage, and even the generals died. In the past, Qiang scouts steadily gained the upper hand in the face of Han scouts. How long has it been? The cavalry has made such a big improvement.

At this time, some patriarchs had a deeper understanding of the strength of the Han cavalry. The scouts were the most elite of the cavalry. They could become the scouts of the Qiang army and were themselves cavalry with powerful strength.

Bei Gongfeng seemed to have diverted Lei's attention for a moment, and said for a moment: "The military division once said that it can increase the number of scouts on the battlefield and try to find out about the Han army."

The patriarchs of the various tribes have said that they have experienced many battles, and they still know some things on the battlefield. If they can’t control the battlefield situation in time during the battle, they will be completely in the face of the enemy. In terms of the disadvantage, the acquisition of intelligence can make it easier for one's own side to have a reasonable judgment on the situation on the battlefield, and make a more correct response when fighting.

After the rest of the people left, Beigong Feng kept Leili, and the assassination of the Han people entered the army of Qiang people and assassinated Cheng Qian. If he could not express his breath, why did he become the king of Qiang? Even the person he valued the most The inability to protect, made him feel that his face was greatly damaged.

Cai Leili’s words, although avoiding a conflict, made Bei Gongfeng dissatisfied with the patriarchs of these Qiang tribes. When the Qiangs were assisted by Bei Gongfeng to obtain Zhangye and Jiuquan counties in the next step, The patriarchs of these Qiang tribes rejoiced, but now the strength of the Qiang people is strong, but they ignore Cheng Qian's role. This behavior is ungrateful in Beigong Feng's eyes.

Perhaps under the influence of Cheng Qian, Bei Gongfeng became more delicate in considering things.

"This king has one thing that needs you to complete." Bei Gong Feng said in a deep voice.

Lei Li said: "Despite the king's orders, his subordinates will definitely complete it."

Bei Gong Feng nodded and said: "The reason why the Qiang army was able to easily break through Fanhe City had a lot to do with Shen Lang Qiang's help. Now this king needs you to make another move to poison the Han army. ."

Lei Li was silent for a moment, still clasping his fists and saying, "Subordinates take the orders."

"These Han troops were brought by King Jin. They are powerful, and they are not comparable to those of the Han troops under Liang Xing. When you enter the camp, you have to be more careful and don’t miss the trace. If you need anything, , Just order someone to come and find this king." Bei Gong Feng said.

In the Qiang camp, the Han killed Cheng Qian and caused himself to lose his right hand man. He must make the Han feel fearful. If Lei Li can succeed, the Han army is bound to fall into turmoil, and then he will be the Qiang. The time has come for the army to win, and Bei Gongfeng wants to use the blood of the Han army to avenge the dead Cheng Qian.

Raleigh returned to the camp and prepared for a day before leaving the camp quietly.

In the Han military camp, Lu Bu was delighted to learn that Qin Tian had successfully killed the Han strategists who had taken refuge in the Qiang. This news is vital to his army. Even if the personal strength of the Qiang is strong, In Lu Bu's view, it is not terrible. He is confident to defeat these Qiangs.

At this time, our army includes the trapped camp, flying knights, some wolf knights, euphorbias, and Chen Dao’s strong crossbow army. Zhao Yun’s guard, Bai Ma Yicong, can be described as strong. If you can’t win the battle against the Qiangs. , It’s a weird thing. The most important thing is how to conquer their tribe after defeating the Qiang people. Although the army of the Qiang people is powerful, their tribes are also not weak. These Qiang tribes are said to be able to make full use of. Become a soldier in the army.

"Qin leader has worked hard." Lu Bu smiled.

"This is a subordinate matter." Qin Tian arched his hands, not daring to transgress in the slightest ~ The more you are in a high position, the more you must be vigilant at all times, otherwise once you are in a high position. If you are afraid of it, it is extremely difficult to achieve higher achievements. Qin Tian was once the master of the Black Ice Platform, and his thoughts on the superiors were not comparable to those of ordinary generals.

"Commander Qin, the reason why the Qiang people broke through Fanhe, which was guarded by five thousand armies, was because some tribes of the Qiang people were good at poisoning. , You are closely investigating the news in the army in secret, especially near the camp gate. Whenever you encounter strangers, you should interrogate them in detail, and don't let the enemy enter the army." Lu Bu warned.

Since coming outside Guzang City, Lu Bu has been extremely careful in this regard. No matter how strong the combat effectiveness of the Sergeant Sergeant is, he is still vulnerable to poison. Once the Qiang people succeed, it means that there will be more Many Han soldiers died on the battlefield. This situation is not something Lü Bu can tolerate.

The princes of the Central Plains stayed still when Lv Bu led the army to attack Liangzhou, and they had the mind to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight. There is no doubt that the strength of the Qiang people is unquestionable. If Lv Bu's strength can be greatly compromised in the hands of the Qiang people The words are extremely beneficial to the princes of the Central Plains.

As a general who has fought on the battlefield for many years, how could Lu Bu make the princes' little calculations wishful.

Raleigh chose the same method this time. He wanted to join the army. Although there were a lot of food and grass that came with the army, some dishes would still be delivered in Guzang City, and these occasional food delivery teams were Raleigh. The key to sneaking into the Han army was that he used this method to make the Han army lose its combat effectiveness. Those Han army soldiers did not die, but became prisoners of the Qiang people. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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