Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1608: : The irritable Beigongfeng

There were only a thousand soldiers who followed Agui back to the Qiang tribe. This was due to the addition of the soldiers of the Di tribe.

There were a thousand elite Dimen soldiers, but in this war, they lost half of them, but the Dimen tribe soldiers also caused a lot of harm to the Han army.

The failure outside Shanglu City made Agui feel urgent. Although the damage to the Han army on the battlefield was not small, the Wudu was in the hands of the Han army after all. At this time, the soldiers of the Qiang tribe had just experienced defeat and their morale Greatly weakened, if the Han army arrives, it will be a disaster for the Qiang tribe.

In the past, the soldiers of the Qiang tribe dealt with the soldiers and civilians of the Han people. There was absolutely no reason to be spared by the soldiers of the Han army. On the way to escape, they saw the attitude of the soldiers of the Han army toward the soldiers of the Qiang people.

"Blood debt and blood!" A word like this flashed in Agui's mind.

At this time, Agui became an important figure in the Baima Qiang. People in the tribe expressed their willingness to follow Agui’s orders. The reason for this choice was also out of helplessness. Although the Di people and the Qiang came from the same origin , Usually guard against each other, Agui has more than 500 elite soldiers in his hands. If he is willing to stay in Baimaqiang, he will have a greater chance of winning against the attack of the Han soldiers.

In the end, Agui agreed. Even after returning to the tribe of the Di people, he still had to beware of the soldiers of the Han army, and the first that the Han army attacked was the tribe of the Qiang people, because the tribe of the Qiang people was closer to the Han army. , The Han army has no reason to abandon the near and seek further at this time.

Although the Qiang pawns failed in this battle, there are still many warriors in the tribe, which can pose a big threat to the Han army. It is unrealistic to abandon the Qiang tribe and attack the Di tribe.

The White Horse Qiang people did not violate Agui's order, and gathered the warriors in the tribe together and obeyed Agui's command. As a result, Agui's force reached two thousand.

The failure of the war, and there are many things lost. Failure not only means that many Qiang soldiers died in battle, but also their weapons and armors will become the trophies of the Han army, just like today’s white horses. The warriors of the Qiang tribe are average, and the swords in their hands can be described as shabby. If you encounter a dead soldier, I am afraid that a fight will cause the swords in their hands to break.

After the Qiangs retreated, Shanglu City was back in the hands of the Han army, but at this time, Shanglu City was not enough to describe it as miserable. There were not a dozen people in the city. The expressions of the surviving people were full of horror. How much harm the Qiang has caused them.

The things in the city have already been emptied by the Qiang people. This is also the habit of the Qiang people. Only after they reach the tribe can they be at ease. This time the Qiang people raided Shanglu and caused great harm to the Han people.

Putting the wounded soldiers in Shanglu City, Tai Shici ordered three thousand soldiers and horses and came towards the Qiang Dao. This is also the only way to enter the territory of the Qiang people. Participating in the wolf Qiang and the White Horse Qiang is mainly active in the east of Wudu. Place, survive in the form of a tribe.

Ju taught: "General, even though the Qiang army has been defeated on the battlefield, there are still many soldiers in the tribe. The Qiang people are martial arts, and the warriors in the tribe can be used as soldiers. You should be more cautious. Shenlangqiang is good at poisoning."

Tai Shici nodded and said: "Military officers can rest assured, Qiang people are brave, but they lack strategy. With military teachers on the sidelines, they will surely be able to break through the tribe of Qiang people."

In fact, there is still a lot of risk to break the Qiang army this time. In the end, the Di sergeant led by Agui almost broke the Chinese army of the Han army. If Agui succeeds, the Han army will face it. Failure on the battlefield can only be passively defensive in Wudu, which will cause more Han people to be implicated in the defeat.

Chang'an will not have a large army mobilized, and the force that can be relied on can only be themselves.

The victory in the battle outside Shanglu city had a profound impact on the situation in Wudu. The Qiang people were worried about the safety of the tribe and could not pose a threat to the Han people. This victory was a great encouragement to the Han army. Over the years, the Han army has been at a disadvantage during the battle with the army of the Qiangdi tribe. Seeing the power of the Qiangdi gradually grow, defeating the Qiang people has restored the disadvantage to a great extent, allowing the people in Liangzhou. The Han people saw that the Qiang people were not invincible.

Tai Shici prepared soldiers and horses to join Langqiang and Baimaqiang, and the battle outside Guzang city began gradually.

When the scouts of the Han army and the Qiangdi army launched a deadly fight on the battlefield, the confrontation between the two sides began on the battlefield of the scouts. Flying on the battlefield outside the city of Guzang gave the Qiang cavalry painful The lesson, when facing the Han cavalry, they dare not to have the contempt of the past.

Even when some Qiang cavalry who were alone saw the Han cavalry, their first reaction was to flee. As a result, the Qiang's attempt to find out more information by relying on the advantage of the number of cavalry failed. NS.

Bei Gongfeng’s recent mood is very irritable. Cheng Qian’s death made him feel that he has lost a lot of support. When there were wars in the past, Cheng Qian was on the sidelines, but he didn’t feel much. On the contrary, he felt that Cheng Qian could not. in this way.

After Cheng Qian died, Bei Gong Feng felt the importance of Cheng Qian. If someone helped him, he would be able to avoid more mistakes. As for the patriarchs of the strongman tribe, it would not work. What these people think about most in their minds is to directly lead the soldiers to rush up, without considering how to reduce their own losses on the battlefield to achieve victory.

The failure of Lei Yi's leading soldiers to poison the wolf and Qiang gave Beigong a sense of urgency. This time, the Han army seemed a little different.

In the battle of scouts on the battlefield, the Qiang cavalry was completely at a disadvantage. Bei Gongfeng knew little about the situation on the battlefield, let alone the news of the Han barracks, while the cavalry of the Han army often appeared in Qiang. On the outside of the human camp, the situation of the Qiangdi army will be quickly investigated for the Han army.

Bei Gongfeng has experienced many wars. However, it is impossible to have so many cities today. He understands the great role that scouts can play on the battlefield. If they can be used properly, it will be all detrimental.

There is no doubt that Qiangdi's soldiers are brave. If the courage of Qiangdi's soldiers can be combined with strategies, the combat effectiveness will be even stronger.

However, Bei Gongfeng is destined to be disappointed, because no one can advise him at this time. There are many unsuspecting literati among the Han, but there are very few literati who make such a choice like Cheng Qian. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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