Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1609: : Di Wang Zhimou

Recently, Bei Gongfeng has paid more attention to the king of Baiqindi, Yang Wanwan. From Yang Wanwan’s proposal, he can feel that Yang Wanwan is a man with a certain strategy, compared to those Qiang generals who only know how to kill. I don't know how strong it is.

So Bei Gongfeng simply let Yang Wan stay by his side and was responsible for making suggestions. In this way, the status of the soldiers under Yang Wan's ranks in the army was greatly improved.

This situation also makes many patriarchs of Qiang tribes dissatisfied. Beigong Feng was born in Qiang, but he reused Di people. Although the cooperation between the two parties was very good before, the Qiang people have been gradually growing in recent years. If people take the opportunity to rise, it will inevitably affect their interests. However, the dissatisfaction of the Qiang tribe can only be hidden under the order of Beigongfeng. Beigongfeng has absolute prestige among the Qiang tribe. Over the years, Some Qiang tribes have gradually declined because they did not obey Beigongfeng's orders. In the treatment of their subordinates, Beigongfeng naturally has its own advantages. Otherwise, why did they get to where they are today.

After Yang Wanwan was newly appointed, he did not show arrogance. At the same time, he also understood that this was an opportunity for the rise of the Di tribe. He shared the same understanding with many soldiers of the Qiangdi tribe. Yang Wanwan felt that this battle was achieved. Victory will inevitably be the soldiers of the Qiangdi tribe. Although the number of the Han army is quite large, they are a little worse than the Qiangs in the courage of the soldiers, which can be seen from the time when they attacked Guzang.

Beigong Feng said: "The Han army now has more than 60,000 people. In the Han army, there must be a crossbow among the Han population and a sharp weapon that can throw huge stones. If you are not careful when you are fighting, The army may suffer considerable losses."

Yang Wan's expression was a bit heavy. He thought of the damage caused to Qiangdi's army by the monster throwing the boulder and the crossbow when he attacked Guzang. Blocked.

If the Han army had a large number of such equipment, even if the Han army failed on the battlefield, the Qiangdi army would never want to break Gu Zang, and it would be difficult to achieve the purpose of sealing Beigong in Liangzhou.

"King Qiang, if we get the methods for building those things, wouldn't we have a greater chance of winning against the Han army?"

Bei Gong Feng heard the words before his eyes lit up, and hurriedly asked: "But what tricks does King Di have?"

Yang Wanwan pondered for a moment and said: "If our army can capture the craftsmen of the Han army, it will definitely be able to build these sharp weapons, but the Han army is very tight in defense. The army caught it."

Bei Gongfeng’s expression was distressed. The Han army’s accomplishments in equipment and armor were not comparable to those of Qiang’s soldiers. Even when the man was weak, relying on these things, he still made the Qiang people pay a lot. The price.

The rise of Qiangdi in Liangzhou that year caused heavy losses to the Han army. It also brought losses to the Qiangdi tribe. This is also the reason why the Qiangdi tribe gradually fell silent after the war.

The Han people have a larger population. The defeat on the battlefield in Liangzhou is nothing to them. However, the Qiangdi tribe cannot tolerate such failures. The Beigong seal has gathered 80% of the Qiangdi tribe. The warrior wanted to defeat the Han army in a battle.

"King Qiang, if he can win a decisive battle with the Han army, he will certainly be able to obtain these things. The most important thing at the moment is to prepare for a decisive battle with the Han army. The next decisive battle will definitely have greater confidence and will not easily withdraw into the city. This is our army's opportunity." Yang Wan said in a low voice.

Bei Gong Feng didn't know what he said, so why didn't he hope that his scouts on the battlefield could gain an advantage, the key is that after sending a lot of scouts, he still hasn't changed his current state.

"The number of the Han army is less than 20,000 people than our army. If our army has an advantage in numbers when fighting, the Han army will inevitably be more vigilant and will retreat into the city if it is wrong. The height of the city cannot be broken in a short period of time. After the Han gains an advantage in scouts, they will inevitably relax their vigilance. They think that our army is nothing but this. In the decisive battle, there will be some slack. In this way, the Han army will be defeated. The opportunity is here."

Bei Gongfeng nodded his head again and again, and looked at Yang Wanwan with a hint of admiration. He was able to find his own advantage in the disadvantage, Yang Wanwan could also be called a talent.

Now whether they are Di people or Qiang people, as long as they can be useful to Beigong, they will be reused. Now the most important thing is to defeat the Han people. Only after the Han army is defeated can they gain from the battle of time. More things will make the Qiang people stronger and gradually complete their plan to encroach on Liangzhou.

"In the army, there will be King Laodi. If the Han army can be defeated and the capture is Wuwei, then two cities will be owned by the King Di tribe." Bei Gong Feng said.

Yang Wanxi is happy to show up The city is extremely important to him. If the city can be used as a backing, the current situation of the Di tribe can be greatly improved. The reason why he spared no effort to help Bei Gong Feng, why not want to get more benefits.

Although there are not many soldiers in the Di tribe, they are more elite than those from the Qiang tribe. The environment in which the Di tribe has survived in recent years has been worse, which makes the soldiers in the army more resilient in the face of war. .

Not only is Beigong Feng discussing the issue of dealing with the Han army, the plan for the battle against the Qiangdi army has entered the final stage among the Han army.

The most difficult time during this period was Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Li Ru who came with the army. The battlefield with more than 100,000 people must be huge. The battle outside Huguan took longer to plan, although it was a frontal battlefield. The confrontation on the battlefield and the different formations of troops may change the course of a war. Lu Bu does not allow defeat on the battlefield.

The counselors under Lu Bu had the same idea. If the Liangzhou battlefield fails, it means that Lu Bu will lose more things.

In the battle against the Qiangdi army, it is necessary for one's own side to have a deeper understanding of the Qiang people's combat habits, what kind of soldiers are in the army, and only in this way can they make a reasonable response on the battlefield.

Today, among the Qiangdi army outside the city, the number of cavalry has reached 5,000. This is a force that cannot be ignored. In the confrontation of scouts, although their cavalry has gained an advantage, the news passed back through the flying scouts. Look, these Qiang scouts are extremely crazy, even when they are in a disadvantaged position, they will not retreat in the slightest. From them, what Lü Bu feels is the crazy Chang'an army. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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