Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1620: : Cavalry showdown

This kind of difficult battle is a test for Baima Yicong. If you can make a breakthrough on this kind of difficult battlefield, the effect will be better than ordinary training. It is still a great experience to experience the battlefield and usual training. The difference, the experience between life and death, is often more able to stimulate people's potential.

The biggest difference between elite soldiers and ordinary soldiers is whether they can apply what they usually train to the battlefield, and what kind of response they should have when facing the enemy.

Zhao Yun has been fighting for many years and naturally understands the truth. He saw a famous Bai Ma Yicong falling from the war horse, but Zhao Yun did not help too much at this time. How powerful was Bai Ma Yicong under Gongsun Zan's back then. The mighty Wuhuan people were frightened by the news, and Baima Yicong was never afraid of the enemy's strength when facing war.

The battle on the field returned to stalemate again, but with Zhao Yun's charge led by Bai Ma Yicong, it allowed the Han army to keep moving closer to the Qiang people. Under the charge of the cavalry, the Qiang people faced the Han army again. The soldiers retorted desperately, and kept backing away.

At this time, Beigongfeng can mobilize more than 13,000 soldiers and horses. This is also the last strength of the Qiang people. If it were not for the defeat of their cavalry, how could the army of the Qiang people be faced with the cavalry of the Han army? So passive.

Beigong Feng is also waiting for the opportunity. Although the Qiang army is at a disadvantage, it is still very likely to win. Your own pawns can ease the enemy cavalry's attack to a great extent. This is for the Qiang. It is of great significance to the army of people.

After resisting the cavalry's offensive, the rest of the Han army was not a concern in Bei Gongfeng's eyes.

Regardless of the current Qiang formation, it will have a completely different effect after the Beigong Feng orders the soldiers to come forward.

What I have to mention is that whether it is the left and right wings or the white horse Yicong who rushes to the side, to a great extent the strength of the Qiang army is involved, otherwise the Beigong Feng can mobilize more soldiers and horses.

Di Wang Yang is tens of millions, but he is not as optimistic as Bei Gongfeng. He now has two thousand cavalrymen. If the last two thousand cavalrymen cannot stop the charge of the Han cavalry, the Qiang people will be completely passive. Now that the war has been underway, it is absolutely impossible for the two sides to make peace by hand, and the Han army still has a significant advantage on the bright side.

"King Qiang, now our army's infantry can hardly resist these white horse cavalry, it is better to send cavalry forward to stop, if we can defeat the cavalry of the Han army, our army will certainly be able to win." Yang Wan persuaded.

"Okay, in the words of King Di, we will send orders for our army's cavalry to mobilize a thousand people to meet these white horse cavalry." Bei Gong said.

Along with the order of Beigong Feng, thousands of Qiang cavalry appeared on the battlefield, and the pressure of the Qiang pawns in the face of Baima Yicong was suddenly reduced.

Thousands of Qiang cavalry appeared in front of Baima Yicong. This was Baima Yicong’s first battle against a large-scale cavalry. In this battlefield, there is a big difference from the duel between two cavalry on the battlefield. In such a battlefield, if you have insufficient experience against the battlefield, you may fall on the battlefield.

But there is no soldier who does not want to survive on the battlefield. Even the Qiang soldiers who are in the forefront when charging, they want to survive, but they have to work hard to survive.

The Qiang cavalry began to charge their horses, and the disappearance of the Qiang soldiers in front of the battlefield made Bai Ma a lot easier.

Zhao Yun looked at the cavalry of the Qiang people who came to kill, like the cavalry of the Qiang people, among them, there are naturally Qiang generals in command. If they can directly kill the Qiang generals on the battlefield with fierce means If it is, it can affect the direction of this war to a certain extent. There is a difference between the strength of soldiers and soldiers on the battlefield when there are generals and no generals.

When the Qiang cavalry began to charge, Zhao Yun found his target. Although the Qiang general was hidden among the cavalry, he still recognized him.

The uniforms of Qiang generals are very different from ordinary cavalry.

There are more than a hundred cavalry around Zhao Yun, which is also the most important force for Zhao Yun to behead the Qiang generals in one fell swoop.

On the battlefield, it is impossible to rush and kill with a military commander alone. The bravery of a military commander can stimulate the combat effectiveness of his subordinates to a certain extent, and when he charges into battle, it can play a key role in tearing apart the enemy's formation.

The subsequent cavalry only needs to closely follow the general to cause continuous damage to the enemy. Of course, this condition has extremely high requirements for the generals' martial arts.

The long spear shook several times, and the two Qiang cavalry at the front suddenly fell from the horse. There were hideous wounds on their throats, and the bright silver spear again brought blood from the starting point.

After fighting for a while, Zhao Yun’s bright silver spear already had the lives of four Qiang cavalry Some Qiang generals saw Zhao Yun killed and rushed forward without hesitation. It was just the martial arts of these generals. Too weak, no one can survive two rounds in Zhao Yun's hands.

In Zhao Yun's eyes, the martial arts of these so-called Qiang generals are too weak, but in the eyes of Qiang soldiers, their generals' martial arts are still extremely powerful.

After the Qiang’s cavalry general was angry when he saw the scene of Zhao Yun wandering on the battlefield, he secretly increased his vigilance. His cavalry commander Gu Yan had already died on the battlefield. This shows that the Han generals’ martial arts are high and powerful, and what Zhao Yun showed. The martial arts is absolutely shocking, and an angry face asks himself that he can't do this on the battlefield.

It seems that he has seen Zhao Yun's goal. Hundreds of cavalry gathered beside him. They charge along with him. Looking at it from a distance, he seems to be like Zhao Yun. He wants to break through the enemy's formation with his elite troops. It was the angry face who wanted to rely on the cavalry around him to protect her safety.

Zhao Yun shouted angrily, stabbed with a bright silver spear in his hand, and the two cavalry fell off their horses crashingly.

Without the obstacles of the cavalry in front of him, Zhao Yun violently kicked the horse under him and rushed towards the angry face.

I noticed the anger of this scene, and kept commanding the cavalry around him to step forward. However, these cavalry would be Zhao Yun's opponents. Such scattered steps only gave Zhao Yun a chance to gradually kill them.

When the Qiang people faced Zhao Yun, they were uncontrollably afraid, just as they had just blocked Zhao Yun's pawns. Zhao Yun used his strength to win the respect of the Qiang cavalry.

But now Zhao Yun will definitely not consider these issues. He needs the head of a Qiang general to achieve the purpose of disintegrating the Qiang cavalry. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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