Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1621: : The wolf ride appears

Zhao Yunma is fast, and Bai Mayi will kill afterwards, but it has blocked many Qiang cavalry who want to make a secret attack.

In the eyes of the angry face, Zhao Yun's image was infinitely magnified, and his cavalry was as weak as a baby in front of Zhao Yun.

"Kill!" Angrily shouted, and he rode a horse to greet him. He knew that if he retreats at this time, it will have a significant impact on the morale of the army, and it is likely to cause the failure of the Qiang cavalry. He is a cavalry general of the Qiang tribe and cannot shrink back when facing difficulties. He has his own glory.

When the two horses crossed, only one united, Zhao Yun beheaded his angry face.

The death of the angry face caused a lot of shock among the Qiang cavalry. The Qiang cavalry who witnessed this scene were even more afraid of Zhao Yun. Their generals turned out to be executed for Zhao Yun in just one round. What a powerful martial arts.

After losing the generals, the Qiang cavalry did not retreat as Zhao Yun had expected. They were still struggling to resist the attack from the Han cavalry on the battlefield, as if the generals were dead, without causing them much impact. .

This also has a lot to do with the habit of the Qiang pawns when they rush and kill. Whenever there is a war, the Qiang pawns will not easily retreat. They often fight separately, relying on their personal martial arts to win the war. This unique way of fighting allows them to continue to persevere when they are brutal against the enemy, even if the generals in the army die on the battlefield, because when they are fighting, few Qiang soldiers will obey and execute. The commanders are often the soldiers next to the generals.

Zhao Yun showed satisfaction. What he needed was the shock of the Qiang at this time. Even if the Qiang did not retreat, the strength of his cavalry would definitely make the Qiang cavalry more fearful.

When the Qiang cavalry general died, the Qiang cavalry had no initial advantage when facing the white horse Yicong.

When news of the death of the cavalry general came again, Bei Gongfeng was depressed again. Why did his generals repeatedly die in the hands of the Han generals? Among the Qiang people, there are many warriors, but now they see the warriors. In front of the Han generals, it seemed so vulnerable. Such a situation made Bei Gong Feng amazed at the combat effectiveness of the Han generals.

In the past, what the Han army showed to the Qiang was its weak strength. In just a few years, the Han army had made such great progress. If this continues, doesn’t it mean that the Qiang will face the Han army in the future? Will lose more advantages.

The Qiang people live in a tribal situation, and they are not as good as the Han people in terms of numbers. If they can't have a huge advantage in strength, they will eventually be defeated by the Han people. At this point, Beigong Feng is still relatively strong and sober. This is also the reason why the Beigong seized Zhangye and Jiuquan counties. If the Qiang people want to survive in the Han people, they must constantly improve their own strength and survive in the form of tribes. After all, they are not comparable. Life in the city.

Once the road to the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions is opened up, after the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions have a certain influence, it also means that the Qiang people have completely established a foothold in Liangzhou.

The battle with the Han army this time was not what Bei Gongfeng wanted. His idea was that when the Qiang people could occupy Dunhuang County, after the Western Region Changshi Mansion expanded the influence of the Qiang people, he would gradually increase the strength of the Qiang people. Then he was preparing for a decisive battle with the Han people. However, the development of the matter exceeded the expectations of the Qiang people, and Lu Bu did not intend to give the Qiang people a chance to continue to develop.

Even old friends like Han Sui are on the side of King Jin, making the situation of the Qiang people even more critical. For Han Sui’s ability, the Qiang people are more jealous, otherwise, they will not let it go. Han Sui gradually strengthened his own strength in Liangzhou.

Zhao Yun beheaded the enemy generals and affected the strength of the Qiang people to a greater extent, and the battlefield situation was developing towards the advantage of the Han army.

The soldiers of the Han army, perhaps stimulated by the white horse Yicong led by Zhao Yun, broke out on the battlefield with a strong fighting force. Fortunately, the strength of the Qiang people was not weak, and they barely resisted the attack of the Han army.

After Lü Bu learned of the situation on the battlefield, the time had come to launch a final attack on the Qiang army. His cavalry had an absolute advantage on the battlefield. This was the greatest deterrence to the Qiang people, and the strongest impact on the battlefield. There is nothing more than a wolf ride.

Even the war horses have armored cavalry. Once they charge up on the battlefield, they cannot be easily resisted by infantry. Moreover, with armor protection, the cavalry can survive better on the battlefield.

The combat effectiveness of the wolf riders has been tested on the battlefield. Their fighting methods are extremely suitable for chaotic battlefields, and they can help the army open up the situation on the battlefield.

"Lord be careful, Qiang soldiers are brave, not to be underestimated." Dianwei reminded.

Lu Bu nodded slightly with a serious face, as long as he was on the battlefield, Lu Bu would not despise any enemy. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

There is no doubt that the Qiang people are powerful. They have only been at a disadvantage since the battle, and there has been no situation of soldiers fleeing. It shows that the Qiang people are powerful. The most important thing is that the Han army can be said to be able to use all means, no matter it is. The bed crossbow, the camp or the strong crossbow army on the battlefield are all elites who can influence the direction of a war.

Today, such elites have not really affected the situation on the battlefield. This situation makes Lu Bu feel a little unbelievable.

But now, Lu Bu will personally take action to solve all of this. When the Qiang people are struggling to support, the appearance of a heavy cavalry is not something the power of the Qiang army can resist.

The Han army attached great importance to the Chinese army, as did the Qiang army. From the time of the war to the present, the Qiang army has been under close protection and did not relax too much. This is the cause of the protracted war. The Qiang army has died. Unwilling to retreat, and the Han army urgently needs this big victory to stabilize the situation in Liangzhou, the battle between the two sides has become inseparable.

The stronger the Qiang people show, the more it will arouse Lü Bu’s jealousy. The strong Qiang people’s strength will be more unfavorable to the stability of Liangzhou. Liangzhou does not need a strong Qiang, but an honest person. In Lu Bu’s eyes, these Qiang tribe soldiers and their tribesmen will be an important force in building Liangzhou in the future. Even if they need to rely on the support of other prefectures and counties, Lu Bu will also build a long history that leads directly to the Western Regions. The road of the mansion made the connection between the Han and the Western Regions Changshi Mansion once again close.

Lu Bu led the wolf cavalry out, driving the soldiers of the Han army crazy, and even the main general took action on this battlefield himself. As ordinary soldiers, there is no reason for them to slack off. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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