Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1651: : City Break

With the cover of the trapped camp and the euphorbia, more Han soldiers boarded the city wall. In terms of morale, the Han soldiers are absolutely high.

After seeing this scene, many Qiang soldiers quietly left the city wall while the generals were not paying attention. They had just experienced the failure outside Guzang city. Now that the Han army has just attacked the city, they have fallen so much. Paoze, this was an unequal battle. When they faced the soldiers of the Han sergeant, they had no chance of winning, and no one wanted to experience such a war.

Qinghe wanted to roar up to the sky, the Qiang people needed a fair war.

However, the war cannot be completely fair. The Qiang people are brave in terms of personal strength, and they have lost their advantage in armor. If the Qiang people also have the life of the Han people, would they choose to start war? Will the soldiers still be so good?

After more and more Han soldiers boarded the city wall, Qinghe gritted his teeth and decided to abandon the city. There are still many cities in Zhangye in the hands of the Qiang. As long as they can gain a foothold in other cities, they can also get on the battlefield. After winning victory, he glanced at the Qiang pawns around him. He didn't know how many of these pawns were caused by poisoning.

What Qinghe is certain is that these Qiang soldiers will not die because of poisoning. Many soldiers are just a little dizzy after being poisoned.

"It's a pity that there are so many Qiang warriors." Qing He sighed and led his guards away.

Qinghe's departure caused the Qiang people in the city to gradually give up resistance. The successive failures made them no longer want to face the Han army. The quickest way to do not want to face the Han army is to surrender and become a member of the Han army. After that, they are in the same camp and will not attack each other.

These Qiang people believe that the Han people will not embarrass them, because the Han people are a country of etiquette, and they still pay more attention to this kind of thing.

The power of role models is infinite, and more and more Qiang pawns have put down their weapons, and in the face of absolute strength, the Qiangs have gradually let go of their pride.

The city gate slowly opened, and Lu Bu led a large army into the city. This battle was the easiest time since attacking the Qiangs. Just relying on the poison made the Qiangs retreat, allowing Lu Bu to find a new way of fighting. However, the formula for this poison cannot be circulated.

After the army entered the city and stabilized the city and gathered the Qiang captives, Lu Bu ordered Lei Li to be brought over.

This battle let Lu Bu realize the value of Raleigh. This method of warfare can greatly affect the changes in the war. As for whether it can be applied to the battlefield, it depends on what these poisons will have. Lu Bu is not a pedantic person, and he will not use the lives of the people under the rule of other vassals as a victim of victory.

"Leili, I heard that you are the one who participated in the wolf and qiang?" Lu Bu asked lightly.

Lei Li’s expression was a bit agitated. This was the highest-ranking person in the Han army. He was the king of the Han Dynasty. The Qiang had a king. The Beigongfeng was the king of the Qiang. However, the Beigongfeng was compared with Lu Bu. Li feels completely different. Lu Bu makes him feel majesty and solemnity. Every move can affect his mood. But Beigongfeng gives him the feeling more similar to being tough and having to obey. The temperament of the two is too great. Big surprise.

"Enlighten King Jin, the villain is the one who participated in the wolf and Qiang." Lei Li respectfully bowed.

Among the Qiang people, there are not a few people who can speak Chinese. They often deal with the Chinese people in Liangzhou. If they don't understand the Chinese language, they will have a lot of trouble.

"What effect will that kind of poison have?" Lu Bu asked directly.

"This poison, only a small amount can make people comatose, but there are too many soldiers in the city, and many soldiers did not faint." Lei Li said here, his face turned reddish.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "It's okay, if people are unconscious, can they make these people sober?"

"Yes." Reilly replied respectfully.

Lu Bu was delighted when he heard this. If this is the case, if the prince's army is not guarded, suddenly giving the enemy a little bit, doesn't it mean that he has a complete advantage.

"Well, this thing is a secret in the army. No one is allowed to spread it out. In the future, participating in the wolf and Qiang tribe will also be rewarded by this king." Lu Bu laughed.

Raleigh was overjoyed when he heard the words and hurriedly thanked him.

"Who else understands this kind of thing?" Lü Bu asked.

"The patriarch who participated in the wolf and qiang understands this kind of thing, but on the battlefield of Wudu, the patriarch died in battle, and the person who participated in the wolf and qiang now has a five-year punishment." Leily said in the end, his voice was even lower. Now, it takes great courage to bargain in front of Lu Bu.

Lu Bu smiled upon hearing this: "If this is the case, the penalty for participating in Langqiang is changed to three years. If you can make further contributions, the penalty for participating in Langqiang tribe will be cancelled."

Lei Li hurriedly thanked him. He knew that this was an opportunity to join the wolf Qiang. In the past Shen Lang Qiang followed Bai Ma Qiang more, and he used Bai Ma in dealing with the Han people. What Qiang learned was that Shenlang Qiang was superior to others in terms of poisons, but it was not as good as its combat effectiveness. This was also the reason why Shenlang Qiang directly took refuge after the Han army broke through the Qiang Dao.

"In the future, you will follow Shi A's side and you must not violate it." Lu Bu said.

"Here." After Lei Li cooperated with Shi A, he naturally knew Shi A's life. Shi A felt very cold and maverick for Lei Li, but he knew Shi A's ability a little. All of the soldiers are so powerful, needless to say, as their commander, Shi A's skills must be even more powerful.

In any case, his credit this time has reduced the penalty for Shen Langqiang by two years. After this kind of thing spreads to the tribe, it will definitely make the tribe people excited.

In fact, after taking refuge in the Han people, it seems to Lei Li that it is also good. The strength of the Han army has been demonstrated through this battle. A strong Han naturally does not want to have a strong Qiang under their rule. Both sides Sooner or later there will be wars, and after the Qiangs break through the Han city, their behavior can indeed be described as cruel, including many generals in Sanlang Qiang.

That is under the overall situation, Shenlangqiang is naturally unable to perform maverick, but deep down, Shenlangqiang is actually not against the Han people.

After the Han army entered the city, the Qiang army in the city became the captives of the Han army. The fate of meeting them in the future will be tragic. Seeing this scene, Lei Li secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had a wise choice to join the wolf and Qiang. , Otherwise it would be extremely difficult for him to make a contribution to change his situation. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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