Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1652: : Persuasion of Yang 0 Wan

After twenty years have passed, who can still remember the tribe, this kind of punishment, although it prevents the Qiang people from worrying about their lives, at the same time it is cruel to them.

Without the tribe, although life is much more stable, there will be a lot of suffering. Especially after becoming a member of the construction team, it means that their status is lower than that of the Han people, their food is worse, and the work they do is worse. It is the most, the Qiang people are hardworking, but twenty years later, when these light-clothed hair turns white, can they still not worry too much about their current situation as they did when they were young?

Although the Han people did not let the Qiang people be punished by extermination, they caused the Qiang people to suffer more serious consequences, but with the hope of survival, no one would choose to resist.

After the Qiang people have experienced two failures, they no longer have the confidence in their own strength in their hearts.

After the county city was breached, the Qiang people in Zhangye shouldn’t worry about it. Although the various tribes were entrenched in the city and lived like Han people, once the army of Han people arrived, more Qiang people chose to escape or open the city directly. The door surrendered, the battle between the Qiang people and the Han army, they had heard too much, and no one wanted to confront the Han army at this time.

The horror of the Han army is also widely circulated among the Qiang people. Among the Qiang people, in fact, it has been circulating how powerful the Han army is, but after the rebellion of the year, the prestige of the Han army in the hearts of the Qiang people After a sudden decline, the Han in their eyes turned into a weak existence, but now the Han army has used tyrannical means to prove to the Qiang once again that they are still powerful and invincible.

The strength of the Han people has a long history. Otherwise, why are the ancestors of the Qiang people so peaceful in Liangzhou?

Qinghe led the defeated generals and fled to the Qiang tribe city closest to Dunhuang County, completely giving up Zhangye.

Although Yang Wan said that he was in control of the Qiang soldiers for the time being, he was a Dier after all, but now the Qiang is facing the threat of the Han army. As long as the Han army retreats, whether they will still follow Yang Wan's orders in this way. It's another matter.

Yang Wan, who is in the Qiang army, seems to be aware of this, so in the Qiang team, there are Di people's generals. The existence of these Di people is to control the Qiang team to a greater extent, and now the Qiang people The tribe didn't want to fall out with Yang Wan at this critical moment, they could only turn a blind eye to Yang Wan's behavior.

Regarding such things, Yang Wanwan sneered. As long as he defeated the Han people, he would have enough strength to deal with these Qiang people. How could Yang Wanwan not know the calculations in the hearts of the Qiang people? The state has been silent for too long, and it is necessary to let the Qiang people understand their strengths.

After receiving the battle situation from Zhangye, Yang Wan's expression was low and the most worrying thing happened. After Gu Zang attacked the Qiang army, the Han army did not let go of the thoughts of the Qiang tribe. Obviously, it was ready to fight. Qiangdi's forces were eradicated from the Shendi of Liangzhou.

Not only the news from Zhangye, but also the news from Wudu. The Qiang people in Wudu also failed, but the experience of Baima Qiang was a bit miserable. The slave for twenty years had to cultivate fields, build cities and roads for the Han people. This kind of encounter is so unfair to the Qiang people, but after the defeat, the Qiang people have no right to speak.

After Yang Wanjun, Wudu Qiang and Zhangye’s defeat in Qiang’s battle, many patriarchs of Qiang tribes secretly rejoiced. Five years are easier to pass than twenty years.

From the Han army, the patriarchs of these Qiang tribes did not see the hope of victory. The invincible Qiang has been completely defeated by the Han army. It is better to endure the fate of being punished after being defeated by the Han army. If you surrender, you can get better treatment.

Of course, this is only the consideration of the patriarchs of a small number of tribes with weaker Qiang people. Their tribes are already weak. After the war, they will become weaker and weaker. They understand the way the Qiang people act, as long as the Han army retreats. After that, many Qiang tribes will inevitably face the rise. The first to bear the brunt is the Di tribe where Yang Wan belongs. The Di tribe has taken too much advantage in this battle.

Yang Wanwan coughed lightly: "Don't think that everything will be fine after you take refuge. As long as you have Han soldiers or the blood of Han people, you will be punished. Do you think that after falling into the hands of the Han people, you can be spared, Han people? It's cunning, now they are doing this just to deliberately confuse me and wait."

Many patriarchs of Qiang tribes expressed their willingness to obey Yang Wan’s orders, which made Yang Wan nod with satisfaction. As for what kind of actions these people would have in secret, it’s not Yang Wan’s control. What he needs is the support of the Qiang tribe, only in this way can he lead the Qiangdi tribe and resist the Han army.

Qinghe was too useless to lose in Zhangye, and even let the Han army poison the city. What a familiar scene. When the Qiangs attacked Fanhe, they relied on the method of poisoning. After most of the Han army lost resistance, they broke the city. Of course, the Han sergeants who lost their resistance were not spared. In dealing with the Han army, the Qiang army has always been very unrelenting. The two sides have already reached a situation of immortality. Why should we leave each other’s lives? Disaster.

This is also where Yang must not understand Lu Bu. The current strength of the Han army is strong enough to describe it. Even if Lu Bu executes these Qiangs, it’s nothing. He was more loyal, but Lu Bu gave these Qiang tribes a chance to survive.

In this way, when faced with difficult wars, some Qiang people will definitely have more thoughts. Surrendering can survive, which is a great temptation for Qiang people.

In an instant, Yang Wanwan understood the intentions of the Han army, which clearly meant to break the fighting spirit of the Qiang people invisibly.

"The methods of the Han people are extremely cruel. They will not let the Qiang people go easily. Don't think that the Han army is benevolent. In the past, the big men really regarded themselves as big countries. When facing us, they might adopt an attitude of tolerance. However, The main general of the Han army is King Jin." Yang Wan said.

The patriarchs of the various tribes showed curiosity when they heard the words. In their opinion, whether it is the king of Jin or the big man, it is the army of the Han people, and there is no difference.

Then Yang Wanwan slowly said the news he knew. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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