Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1706: :Western Regions Long History Mansion

Even the generals in the army cannot be absolutely guaranteed to survive on the battlefield. The battlefield is indeed worthy of credit. The situation in the past and now is completely different, because they have a new master, Lu Bu will Leading them to make achievements in the countries of the Western Regions, this is what every military commander yearns for.

The strength of the countries of the Western Regions is getting stronger and stronger, which will pose a big threat to the big man.

And the topographic map of Lu Bu's head to the country of Yuli is relatively crude, which has a lot to do with the people who don’t have too many people in the country of Weili. The country of Yuli may seem to be powerful in nearby countries, but in the eyes of the princes of the Central Plains, it can only be regarded as a comparison. A stronger tribe is not enough to affect the overall situation. However, such small countries can threaten the big man, and even the safety of the Changshi Mansion cannot be guaranteed. This situation is not a pain for the Han army. Lessons.

In the past, the Han army was so powerful. Facing the Qiang people, it would naturally not show the slightest weakness, but now it is necessary to look at the faces of the Western Regions to a certain extent.

Now Lü Bu will use his mighty force to let the Western Regions understand who is the most powerful person, whether in strategy or in the strength of the army, the Han army is still invincible.

The enthusiasm of the lieutenant generals increased even more during the training, especially the soldiers who were selected to follow the army to join the army, Li Guo, showed exceptional enthusiasm.

The battlefield in Liangzhou has allowed these soldiers to gradually grow up. When facing the war, they did not have the fear of the past, and some were just longing. They longed for credit.

The Western Regions Changshi Mansion was established by the Han Dynasty. Among them, Changshi is the highest-ranking official in the Western Regions. Among the official positions of the Han people, it is also an extremely prominent existence. It is that the power in the hands of Chang Shi is relatively large. When the big Han is prosperous, only a word from Chang Shi will most likely determine the fate of some small countries.

The main responsibility of the Changshi Mansion is to coordinate the contradictions and disputes between the countries of the Western Regions, so that the security of weak countries can be guaranteed, and the road from Liangzhou to the countries of the Western Regions must be ensured smoothly.

The Western Regions Changshi Mansion was controlled by the Liangzhou Governor, but the Western Regions Changshi Mansion was far away from Liangzhou Prefecture, and it was more often under the jurisdiction of the Dunhuang Prefect.

The countries of the Western Regions are still relatively important to the Han. The silks and porcelains of the Western Regions are extremely popular in the Western Regions, and they can make great profits. Merchants are even more eager, and the Western Regions are very welcome to the merchants of the Han. .

The powerful caravans will even go to the Han Dynasty for business. However, the influence of the Changshi Mansion has decreased over the years. Coupled with the chaos in Liangzhou, the merchants from the Western Regions will go to Dunhuang County at best. The wealthy people in the Han Dynasty are still a bit poor in Dunhuang, and the disputes of different countries make it even more difficult for businessmen to travel to Liangzhou.

The Western Regions Changshifu governed more than 30 countries in the east of Dawan and the south of Wusun. The Han people became the 36 countries in the Western Regions. In fact, the Western Regions have undergone many changes, especially the Changshifu lost in the Western Regions. After the original influence, this situation intensified. Some weak countries can only be preserved after they take refuge in a powerful country.

The kings of these countries wear the big Han's seal ribbon, indicating their orthodox status. Even though the influence of the Changshi Mansion in the Western Regions has been greatly reduced, this still has not changed. Wearing the big Han's Yin Shou is orthodox in the eyes of the countries of the Western Regions.

Among the countries of the Western Regions, Wusun and Dawan are the strongest. Wusun has a population of more than 600,000, and has more than 100,000 strong men. Because Wusun is neighboring the Huns to the north, the soldiers are extremely brave when fighting.

But Wusun was not under the jurisdiction of the Western Regions Changshi Mansion. Over the years, as the influence of the Changshi Mansion became weaker and weaker, Wusun had more ideas about the Western Regions. After several trials, King Wusun It was discovered that the big man did nothing else, and he became even more unscrupulous. Although the Western Regions were small countries, if they could embezzle these small countries, Wusun's strength would surely be greatly improved.

The weakness of the big man has allowed Wu Sun to make considerable progress over the years. Of course, Wu Sun's actions are being carried out gradually, and he is unwilling to easily provoke the big man until he is completely sure.

In Wusun's eyes, their powerful neighbors, the Huns, were defeated by the Han army, not to mention the Wusun people.

At the beginning, part of the Huns moved to Dahan's territory, and part of them left the grassland and became neighbors with Wusun. There was constant fighting between the two sides.

And this time Lu Bu is going to attack Yuli Kingdom near Liangzhou, from Liangzhou to Yuli Kingdom, the long journey does not mean how powerful Weili Kingdom is. The people of Weili Kingdom are basically active in the area around Weili~www.readwn. com~ As long as the supreme city in the eyes of Wei Liguo is destroyed, they will face the tragic state of national destruction. This is also the status quo of some small countries in the Western Regions. It is very difficult for them to achieve great development unless they have strong military strength. , Can sweep the countries of the Western Regions, otherwise, other small congresses will unite to resist, and no one wants to be the captives of others.

After the 10,000 troops were ready to go, they set off in the direction of Wei Liguo. When they passed Yumen Pass, the soldiers of Yumen Pass left the pass and sent the army for more than ten miles before leaving. How many years, the army of Dahan, shouldn't be said to be the army of King Jin, entered again. The scope of the Western Regions, this battle is a great encouragement for them, they need such a victory.

The Han's army once again entered the Western Regions. Yu Fan had sufficient confidence in the army's victory. He wished to follow the army to attack Yuli State. This was an opportunity to make the Han's reputation resounding in the Western Regions again.

However, after the army entered the Western Regions, the consumption of grain and grass was a huge problem. When a 10,000 army attacked Weili State, the consumption of grain and grass must be huge.

After the war in Liangzhou spread to Chang'an, Chang'an was rejoiced once again. Liangzhou was calmed down, and Chang'an's army once again proved their strength with their strength.

After the steady development of Chang'an, what was shown to the princes was a thriving situation. In the eyes of the princes, Lu Bu was a martial artist. However, they could not deny that the officials under Lu Bu's administration were no weaker than the princes, or even none. After being blocked by the aristocracy, the speed of development was even faster. The people's attachment to Lu Bu was at this time the most worrying thing in the eyes of the princes. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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