Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1707: : Sun Ce's Mind

In the past, the princes did ignore the power of the people. In their eyes, the people were the lowest level of existence and provided troops for the army. However, after fighting with the Union State Army, their views gradually changed. The power of ordinary people, If the monarch can use it properly, it will also be a great help. In Lu Bu's body, this has been greatly manifested, and the princes want to have strong strength.

When Lu Bu went to Liangzhou, he let Cao Cao and other princes breathe a sigh of relief. A powerful Changan was a great threat to the princes. They wished that Lu Bu could lose more troops in the process of pacifying Liangzhou. In this way, Lu Bu There is no strength to attack other princes.

Even if Lu Bu mobilized an army of 70,000, the princes of the Central Plains still did not dare to underestimate Chang'an. At this time, there were 20,000 troops around Chang'an. Even if the princes united again, they would never want to get any benefits. The reason why Guanzhong was able to become a king The location of the foundation has a lot to do with its terrain. The checkpoints around Chang'an provide a guarantee for the safety of Chang'an. It is difficult for the princes to enter the checkpoint and make great progress. On the contrary, it is not a wise move to offend Lu Bu at this time. .

After the news of Lu Bu's successive victories in Liangzhou came, the princes became more in awe of Lu Bu, and the army that attacked Liangzhou was gradually withdrawing to Chang'an. After they achieved victory, they left behind a certain number of defenders. , Will return to their respective residences.

Liangzhou is barren, and it is difficult to provide food and grass for the army.

After the suppression of Liangzhou, not only the princes, but even the officials in Chang'an thought that Lu Bu would lead the troops back to Chang'an. However, the development of the matter was unexpected, and Lu Bu led the army to prepare to attack Wei Li State.

The State of Wei Li has posed a great threat to Liangzhou over the years. However, if the army goes out of Yumen Pass to attack the State of Wei Li, it will be a great challenge. It is mainly a supply issue. Once the army suffers heavy losses in the wars of the Western Regions, it will be a big challenge. Affect the stability of Chang'an.

After facing this situation, Jia Xu was more cautious. After a certain period of recuperation, the princes would not give Lu Bu long time to develop. Especially Cao Cao was an ambitious generation. Lu Bu's strength became stronger and stronger. For Cao Cao, the greater the threat. This is also the reason why Cao Cao agreed to join forces with Lu Bu. He needs to improve his strength so that the army will have a greater advantage when facing Lu Bu in the future.

Jiangdong made a big breakthrough in this war in Jingzhou, occupying most of the counties and counties in Jingzhou, which is a great encouragement to Jiangdong, and Sun Ce's advancement to the king of Wu also made the civil servants and generals under his command high-spirited.

After years of turbulence, the civil servants and generals who originally claimed to be the Han ministers have reduced their awe of the Dahan to the lowest point. The powerful princes will win their support, and Sun Ce's strength and courage in Jiangdong, The impact on Jiangdong is huge.

Only when Sun Ce's status is higher can they get more benefits.

In Jiangdong, there are also many aristocratic families who are repellent to Sun Ce, but such aristocratic families are gradually weakening as Sun Ce's strength grows.

Lv Bu led the army to attack Liangzhou, which made Sun Ce a little uncontrollable. What he most desired was to take advantage of Jingzhou to seize Yizhou and form a three-point world situation. Otherwise, Jiangdong’s strength among the princes would be platoon. In the later, this situation is naturally not what Sun Ce would like to see.

In the past, Sun Ce attacked Jingzhou and did not have much conflict with Cao Jun. However, after Xiangyang was broken by Cao Jun, Liu Qi entered Yizhou.

Sun Ce wanted to further enhance Jiangdong’s strength and attacked Wuling and Nanjun. It became an inevitable trend. As for the joint threat of Chang'an with the princes again, even after success, Jiangdong won’t get much. However, with Lu Bu Jiang Dong's strength will be further improved if he jointly attack Cao Cao. This is also the reason Sun Ceming knew that Lu Bu had joined him to contain Cao Cao, and he still agreed.

The warehousing of grain and grass gave Sun Ce greater confidence. He wants to make greater breakthroughs in this year’s war, and if he wants to break through Nanjun and Wuling County, joining Changan is an important matter, as long as Changan threatens Yanzhou or Nanyang's actions can affect Cao Jun's strength, but it is more difficult to persuade Chang'an to send troops at this time.

"Gong Jin, King Jin led an army and horse to attack Liangzhou. After the Qiang people in Liangzhou were put down, it was the leader who attacked Wei Liguo. It was difficult to return to Chang'an in a short time. It might be difficult to persuade Chang'an to send troops to threaten Nanyang." Sun Ce road.

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "The lord does not need to worry. Although the number of soldiers and horses in Chang'an today is only 20,000, Tai Shici and Pound led the troops to Ping the Qiang people, and they have returned to Chang'an and built a road from Liangzhou to Chang'an~www. It can be seen that this time Jin Wang’s picture is not a small one. The soldiers and horses who followed Lu Bu to fight in Liangzhou are also returning to Chang’an one after another. Chang’an’s military strength will soon reach 50,000. Under this number of troops, It is of course not a problem for the Lord Ce Ying to seize Nanjun and Wuling County, especially Wuling County, Jiangdong is bound to win."

Wuling County belongs to the four counties of southern Jingzhou and also has an important position in Jingzhou. Today, Sun Ce has Jiangxia County, Lingling County, Changsha County, and Guiyang County in his hands. These counties are weaker in Jingzhou, such as Jiangxia , Often withstands the Jiangdong army’s offensive, the slow development can be imagined, and Guiyang and other counties are close to the barbarians, development is also threatened, the most prosperous in Jingzhou are Nanjun and Wuling counties, as long as Wuling counties With control in their hands, the Jiangdong Army can further threaten Nanjun.

After success, the counties in Jingzhou will only have the land of Nanyang County in Cao Jun's hands. In this way, Cao Jun's influence in Jingzhou will be minimized.

The reason why Sun Ce had such confidence was also related to the Jingzhou officials going to Xu. Cao Cao worried that if Jingzhou officials stayed in Jingzhou, it would pose a big threat to the governance of the place, and he was moved to Xudu with the imperial court.

After the great family of Jingzhou leaves, Jingzhou will become more pure. Although Jiangdong has been fighting with Jingzhou over the years, he secretly contacted the small families of Jingzhou. The power of these families is not conspicuous on weekdays. It would be fatal to Cao Jun if he suddenly came out when the battle was the most important.

"I don't know who is going to Chang'an, it's more appropriate." Sun Ce asked.

Zhou Yu was silent for a moment and said: "This time my subordinates personally went to Chang'an to persuade Jia Xu to send troops to threaten Nanyang." The real lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please Wechat/Search/Search Hot Net or rdww444, etc. You come to tease~

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