Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1708: : Sun Ce kills Xu Gong

"Gong Jin is an important person in Jiangdong. How can you be in danger. If you go to Chang'an, you will be under Cao Cao's rule. It is not advisable." Sun Ce shook his head. Although the two are monarchs and ministers, their feelings are better than brothers. Zhou Yu is in Jiangdong army. Zhong is an important figure after Sun Ce, which is well known in Jiangdong Army, and Zhou Yu's strategy in leading the battle has convinced the soldiers in the army.

Zhou Yu said: "Lord, now Jiangdong is stable. When his subordinates go to Chang'an, they only need a few guards to follow. After disguising, they will certainly not alarm Cao Jun. As long as they arrive in Chang'an, their subordinates will have the confidence to persuade Jia Xu."

Seeing that Sun Ce was still showing concern, Zhou Yu smiled and said: "The subordinates went to the rule of King Jin in the past, but they also went under the rule of Cao Cao. Now Jiangdong is strong, even if Cao Cao learns that his subordinates have passed by, they will not At this time, if you anger Jiangdong, you must know that Chang'an's army is a big deterrent to Cao Caohui." Zhou Yu said.

"So, there will be Lao Gongjin." Sun Ce said that Zhou Yu was really worried about letting Zhou Yu go to Chang'an, mainly because Zhou Yu was too important to Jiangdong.

"The subordinates will definitely complete the entrustment of the lord." Zhou Yu arched his hands, his expression revealing strong confidence.

The troubled times are about to begin. He has sufficient confidence to assist Sun Ce in occupying a place among the princes. It is not impossible to even sweep the world. Everyone is ambitious. In such a situation as the Han Dynasty, he called the king such a violation. The things of the Dahan system can be recognized. It can be seen how weak the Dahan has reached. The princes’ actions have completely set aside the Han Dynasty, just like when Lv Bu led the army to attack Liangzhou, he had clearly stated to the court, The two courts are secondary, and the existence of the court can no longer affect the princes.

In order to cover Zhou Yu's whereabouts, Sun Ce did not send Zhou Yu away, but the soldiers who secretly protected Zhou Yu were Sun Ce's personal guards.

The Jiangdong Army has also made great progress after battles. Whether it is the Jiangdong Army’s heavy infantry, heavy cavalry or Modao Army, they have made considerable progress. Of course, their progress has been made. They were only trained according to the methods they knew. Just like Jiangdong, there was no heavy cavalry before, and heavy cavalry was trained. The fighting method of heavy cavalry was limited to what they saw on the battlefield.

The Mo Dao Army is even more so.

Only after having the Mo Dao Army, did I understand how terrifying the Mo Dao Army in the Chang'an Army is. What's terrifying is not their strength, but the Mo Dao Army needs the Mo Dao Army to have great courage when facing the cavalry, especially When facing the rumbling cavalry, how many soldiers can dare to face such a collision and complete the task of killing the cavalry.

When training the Modao Army, it is impossible for them to truly face the charge of the cavalry. They can only select elite men from the army for training. As for the effect on the battlefield, it is not something Sun Ce can control. He can only use The most stringent standards are used to train these Modao Army soldiers.

The Mo Dao Army will be an important force for the infantry to deal with the cavalry on the battlefield. Sun Ce didn't want to be weak under the competition of such strength.

The strength of the princes is improving. Whoever can achieve greater success on the most elite team will be able to occupy a greater advantage in future wars. This will be inevitable. Just like the cavalry, it will be a war. The key to victory.

The two sides are fighting, and if one side does not change the team that blocks the opposing cavalry, it will definitely pay a greater price.

On the second day after Zhou Yu left, Sun Ce received bad news.

Xu Gong, the former prefect of Wu Jun, and Cao Cao secretly colluded to join Cao Cao to break Wu Jun.

Wu Jun is one of the important counties in Jiangdong. If Xu Gong persuades Wu Jun officials and defenders, it will definitely affect Danyang County.

There is no room for loss in the two counties, and after the Jingzhou incident, there is already a gap between Cao Jun and Jiangdong Jun. If he gets a chance, Cao Cao will definitely not give up.

The reason why he was able to get such news has a great relationship with the team of assassins trained by Sun Ce in secret. Inspired by Lu Bu, the princes also paid enough attention to the secret power. Since the princes' coalition attacked Huguan and returned to Jiangdong, Sun Ce Training these forces in secret, Jiang Dong has already formed his own way of intelligence. It is not a matter of exploring the intelligence of the princes. The most important thing is the power of the assassins, especially after Liu Bei's important official Fazheng was assassinated. It made Sun Ce even more vigilant.

The princes had speculations about the person who made the shot last time. After all, there is no conclusive evidence. Even the suffering master Liu Bei didn't tell the matter. Why should they blend into it, but they trained an elite assassin power. Very necessary.

The growth of the assassin team can also have unexpected effects on the battlefield, and these assassins usually lurks in the city, and it happened that an assassin got this letter.

Xu Gong was originally the prefect of Wu Jun, but after Sun Ce took over Jiangdong, he did not trust Xu Gong very much, and the Xu family’s strength in Jiangdong was not weak. It would be a lot of trouble to eradicate Xu Gong, so Xu Gong was placed in After leaving the city, as time went by, Xu Gong did not act out of the ordinary, and Sun Ce gradually relaxed.

In the chaos of the Central Plains, Jiangdong, as a place without too many wars, attracted the refuge of many families. This is also the reason why Jiangdong was able to rise in just a few years.

Xu Gong is now threatening Wu Jun’s safety. How could Sun Ce give up and order the army to surround the Xu family’s residence that night and put all the Xu family members in jail. Even if the news might be wrong, Sun Ce did not Would care.

Xu Gong committed suicide in prison that night, and the city shook for a while. Xu Gong was also a well-known figure in Jiangdong, and he was killed for Sun Ce in this way, giving the family a feeling of being on their backs, but Xu Gong was killed. After the reason was announced, Jiangdong's family felt a little sorry for the Xu family.

Now that Jiangdong is stable and the army is strong, the Xu family is preparing to link with Cao Cao. Isn't it a dead end? Although Cao Jun is more powerful than Jiangdong Army, a stable Jiangdong is in the interests of most families. , But some aristocratic families have felt an extraordinary taste from Sun Ce’s actions

Sun Ce has enough strength to protect Jiangdong, and the family will support Sun Ce. This is also common sense. If Sun Ce is weak, how can the rebellion in Jiangdong be put down? , Can be said to be accompanied by the destruction of each family. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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