Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1724: : The army enters the city

Chapter 1724: The Army Enters the City (Page 1/1)

There are many defenders in Weili. When facing the attack of the Han army, they have the advantage of the city wall. Although they are at a disadvantage in number, they are enough to defend the attack of the Han army. However, in terms of the strength, morale and equipment of the soldiers, they However, he was at a disadvantage, and the camp used an unrivaled attitude to tell the defenders what is called an elite on the battlefield, and what consequences ordinary soldiers would have when facing the elite on the battlefield.

Na Yanqi organized soldiers to resist constantly, waiting for the reinforcements in the city to arrive.

The defenders of the city were constantly forced to retreat under the attack led by the trapped camp. The strong offensive and defensive forces of the trapped camp forced the defenders to retreat.

After more troops boarded the city wall, Lu Bu's army has taken an absolute advantage on the city wall.

"Pass the order, once the city gate is opened, the wolf rider begins to enter the city." Lu Bu ordered.

After seeing the situation on the city wall, the generals in the army were very motivated. In this siege battle, because the trapped camp was used as the front army to break through the city wall, the defenders of Wei Liguo suffered heavy losses, but they could not fall into the camp on the city wall. The soldiers caused too much damage, and this battle was particularly refreshing to the generals under Lu Bu's tent.

If it is against the city defended by the army of the princes, it is absolutely impossible to let the leading troops of the trapped camp attack the city wall. The armor of the soldiers of the trapped camp determines that it is difficult for them to climb the city wall as quickly as possible when attacking the city. Once faced with the defending army The wooden boulder will suffer huge damage. It is also that Wei Liguo's defenders have not experienced a thunderbolt before, and the morale of the army is low. When facing the attack of the army, they are chaotic and let the soldiers in the camp board the wall.

Na Yanqi led the soldiers to retreat while fighting, and he found that the soldiers of the Han army became more excited as the battle progressed, and their combat effectiveness became more and more powerful.

After King Wei Li learned that the Han army had attacked and attacked the city wall, he was very angry. The direction of the Han army's attack had three thousand defenders, and the three thousand defenders could not stop the Han army from attacking for half a day.

However, it was about the safety of Wei Li and whether the kingdom of Wei Li was breached. King Wei Li hurriedly ordered the generals to lead two thousand elites to the city wall.

After the generals had finished talking about the situation on the city wall, King Wei Li was no longer angry, but afraid. From this siege, we can see how powerful the Han army is, in the situation of the three thousand defenders. Next, he can attack the city wall so easily.

At this moment, King Wei Li felt that he was a failure. King Wei Li has always had strong ambitions. He wanted to occupy more territory and make the country stronger, and even challenged the Han army at Yumen Pass. The behavior is enough to give Wei Li Guo a huge prestige among the surrounding countries.

No matter how weak Changshi Mansion is, the real Han army is still strong in their eyes. They can oppress Changshi Mansion, but they dare not enter the barrier of Han people, and Wei Liguo has done this for several years. Within, they did not see the Han army's revenge. While this situation made other countries despise the Han army, they also awed Wei Li.

A desperate contest is going on at the city gate, especially after that Yanqi receives reinforcements, he will not give up the city gate easily. If the city gate is lost, Wei Li will be attacked faster.

As the war continued, more and more Han soldiers joined the battle. Under the cover of the trapped camp, they caused greater deaths and injuries to the defenders.

The fear in the hearts of the defenders who retreated from the wall was conceivable when they faced the Han army. If possible, they would no longer be willing to face the soldiers of the Han army. This kind of battle was a kind of devastation for them. .

Under these circumstances, many defenders on the wall began to flee. They saw that there were more and more soldiers in the Han army. If this continues, they will inevitably fail.

In the face of life and death, even if it is the powerful soldier Wei Li, they will choose to flee in fear. They don't want to die in the city, they want to continue to live.

Falling into the camp is a powerful means to make the defenders appear defeated and flee.

Thousands of soldiers who followed King Weili’s order to come to support, saw the horror at the city gate, the shock in their hearts can be imagined, the eyes of the trapped camp were full of fear. This battle, the trapped camp has already used them. The matchable posture made Wei Liguo's defenders frightened.

The city gate opened creakingly. After seeing the city gate opened, the wolf rider waiting outside the city rushed in without the slightest hesitation.

After the wolf ride into the city, he saw the defender who was entangled with his pawns, the general gave an order, and the wolf ride launched an attack against the defender.

Seeing the arrival of the wolf rider, many defenders’ first reaction was to flee. When facing the trapped camp, they were able to support hard, waiting for more reinforcements from their side to arrive. However, when facing the wolf rider, they really They can't afford the courage to fight, they will inevitably think of the battle outside Yumen Pass.

The defenders who originally stayed in Weili and did not go to Yumen Pass saw the power of the wolf cavalry charge and chose to avoid it directly. They did not have the courage to face the wolf cavalry charge with flesh and blood.

A defender who could not be avoided fell under the scimitar of the wolf rider, or flew for the horse, and the formation was in chaos.

Seeing the wolf rider again, Yan Qi's eyes kept beating, and the hands holding the ring head knife were shaking slightly. The last thing he wanted to face was the cavalry equipped with armor on the horses.

Moreover, the number of these cavalrymen is no less than that outside the Yumen Pass. Looking at the soldiers in the camp, the two are clearly not a team. There is something called sorrow and despair that breeds in Yanqi's heart, and he can't find it anymore. Appropriate words to describe the mood at this time, in addition to the fear of the Han army, there is also jealousy, yes, it is jealous. Such a battlefield shows that the Han army is bullying them.

After a charge, the formation of the defending army was directly opened, and the soldiers of the Han army who followed the wolf cavalry continued to kill among the soldiers of Wei Li State. This was a cruel war against the army of Wei Li State.

After the wolf cavalry entered the city, it was the flying horse led by Li Yan. The goal of the wolf cavalry was to defeat the resistance of these defenders, while Li Yan led five hundred cavalry soldiers into the palace and captured the king of Wei Li.

Five hundred flying knights, like a black whirlwind, slew towards the palace with an unstoppable force.

In the palace, King Wei Li on the throne has lost the spirit and spirit of the past. After the Han army entered the city, the whole person seemed to be old in an instant. After the city was breached, it meant that everything was over. Wei Liguo's efforts over the years will become fleeting as the city is breached.

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