Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1725: :surrender

What he has is only endless regrets. He shouldn't provoke the big man at the beginning, and he shouldn't want to get a piece of it during the turmoil in Dunhuang. Everything is because of greed. If there is no greed, he will still be King Wei Li, even if the Han army arrives, he can choose to take refuge, but after attacking Yumen Pass, it means that he and the Han army are in an endless situation.

At this time, the words of the old king before his death came to King Wei Li's mind: "The Han army is strong and cannot be resisted by Wei Li. Don't provoke the Han army, otherwise it will bring disaster to Wei Li."

"My lord, the city gate was broken by the Han army, so leave as soon as possible." The guard commanded.

King Wei Li sighed: "If Wei Li is breached, how can there be any king? After this battle, the young and strong and elite of the kingdom of Yu Li died on the battlefield. What if this king leaves?"

"As long as the king returns to the people, he will still be able to train soldiers and capture Wei Li." The guards commanded.

"Can't go back, really can't go back." King Wei Li sighed.

Hearing this, the guard leader couldn't make a sound. He followed King Wei Li for many years and saw that Wei Li Guo step by step achieved today's achievements. He did not expect that now he was facing the fate of destroying the country.

"My lord, we fought with the Han army to let the Han army understand that Wei Liguo has no cowards." The guard commander gritted his teeth.

The sound of horse hooves outside the palace interrupted the conversation between the two.

"The king will wait for a while, and the subordinates will go to block the enemy and make a way for the king." The guards commanded.

The five hundred guards who protected King Wei Li, stepped heavy, appeared in front of Feiqi.

"Those who resist, kill without mercy!" Li Yan shouted loudly.

However, the guards on the opposite side were not shaken by Li Yan's words. They were absolutely loyal to King Wei Li and would not shrink back because of the strength of the enemy army. Their mission was to protect King Wei Li, even if they paid. The cost of life is also not hesitated.

Li Yan sneered: "Unexpectedly, after entering the city, he finally encountered a decent enemy army."

The leader of the personal guards was angry when he heard this, and the personal guards guarded the gate of the palace under his command, trying to block the attack of the flying cavalry.

With a wave of the long spear in Li Yan's hand, the five hundred riders on the horses, bows and arrows appeared in their hands. When they were a hundred steps away from the guards, the arrows of both sides shot out almost at the same time.

But the first reaction after seeing Feiqi shooting arrows was to lean over on the battle horse to avoid the enemy's arrows.

Under the arrow rain, more than twenty guards fell. The shield soldiers provided them with good protection, but after seeing the situation of the flying cavalry, the guard commander's expression became more and more dignified. It only caused the fall of two flying knights. Among the five hundred guards, there were a hundred archers.

With shield protection, the damage was so severe.

Stimulating the horses, the flying cavalry leaning over and hiding on their horses replaced their bows with scimitars. They would not stop attacking because of the surprise of the enemy. They were the most elite cavalry under King Jin's tent.

When Feiqi was killed, a famous guard fell under Feiqi's scimitar. The gate of the palace could only allow five cavalry to pass by at the same time. The proud guard team broke up.

After Feiqi entered the palace, he killed these guards.

"The one who descends will not kill!"

Facing the unanimous shouts of Feiqi, many guards hesitated. Their most important task was to protect King Wei Li. They also tried their best in the battle just now, but they still could not stop Feiqi's offensive.

The personal guard commander did not give up at this time. Even if he died on the battlefield, he still had to stop the attack of these Han cavalry. His mission was to protect the safety of the palace.

"Everyone, listen to this king's words." A slightly older voice came from the palace.

With an order from Li Yan, Feiqi retreated. If these people can take refuge in, it will play a greater role. Besides, the captives are of great use to Lu Bu, killing more of these last desperate guardians. The guard of the palace, Feiqi still has to pay a high price.

This is only five hundred flying knights. Dianwei led the other flying knights to wander outside the city, in order to make it difficult for King Wei Li to escape in this battle. If King Wei Li is dead or captured, Wei Liguo was really shattered.

"The king!" The guards clasped his fists. The rest of the guards saw that the Han cavalry did not continue to kill, put away the blades in their hands, looked at the Han cavalry, with this trace of awe, just in the process of fighting, Feiqi has proven their intrepidity with their powerful combat effectiveness.

King Wei Li waved his hand and said, "Needless to say."

After the appearance of King Weili, the noisy palace suddenly became quiet, but the soldiers on the flying cavalry increased their vigilance. As long as Li Yan gave an order, they would kill them, and they saw all the people in front of them. They are all enemies, and only after all the enemies are killed is the safest This general, this king is the king of Wei Li, and Wei Li should not go against the big man. This king is willing to take refuge in the Han army. I also hope that the Han army will not embarrass the soldiers and civilians of Wei Li in the city. "Wei Liguo said slowly. Before saying this, he was fully prepared to meet the punishment of the Han army, and Wei Liguo's actions were enough to kill him.

However, regret is of no use now. He cannot allow the soldiers and civilians of Wei Li to face the end of destruction for his wrong decision. As the king of Wei Li, he should also do something for the army that has been loyal to him at the last moment.

Li Yan said: "It's not to seek refuge in the Han army, it's to seek refuge in King Jin."

King Wei Li would naturally not violate Li Yan's words, but he had some doubts in his mind. These soldiers were indeed very different from the Han army they knew in their attire, but they came from a big man, so they were naturally the Han army.

"Everything obeys the general's instructions." King Wei Li arched his hands, and now Wei Li Guo has completely failed, and the resistance can only make more people die.

"Control the palace, no one can enter or leave without King Jin's order, and tie up all these soldiers." Li Yan ordered directly, what King Weili is not worth mentioning in his eyes, he followed Lu Bu's orders.

Seeing this, the guard commander hurriedly stepped forward to stand in front of King Wei Li, and said angrily: "The king has already taken refuge in the Han army. Are you still embarrassing the king?"

"The king? In the eyes of this general, there is no such thing as your so-called king. What this general obeys is the order of King Jin." Li Yan said coldly.

Feiqi raised the scimitar in his hand again, and the atmosphere in the court became dignified again.

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