Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1781: : Cao Xing Zhan Huang Gai

"General Huang rest assured, this general will definitely tell King Jin about this matter, and General Huang doesn't know about the death of King Wu and Sun Ce by the assassin." Cao Xingdao, he didn't dare to take the initiative in this matter, it's about Jiangdong. Things with Lu Bu must be more cautious, and Huang Gai's intentions, Cao Xing can guess one or two, Huang Gai is a well-known general in Jiangdong, he naturally hopes that his family can be treated well after death.

"Let's do it." A look of despair flashed in Huang Gai's eyes, and he slowly said, he followed Sun Jian and Sun Ce on the battlefield for many years, and did not want to get to where he is now.

"Old General Huang went all the way well." Cao Xingyan yelled and slammed to Huang Gai.

After the fusion, Huang Gai crashed down from the battle horse, arousing dust and smoke.

Huang Gai’s death was a big blow to the cavalry under his command. Originally under the attack of the Bingzhou cavalry, the cavalry in the cottage was somewhat difficult to stop. Huang Gai became the spiritual pillar of these cavalry. Although there are many cavalry soldiers belonging to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's camp, they still admire Huang Gai's ability. It is Huang Gai who allowed them to survive in Bingzhou.

"Don't stay alive!" Cao Xing commanded lightly.

After half an hour, the enemy cavalry that could fight on the battlefield no longer existed.

Cao Xing noticed the war horse next to Huang Gai. This was Huang Gai's mount during his lifetime. Now Huang Gai died, this war horse did not leave like other horses, but neighed beside Huang Gai.

Cao Xing's heart moved, but this is the battlefield. When the two sides are in different camps, there will be times when swords and soldiers meet.

"Send orders to the cavalry, clean the battlefield, check whether there are traces of the enemy cavalry on the battlefield, and leave no life after discovery." Cao Xing ordered.

After Huang Gai and others died on the battlefield, the cottage where Cao Xing was led broke through. The people in the cottage saw the arrival of the Bingzhou army and were cheered. Many people even shed tears. They were ordinary people in Bingzhou. After the robbers looted, they can only survive in the cottage.

After pacifying the people, Cao Xing ordered hundreds of cavalry to **** these people to Xihe County. At that time, the officials of Xihe County would resettle these people. The existence of the bandits caused huge losses to the people. Only by killing all these bandits could the people feel at ease.

The people of Binzhou believed in Lu Bu, and this kind of trust is worthy of Cao Xing's efforts.

Ten days later, Huang Gai’s head was sent to the city of Chang’an, and Cao Xing also informed Lu Bu of the detailed process on the battlefield by writing. Three thousand cavalry were dispatched in this battle, and there were only more than three hundred enemy troops. Famous cavalry, but it is of great significance for the stability of the state.

Binzhou is the foundation of Lu Bu, and cannot tolerate other forces in it. Whenever there is a war, why can soldiers in the army be brave, even if they encounter a powerful enemy, they will not retreat, because they have determination The belief that they have full confidence in the army's coach Lu Bu.

After the news that Huang Gai and others had been annihilated spread in Bingzhou, it once again aroused heated discussions among the people of Bingzhou. It is impossible for the people to have a good impression of the bandits. After encountering the bandits, the people's first reaction was to inform the local army.

Although some thieves are desperate people, their actions have caused heavy losses to the people. For such people, the people will have no mercy, only hatred.

In the troubled times, it is extremely difficult for the people to get a stable life. Lu Bu created a stable living environment for the people in Bingzhou, so that the people could not worry about food and clothing. They got the land. All this is Lu Bu. The people given to them are pure, and they can judge who is a good person.

The Han Dynasty had a high status among the people for hundreds of years. However, under Lü Bu's rule, Lü Bu had absolute prestige. This is what Lü Bu brought to the people practical benefits.

From Lu Bu's army conscription and vassal conscription, we can see the difference between the two. Ordinary people rush to send their children to the army because they believe in Lu Bu.

After the battle against Huang Gai came to an end, Cao Xing returned to the Bingzhou Army. Although this battle was not tragic, it was a precious experience for the cavalry in the army. The cavalry had only experienced the training on the battlefield. To be more powerful, without going through war, just blindly training, it is impossible to get elite soldiers.

Lü Bu's army has a detached position among the princes, because of their intrepidity, and no one is confident that they can defeat Lü Bu's army when the number of the army is equal.

The battlefields in Huguan, Jizhou and Qingzhou illustrate this point well.

All that Lu Bu currently possesses is obtained through constant battles.

It is extremely difficult to reach the current position as a military commander. When the princes joined forces against Dong Zhuo, no one thought that Lu Bu would have achieved what it is today. I am afraid that even Lu Bu did not expect that he would step by step to where he is today. Location.

In Chang'an Mansion, Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction after getting the battle situation from, eradicating thieves is what the army should do. Cao Xing dispatched 3,000 cavalry to deal with the three under Huang Gai. More than a hundred thieves, seemingly inspiring to move the crowd, are actually in order to be able to completely wipe out these thieves.

"Huang Gai is dead, but this king is relieved a lot." Lu Bu smiled.

"Congratulations to the lord and pacify the thieves." Jia Xu arched his hands.

Chang'an Academy is the new name of Chang'an Academy. It shows that Chang'an Academy is far superior to other schools. However, all the students who can enter Chang'an Academy are the best students in various schools, otherwise they will not be able to enter the Academy. Among.

In Chang'an Academy, there are also the most outstanding gentlemen from various schools. Their purpose is to cultivate more talents for Lu Bu. Guan Ning was originally in Jixian School in Youzhou. Unaccustomed, it is said that with his talent and reputation, he can have a higher official position, who knows that Lu Bu is only letting him be responsible for teaching students in Youzhou.

Guan Ning is a person who is unwilling to be lonely. He wants to achieve success to prove himself, otherwise he would not have followed Lu Bu's persuasion to go to Youzhou school in Youzhou.

After much deliberation, Guan Ning decided to stay, mainly because of the importance of the school to Lu Bu's rule and let Guan Ning see his path into Lu Bu's sight.

Whether in Youzhou, Bingzhou or Chang'an, Lu Bu has absolute rule. Guan Ning understands this very well, and Guan Ning is a celebrity. In terms of professors and students, he is better than the literati convened in the school. I don’t know how much, but Youzhou’s school quickly developed quickly, and Guan Ning was called into Chang’an School because of his excellent performance. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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