Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1782: : Lu Bu Sees Xiao Mu

At first, Guan Ning and others went to Liaodong in order to take refuge, and now they have returned to the important place of the Han Dynasty. Guan Ning was a little excited, but in the Chang'an Academy, because of Guan Ning’s outstanding talents, he was entrusted with an important task. .

When Lv Bu came to nothing, he took Lv Lingqi and Zhen Mi to wander around the city, feeling the changes in Chang'an. When he first took charge of Chang'an, because of the war in Bingzhou, Lv Bu's remediation of Chang'an was delayed. After defeating the army of the princes, Lv Bu did. A series of measures were launched in Chang'an.

Although Chang'an has gone through a lot of wars, there are many aristocratic families among them. In the face of Lu Bu's absolute strength, the aristocratic family had to succumb and obey Lu Bu's orders in this situation.

Many aristocratic families are even more involved in business, especially after Lu Bu was preparing to shift the focus of his governance to Chang'an. The aristocratic families were even more moved by the wind and wanted to buy more houses and land in Chang'an City, but it was for Chang'an Mansion. Inform in advance that you can’t buy, especially in the market. Chang'an Mansion controls 90% of the shops, unless some aristocratic families have shops here before. When Chang'an was re-planning, the market position has moved a little, mainly In order to avoid places where aristocratic families gather more.

Although the strength of the aristocratic family is strong, it is not strong enough to fight against Chang'an Mansion. Faced with this situation, they can only admit that they are unlucky. Lu Bu has formed a set of experience in the course of fighting against the aristocratic family for many years. Follow these methods step by step, even the aristocratic family must be honest, just like the Jincheng aristocratic family, under the three steps of Lu Bu, become honest and honest. After Li Su arrives in Liangzhou, he will face Liangzhou. It is foreseeable that Liangzhou is the rear of Chang'an, a stable Liangzhou, which is of vital significance to Lu Bu.

Among the few women today, only Zhen Mi is not pregnant, which makes Zhen Mi a little anxious. In terms of appearance, she believes that she is not weaker than the other women, and Lu Bu often goes to her room, but Zhen Mi’s face Thin, naturally will not have too many demands on Lu Bu.

Being able to go to the street with Lv Bu, Zhen Mi was quite happy. At first in Jizhou, the two of them went to the street together, and there were scenes from the restaurant. Now recalling it, it makes Zhen Mi. It feels very good.

Lu Lingqi is already a beauty. Unlike the education that Zhen Mi and others have received since childhood, Lu Lingqi is a person who has studied in the school, and her knowledge is not comparable to ordinary people.

And Lu Bu was extremely affectionate to Lu Lingqi, which made Yan Lan, who had no son and a half a daughter left, feel satisfied. Seeing Lu Bu's affection for Lu Lingqi, she was also content.

When passing by the Chang'an Academy, Lu Bu suddenly asked, "Lingqi, what is the name of the student you know Xiao?"

After hearing Lu Bu's words, Lu Lingqi, who has always been innocent and lively, said in a low voice, "Xiao Mu."

Zhen Mi still doesn't know much about Lu Lingqi's affairs. Although the two usually associate more often, Lu Lingqi will naturally not tell Zhen Mi about such private matters, and although Yan Lan has scolded her for this matter, With Lu Bu's promise, Yan Lan had no choice but to agree and let the two of them mess around.

In Yan Lan's eyes, Lu Lingqi's behavior was a mess, but thinking of Lu Bu's love for Lu Lingqi, this kind of thought can only be hidden deep in her heart.

"Did he ever know the identity of the father?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Although she didn't know what the two were talking in a low voice, Zhen Mi saw that Lu Lingqi's complexion turned red, and she seemed a little bit twisted, she couldn't help but stepped forward with some doubts.

After hearing the two whispered conversations, Zhen Mi's surprise in her heart can be imagined. Lu Lingqi actually fell in love with a student in the school. How shocking is this. You must know that the women of this era, if they were not married If you do, you can’t show your face casually, or you will be regarded as unethical by others, and Lu Bu is obviously supportive of this matter.

But for these unique methods, Zhen Mi is also a little curious.

The words of the matchmaker's parents' orders are something women of this era cannot resist. In their hearts, there is no dream. Women also hope to get a love that others can envy, but their dreams can only be interrupted.

Just like Zhen Mi, if it weren't for Lv Bu's strong appearance, I am afraid that it has now become the link between the Zhen family and the Yuan family.

"Okay, why don't you call this person out, how about checking for Lingqi as a father?" Lu Bu laughed, and he was still extremely enthusiastic about this matter.

After Lv Lingqi thought about it for a while, her face flushed and nodded, she also had some expectation in her heart. What kind of performance will Xiao Mu behave after seeing Lu Bu, but she still has concerns, after all, Xiao Mu is just an ordinary ~ If the performance is not good, it is difficult for them to succeed in their affairs if they are not favored by Lu Bu.

Looking at Lu Lingqi's face of suffering, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Go, he doesn't know who you are anyway, he is waiting for you two at the restaurant in front of you as your father."

The Sifang Restaurant did not cause much disturbance after the appearance of Lu Bu dressed up in disguise. He was more than nine feet tall. Although he was able to attract the attention of others, he would not pay too much attention. After all, there are people who visit Changan every day. so many.

The forces that secretly protected Lu Bu were divided into two groups. More flying eagle soldiers followed Lu Bu and protected around the restaurant, while others followed Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi is the daughter of Lu Bu, who is also an extremely important figure in Chang'an City. The key is that Lu Bu is extremely affectionate for Lu Lingqi.

After entering the room, Zhen Mi sat next to Lu Bu, pouring wine, and said in a low voice, "Husband, Lingqi, if you let the officials of Chang'an know about it, there will definitely be a lot of trouble."

"It's okay, just don't let these officials know. Besides, there are no pedantic people like you mentioned under this king." Lu Bu took the wine cup from Zhen Mi's hand and felt the tenderness from his fingers. Unable to squeeze Zhen Mi's jade hand, Zhen Mi's face flushed.

Zhen Mi whispered: "As the king of Jin, your husband should pay attention to his behavior."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Mi'er said that."

Although the two have been married for a short time, Zhen Mi still has a great attraction to him, mainly because of the temperament shown in Zhen Mi, which makes Lu Bu a little fascinated, but Lu Bu can be said to be able to do it for the ladies in the mansion. Rain and dew are both wet and will not favor one of them too much. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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