Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1991: : Cao Jun Zhongji (Part 1)

On the battlefield, the vanguard army not only provided a marching route for the army behind, but also provided news for the army on the battlefield. Cao Jun’s strength in cavalry was stronger than that of Jiangdong Army, and he had a greater advantage on the battlefield. The cavalry used to inquire about the news on the battlefield can play a greater role. Just like the Jiangdong Army, if the cavalry is completely crushed by the Cao Jun in terms of the strength of the cavalry, it depends on their luck to defeat Cao Jun in a frontal battle. NS.

At this time Cao Cao had a strong sense of urgency. The pressure from Lu Bu would make Cao Cao more serious on the battlefield, and Cao Cao would be terrible when he became serious.

During the battle between the Yizhou Army and Lu Bu, the cavalry was completely at a disadvantage. This also made it very difficult for Liu Bei to obtain intelligence on the battlefield. The ability to fight against Lu Bu's army was more dependent on the terrain. The danger.

The scouts of the two sides engaged in a desperate contest on the battlefield. The Jieying Cavalry is the most elite cavalry in the Jiangdong Army, but compared with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, their combat experience is still inferior. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has also been famous for a long time. The cavalry team used to compete with Lu Bu's flying cavalry on the battlefield in Xuzhou. Although it failed, the experience of fighting against the flying cavalry can make the tiger and leopard cavalry make greater progress.

Cavalry needs to be tempered on the battlefield to grow faster. It is very difficult to become more elite if it only depends on training. The combat ability of the camp robber is not weak, but in the tiger and leopard riding In the process of searching for intelligence on the battlefield, the tiger and leopard riders have the upper hand.

After Zhou Yu learned of the scouts fighting on the battlefield, his brows furrowed and he set up an ambush to attack Cao Jun in Xiling. This was a risky move. Cao Jun had suffered a lot in Xiling before, and it will definitely be even worse when he passes through Xiling again. Of caution.

"Increase the intensity of scouts on the battlefield to detect intelligence, so that our army's scouts must be able to fully control the situation on the battlefield." Zhou Yu ordered.

Zhou Tai, who was in charge of the scout, did not dare to neglect after he got the order. The victory against the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry made the morale of the Jiangdong Army soar, and Zhou Tai understood the importance of investigating intelligence on the battlefield.

"Capital Governor, now Cao Jun's vanguard Cao Hong led five thousand soldiers and horses to the Xiling, and the army has elite cavalry. If Cao Jun's vanguard cannot be defeated at a very fast speed, it will be difficult for the Cao Jun in the rear to arrive." Cheng Pudao, who had fought Cao Jun in Anlu City for more than half a month, had a deep understanding of Cao Jun’s horror, especially the crazy Qingzhou Army among Cao Jun. This army was not afraid of death when attacking. Because of the existence of the Qingzhou Army, Anlu City accelerated the pace of being breached.

Zhou Yu said: "General Cheng can rest assured that as long as the plan is right, Cao Jun will surely be able to pay a heavy price."

Looking at the confident Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu's heart felt a lot more stable. The more powerful Cao Jun showed, the more disadvantaged it was for the Jiangdong Army. Moreover, in Anlu City, the Jiangdong Army, which had a geographical advantage, did indeed. It was defeated by Cao Jun's crazy offensive. In terms of equipment, Cao Jun formed an absolute suppression of Jiangdong Army.

Similarly, if the battlefield is placed in Xiling, it will not change much, unless the Jiangdong Army can have the equipment to fight Cao Jun’s Thunderbolt.

As if seeing Cheng Pu’s concern, Zhou Yu smiled: "Even though Cao Jun has sophisticated equipment, our army has elite cavalry. When the enemy's thunderbolt attacks, they are protected by cavalry. As long as our cavalry suddenly If it appears, it can still cause considerable damage to the enemy's Thunderbolt."

Cheng Pu nodded when he heard the words. Cao Jun's cavalry is elite and Jiangdong Army's cavalry on the battlefield is also not weak. If you concentrate on a sneak attack, you can still do it with the enemy's Thunderbolt.

The cavalry protects the Thunderbolt. It can only be said that to a certain extent, it is impossible to completely protect the Thunderbolt. Unless Cao Jun can have the elite cavalry under Lu Bu, he wants to form absolute suppression on the enemy's cavalry on the battlefield. It's hard to do.

After Zhou Yu discussed with important generals in the army, Cheng Pu and other talents left the army's big account.

Walking out of the camp and looking at the starry sky, Zhou Yu's eyes became more determined. If Jiang Dong Army continued to survive among the princes, he had to defeat the enemy in front of him. Why didn't he know Cao Jun’s horror and Cao Jun’s plan? It’s just that Jiangdong is not the master at this time. It is definitely not a wise move to fight Cao Jun at this time. Lu Bu’s army is getting stronger and stronger. If it reaches a certain level, Jiangdong and Cao will be crushed. At that time, it will be more difficult to unite against Lu Bu, but the initiative in this battle is in the hands of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. He is a pivotal figure in Dahan. It is precisely because of the support of Cao that the Han Dynasty in Xudu has become the orthodox in the world. In comparison, the Han Dynasty in Yizhou is At a disadvantage.

"In any case, Cao Jun must be defeated." Zhou Yu murmured, Jiangdong Army has no retreat. If Jingzhou is lost in his hands, he will arrive at Jiuquan in the future. He has no face to face Sun Ce. On the battlefield of Jingzhou, Jiangdong The army paid too much. In order to break through Jingzhou, how many soldiers of the Jiangdong army died in battle.

Zhou Yu was aware of Sun Quan’s fear of him. In the same way, letting him be the monarch of Jiangdong would also have the same concerns. The ministers with absolute prestige in the army would have a certain influence on the rule of the monarch. Although Sun Quan Without saying clearly, Zhou Yu had already felt this meaning from Sun Quan’s actions. Perhaps after defeating Cao Jun, he would surrender the military power in his hand, but as long as he was in the position of the governor, he would do his best to defeat Cao Jun. Defeated, making Jiangdong more stable.

With the advent of summer, the weather became hotter and hotter. Many soldiers in the army even took off their armors. The weapon is at hand. As long as there is war in the army, they can pick up the weapon to participate in the first time. In the middle of the war, Zhou Yu returned to the army account after a brief walk in the army.

Xiling, the cavalry led by Cao Chun had suffered a lot of losses here before, but now when he passes through Xiling again, Cao Hong has become a lot more cautious, letting the scouts in the army conduct some exploration in Xiling before ordering the army to enter the west. ridge.

The road in Xiling is not rugged, and the five thousand troops walking on the road in the middle of Xiling is also quite spectacular.

"Although this is not a steep place, it is also a good place to ambush." ​​Cao Hong glanced at the surrounding terrain and said with emotion. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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