Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1992: :: Cao Jun Zhongji (Part 2)

"General, Xisuo has made a clear investigation, and there is no trace of the enemy on Xiling." The general in charge of the scout hurriedly said.

Cao Hong nodded slightly, and suddenly noticed something was wrong. The main reason was that Xiling was too quiet. Before the army was busy investigating news of the enemy, Cao Hong had considered this issue. It was summer, the weather was hot, and it was in the mountains. There are no shortage of birds and beasts, it shouldn't be such a dead silence.

"Not good." Cao Hong exclaimed. He saw that there were a lot of dry grass on both sides of the road. The dry grass made people feel like it was here, but thinking of the surrounding terrain, if an enemy army suddenly set fire. If it is, what kind of power will be produced.

"General, what's the matter?" the lieutenant asked in confusion.

"After the order was passed, the army changed into the former army and left Xiling." Cao Hong ordered.

Although the lieutenant had some doubts, he did it. Cao Hong was the chief general in the army. If he didn't follow the command of the general on the battlefield, it would be a capital crime.

Just after Cao Hong gave the order, dense Jiangdong troops appeared on the mountains on both sides, with rockets in their hands. The terrain of Xiling seemed simple, and there were still several extremely hidden places in them. It is difficult to find out clearly, and this is where Zhou Yu's confidence lies in the ambush of Cao Hong.

Cao Jun must have paid special attention to whether there are enemy troops on Xiling. After all, Xiling had suffered a lot before. However, even if scouts were investigating, even if they were cautious, there would inevitably be omissions. Besides, Cao Hong could think of Jiangdong Army. Maybe an ambush will be set up in Xiling. Will Jiangdong Army still do it like this?

"Follow the arrow!" Cheng Pu shouted. For Zhou Yu's arrangement, Cheng Pu was convinced that Cao Jun would lose twice in the same place. What kind of emotion Cao Jun would have.

Thousands of archers kept pouring arrows towards Cao Jun under the mountains.

The firewood on both sides of the road quickly burned, and the sudden appearance of the enemy and the fire on both sides of the road made Cao Jun panic. The most chaotic was the cavalry in Cao's army. When the horse encountered a fire, once the horse was frightened, the cavalry thought It is very difficult to control the horses. The cavalry with powerful destructive power on the battlefield will also cause indelible damage to their own army.

Cao Hong was shocked. The fire on both sides of the road was difficult to control. According to this situation, even if his army withdrew from Xiling, he would suffer huge damage.

However, Cao Hong has no other choice at this time. The best way is to leave Xiling as soon as possible. The enemy has archers appearing, and maybe there will be other backs.

The blazing flames caused Cao Jun to be in chaos. Under the shock of the horses, many robes died in the hands of their cavalry, and the rain of arrows continued to take the lives of Cao Jun's soldiers.

The soldiers of the rear army hurried to the outside of Xiling, but they saw the cavalry with the flag of the Jiangdong Army. There were thousands of cavalrymen. Behind the deathly silence, there was a powerful fighting force. This is Zhou Yu. One of the most important methods to deal with Cao Jun. Cao Jun wants to retreat from Xiling when he encounters a fire. As long as his cavalry appears on the battlefield, it will definitely bring huge panic to the enemy, and these panic will become the most defeated enemy. The main factor is that Cao Hong led an army directly out of Xiling. The Jiangdong Army at the other end of Xiling will teach Cao Jun a more profound lesson.

If it is not unusual for the Jiangdong Army to encounter enemy cavalry on the battlefield, there will definitely not be a big problem. Cao’s army has elite cavalry, whether it is a tiger or a tiger, it is on the battlefield. The invincible existence, but the situation is different today. Cao Jun was ambushed by the enemy in Xiling. The horse was frightened and the army was in chaos. The appearance of the enemy's cavalry at this time would be fatal to Cao Jun.

"General, there are enemy cavalry in the rear of our army, about a thousand people are coming to our army." The lieutenant said with a pale face.

Cao Hong coldly snorted: "The general just now ordered you to investigate the situation in Xiling, but now you don't have the slightest awareness of the enemy's ambush in Xiling. What is the crime?"

"General, I will die." The lieutenant dared not refute, no matter what reason he had, it was his responsibility that the enemy's archer appeared on Xiling, and the lieutenant knew that this matter would not end so easily. Yes, if your army suffers a major damage on the battlefield, it will inevitably arouse the anger of Cao Cao. He is just an ordinary general in the army. He originally thought that following Cao Hong would get a lot of credit. Who knew he was on the battlefield. Made this mistake.

Unsurprisingly, after returning to the army, it must be the order that Cao Cao ordered to be beheaded. Perhaps to understand the key, the lieutenant was ready to make a risky move. Returning to the army was the result of execution~www After taking refuge in the Jiangdong Army, he became a hero of the Jiangdong Army, and after having his own refuge, the Jiangdong Army wanted to win the battlefield more easily.

"The cavalry in the messenger army stepped forward and must stop the enemy's cavalry. Our army has an elite tiger and leopard cavalry." Cao Hong ordered. Although the tiger and leopard cavalry has only 500 men, as long as it can hold the enemy on the battlefield. After the army leaves Xiling, everything is easy to say, and staying in Xiling will only cause greater damage to the army.

Although the road in Xiling is not narrow, it is still more difficult to complete the movement of the army, not to mention that such a movement is carried out in the chaos of the army.

"Send a lieutenant general of the army, anyone who dares to block the path of the cavalry will be killed without mercy!" Cao Hong ordered with red eyes. In this battle, if the soldiers in the army are seriously damaged, he will also be affected after returning to the army. No small punishment. At this moment, Cao Hong's hatred for Zhou Yu reached the point where it could not be added. It was Zhou Yu who made him lose in Xiling.

Cao Hong's order played a big role in the army. The cavalry itself had great power when charging, and after Cao Hong's order, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry came forward unscrupulously in the direction of the rear army.

With a wave of the long knife in Zhou Tai's hand, thousands of cavalrymen slew towards Cao Jun. The rumble of horses hooves covered the chaotic voice of Cao Jun because of the fire. They stepped forward to meet the enemy, but directly discarded the weapons in their hands and chose to surrender. From this battle, they could no longer see hope. Even the elite Cao Jun could stand up to the death battle in the face of life and death threats. After all, it is also a minority. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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