Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1998: :0 Ling County

The support of Cao Cao by the family in the city made them take the risk. If these things had been prevented before, they would definitely be able to prevent Cao Jun from attacking the city. The wrong information was passed back on the battlefield and Jiang Qin made the wrong decision.

If he can start all over again, Jiang Qin has sufficient confidence to hold Linxiang and let the aggressive Cao Jun return without success, but Linxiang has been lost now. All he needs to do is to do his best on the battlefield in Lingling County. The greatest effort made Cao Jun pay a greater price.

The five thousand army lost more than half of it, and the morale of the Jiangdong army was low. Not only did the Jingzhou army escape during the retreat, but even the Jiangdong army was not spared. When they could not see the hope of victory from the main general After that, they will make other moves and choose to escape, which is also a good choice for the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army.

After the capture of Linxiang, officials from various counties in Changsha County came up and asked to surrender. Xiahoudun didn't have the slightest embarrassment for these cities, but now his eyes are on Guiyang County. If it were to be captured, only the Jiangdong Army in Lingling County would not be afraid of its strength in Jingzhou.

Cao Ren had just arrived in Wuling County when he learned that Xiahou Dun had led an army to break Changsha County, and he was extremely surprised, but Xiahou Dun's ability to break Changsha County at this critical moment was a big encouragement to the morale of the army.

The success of Xiahoudun in Changsha County has greatly stimulated Cao Ren. Cao Ren has always held a high position in the army and is deeply trusted by Cao Cao. This time he was in the hands of Zhou Yu as a vanguard general. After suffering a lot of losses, now attacking Wuling County is an opportunity for Cao Ren. He wants to find the humiliation he suffered from Zhou Yu from Jiangdong Army in Lingling County.

Before attacking Lingling County, Cao Ren made detailed inquiries about the situation in Lingling County. The defender of Lingling County was Zhu Zhi, a famous general in Jiangdong. Zhu Zhi was weaker than Jiang Qin’s reputation in Jiangdong Army. Many, if it is about defending the city, Zhu Zhi is more powerful than Jiang Qin. Facing such a general, Cao Ren had to pay attention to it, and from the news from the battlefield, Jiang Qin, the defender of Changsha County, was defeated. However, he led the army into Lingling County. Lingling County originally had four thousand defenders. With the addition of the soldiers and horses in the hands of Jiang Qin, the force reached six thousand. This is a force that cannot be ignored.

It is very difficult to break through Lingling County by relying solely on the frontal battlefield. From Xiahoudun's raid in Changsha County, it can be seen that if you want to capture Lingling County, you must have the existence of inner antinomy.

There is no one to respond to it, and it is simply impossible to want to take Lingling County.

Lingling County has 6,000 troops, and Zhu Zhi’s deputy general Xing Daorong was the original general of Lingling County. After Sun Ce attacked Lingling County, Xing Daorong chose to surrender. In order to appease Xing Daorong, Sun Ce ordered him to surrender. Served as a deputy general of the army.

In Lingling County, Xing Daorong has a very high prestige. Before leading the conquest, Xun You’s advice to Cao Ren was to start with Xing Daorong. If he could persuade Xing Daorong to surrender, the rest will be done. For Cao Jun, it is much simpler. It is hard for Zhu Zhi and Jiang Qin to imagine that an enemy's deputy will respond to it.

Jiang Qin lost more than half of the army from Changsha County. Zhu Zhi was stunned. Zhu Zhi knew exactly what kind of ability Jiang Qin had in the Jiangdong Army. It was such a strong general who was on the battlefield in Changsha County. I was defeated by such a frustration. At that time, the Cao Jun had 10,000 people, but Jiang Qin had 5,000 people. With the benefit of the city, it was still easy to defend the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that held Cao Jun, but it was in this situation. , Jiang Qin lost Changsha County.

The whole process of the Cao Jun’s raid gave people an unbelievable feeling, but the Jiangdong Army had to admit that in the process of fighting against the Cao Jun, they temporarily failed. It is not so simple to take Changsha County from Cao Jun’s hands again. Things are up.

Not only Jiang Qin, but Zhu Zhi can also feel that the attitude of the aristocratic family in Lingling County towards Cao Cao is very subtle. This is Zhu Zhi’s intuition. After learning the news of Cao Jun’s arrival, he was not in the family’s body. Seeing the panic, it was as if Cao Jun’s arrival had little to do with them. After a little thought, Zhu Zhi understood the truth. Liu Cong is now the sage of the Han, and there are many officials from Jingzhou in the court. , The powers between the aristocratic families are intertwined. There must be someone secretly implicated in the Jingzhou family with the officials of Jingzhou in Xudu. They naturally hope that Cao Cao can rule Jingzhou. In this way, the Jingzhou family can get For more things, Jiangdong has just experienced turmoil. It is still unknown whether it can be preserved under the attack of Cao Cao's army. The family naturally hopes to get a more stable Cao Cao is a member of the family. When dealing with the aristocratic family, he will not be like Lu Bu, and at this time Cao Cao needs the help of the family to pacify Jingzhou as soon as possible. As long as he helps Cao Cao to pacify Jingzhou, the family will have the credit. From Cao Cao’s support of Liu Cong Last, let the family in Jingzhou see Cao Cao's sincerity.

To make the Han Dynasty stronger, you need to have more tyrannical strength, and the Jiangdong Army is just an outsider. If you want to gain a foothold in Jingzhou, you also need to look at the face of the Jingzhou family. In the past, the family was still under the rule of the Jiangdong Army. To be more honest, now that Cao Jun arrives, their hearts are floating.

Xing Daorong was a long-famous general in Lingling County. When Sun Ce invaded Lingling County, Xing Daorong even dared to lead his troops out of the city to fight with Jiangdong Army, which was enough to see how powerful Xing Daorong was.

In the past, Zhu Zhi did not respect Xing Daorong’s opinions too much. Anyway, in Zhu Zhi’s view, Xing Daorong was nothing but a defeated general. Even if he has some skills, what can he do now? The enemy broke through and the situation in Lingling County was critical. Zhu Zhi thought of Xing Daorong. If he could get Xing Daorong’s support at this time, it would be easier to defend the enemy. The main problem was Let Xing Daorong see hope.

Now Xing Daorong’s state is muddled. He has a strong martial arts, but he is not taken seriously in the army. The reason is that he was a general in the Jingzhou army before, and the origin of the grievances between the generals of the Jiangdong army and the generals of the Jingzhou army. For a long time, they despised each other. In the previous confrontation, the Jiangdong Army gained an advantage and seized the land of the four counties of Jingzhou, causing the status of the generals of the Jingzhou Army to drop a lot in an instant. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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