Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1999: : Xing Daorong's decision

Although Xing Daorong is a strong general in the army, there is no exception. The generals of the Jiangdong Army are basically swearing when they see Xing Daorong. As for Xing Daorong’s outstanding martial arts, what can be done? There are many outstanding generals.

It was under such circumstances that Xing Daorong had been serving as the deputy general of the army, saying that he was a lieutenant general. Even the generals in the army were not afraid when facing Xing Daorong.

The generals of the Jingzhou Army were oppressed in the army, but the Jiangdong Army was so powerful that they could only endure it. Now the arrival of Cao Jun gave the original generals of the Jingzhou Army see hope. As long as they can leave the Jiangdong Army, the rest is not It's simple. Compared with Jiangdong Army, Cao Jun has a bigger name, and Cao Cao is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. Although Sun Quan is said to be King Wu, he is a rebellion in the eyes of people. Kings with different surnames will be attacked by everyone. of.

Therefore, it is natural for the generals of Jingzhou to choose Cao Ren at such a critical moment, especially after knowing that Jiangdong Army's fierce general Jiang Qin led the army from Changsha County, the generals of Jingzhou Army are even more popular. If it is possible, No general of the Jingzhou Army is willing to live under the rule of the Jiangdong Army.

The generals of the Jingzhou Army needed dignity, and the arrival of Cao Jun gave them hope. As long as they took refuge in the Cao Army, it would be difficult for the Jiangdong Army to stay in Jingzhou for a long time.

Xing Daorong was the chief general of Lingling County before, and he still had a certain strategy in leading the battle. He knew that the more at this time, the more he had to be calm and calm. Otherwise, once things leaked out, he wanted to It was even more difficult for the Jiangdong Army to pay a heavy price.

Xing Daorong had found the generals in the Jingzhou army in secret. After some comfort, after hearing Xing Daorong's decision, they immediately gave their support to make Jiang Dong army pay. This alone was enough.

Before the arrival of Cao Jun, Zhu Zhi also realized what role the generals of the Jingzhou Army had for the Jiangdong Army at this time, and it was definitely difficult to get the support of the generals of the Jingzhou Army.

Cao Jun came violently, and if he wanted to defend Lingling County, he had to respond appropriately.

"General Jiang, now Cao Ren led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, is coming towards Quanling, and the cities along the way surrendered." Zhu Zhidao.

"General Zhu rest assured, if Cao Jun dares to come, this general will teach them a bitter lesson, but the Jingzhou army generals and aristocratic families in the city have no choice." Jiang Qin said in a low voice, the reason why he was defeated from Changsha County was because of the Jingzhou army general. For the sake of the family, otherwise, Cao Jun would have to pay a heavier price to break through Changsha County. This is also a pain in Jiang Qin's heart.

"The general can rest assured, and the generals of the Jingzhou army in the city still follow the orders of this general. As for the families in the city, this general will gather the families in the city together. Even if they want to take refuge in the Cao Jun, it is difficult for them to do anything." Zhu Zhi said confidently.

Jiang Qin nodded slightly and said: "In this case, Quanling will be safer when facing Cao Jun's siege, but if some of the generals in the army tend to Cao Jun, it will be dangerous."

Zhu Zhi frowned, and this was what he worried the most. There were four thousand troops in the city, and half of them were Jingzhou Army. When the war came, if this half of the soldiers betrayed suddenly, what would Lingling County face? Such a situation can be imagined.

"In the opinion of this general, it is not the same as the treatment of the family, to gather all these generals together, and if they dare to make a difference, they will be killed directly." A sharp look flashed in Jiang Qin's eyes, after the incident in Changsha County , So that he has a strong rejection of the generals of the Jingzhou Army.

Zhu Zhi shook his head and said: "There are half of the generals of the Jingzhou Army. If these people are gathered in one place, it will affect the battle with the Cao Jun." He can understand Jiang Qin's thoughts, but all Jingzhou It is obviously inappropriate for the generals of the army to gather together.

Although the Jiangdong Army now rules Lingling County and Guiyang County, there are many Jingzhou soldiers in the army. They have been treated unfairly in the army, which has caused them to have no good impression of Jiangdong Army. If war comes, they are likely to betray.

This is where Zhu Zhi and Jiang Qin worry the most.

"If Xing Daorong can be persuaded to succeed, it would be very difficult for Cao Jun to break through Lingling County." Zhu Zhi said suddenly.

"Xing Daorong was the former commander of Lingling County, with a high level of martial arts, and he has a certain prestige in the Jingzhou Army." Jiang Qin nodded.

"I just don't know if Xing Daorong is intent on Cao Jun." Jiang Qin asked suddenly, and now he is extremely strict in guarding against things in this area. After the affairs of Changsha County, he has become more cautious.

"Impossibly Zhidao, Zhu Zhi still has a certain understanding of Xing Daorong. Since the Jiangdong Army took control of Lingling County, Xing Daorong's performance has been relatively low-key.

However, Zhu Zhi paid more attention to Xing Daorong. Xing Daorong had a relatively large influence in the army of Lingling County. Regarding the daily exclusion of generals from Jingzhou, Zhu Zhi, as the chief general of the army, was obviously I know, but he didn't stop this situation. After all, Jiangdong Army was the victorious side on the battlefield in Jingzhou, but now the arrival of Cao Jun made Zhu Zhi feel the urgency of the matter. If it is impossible to unite the generals in Jingzhou If you get up, in the process of fighting against Cao Jun, Jiangdong Army is very likely to fail, and this situation is currently not allowed by Jiangdong.

The Jiangdong Army paid a lot of price in the process of breaking through Jingzhou. Sun Ce was injured on the battlefield in Jingzhou. Now that Jiangdong has experienced turbulence, if he is lost in the city of Jingzhou, Jiangdong will fall into greater turmoil. middle.

"General Zhu, the family of Jingzhou supports Cao Cao. Under such circumstances, we have to make more considerations. The loss of Changsha County is because of these family's sudden troubles. I knew that this general should take these shamelessly All the family slaughtered." Jiang Qin said here, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

"Send the order, let Xing Daorong come to the Great Account of the Chinese Army." Zhu Zhidao, as Jiang Qin said, this is the most critical moment in Jingzhou. If he is not sure of Xing Daorong's attitude towards Cao Jun, he would rather take Xing Daorong. When detained, Xing Daorong would not be allowed to appear in the army.

Even if it was because of Xing Daorong's affairs that caused the general dissatisfaction of Jingzhou, it was better than Xing Daorong's secret refuge in Cao Jun. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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