Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2010: : The terrible Cao Jun

The most powerful army under Lu Bu's command was the Union State Army, and this army once broke out on the battlefield that shocked the princes. On the battlefield outside Huguan, the princes' coalition left an unforgettable scene for the princes' coalition forces. At that time, more people thought of the invincible Union State Army.

Facts have proved that Zhou Yu currently does not have enough troops to fight Cao Jun. Strategy is important when fighting. However, when the strength of the two sides differs too much, it is difficult to win by strategy. In Cao Jun There are also people with ingenuity. They may not be as good as Zhou Yu in strategy. However, if the power of these advisers is gathered together, it will burst out power that Zhou Yu can hardly despise.

Sometimes strategies seem so vulnerable to absolute combat effectiveness. After possessing absolute combat effectiveness, any strategy appears so weak.

The chief general in the army likes to use strategy when leading the army. That is because the strategy will reduce the damage to the soldiers in the army. It is also the victory of a battle, and the price to pay is smaller. Obviously The Lord will like it more.

Cao's attack on Xiling was a frontal battle. In such a frontal battle, the role of strategy was greatly reduced, and it was more to test the combat capability of the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield.

Compared with the Jiangdong Army, Cao Jun has experienced more battles. They have shown strong abilities in previous battles. The reason why Sun Ce was able to occupy the three counties of Jiangxia and Jingnan was more because of the Cao Jun’s attack on Xiangyang. Otherwise, it would not be a simple matter to break Jiangxia with the Jiangdong Army alone. Otherwise, why didn't the Jiangdong Army perform too prominently during the period when Liu Biao ruled Jingzhou.

If it is a battle on the river surface, one hundred thousand Cao Jun faces fifty thousand Jiangdong Army, and it is very likely to fail. At this point, Cao Cao still has a clear understanding, so Cao Cao's goal is to unify Jingzhou. It was not the purpose of Cao Cao to seize the opportunity to capture Jiangdong, break Jingzhou, and make Jiangdong army lose its troops in this battle.

If the Jiangdong army suffers a major damage in the battle, it may shake Jiangdong. Unlike Sun Ce, Sun Quan has been in charge of Jiangdong for a short time. Jiangdong’s civil servants and generals do not respect Sun Quan very much. Of course, this respect requires the monarch’s presence. For example, Sun Ce has a great reputation in Jiangdong because Sun Ce led Jiangdong army to win battles. When Jiangdong’s civilian officers and generals face him, they don’t. Dare to violate the slightest.

A powerful monarch is necessary in troubled times, such as Lü Bu. In the eyes of the people of the world, Cao Cao supports the court. In other words, there is oppression by the court above Cao Cao. In fact, this is not the case. In Xudu, Cao Cao did. With absolute right to speak, as long as the officials in the DPRK dare to violate Cao Cao’s orders, the consequences will be serious. Cao Cao will not hesitate to extend the butcher knife in his hand to the family of Xudu, this is also Cao Cao has enough confidence and For the sake of strength.

After Sun Quan took control of Jiangdong, his methods were relatively soft, especially when it came to treating Jiangdong’s civil officials. It was originally normal to respect the literati and suppress the generals in the army. Very bad effect. Although Sun Quan did not go to the extreme of this road, his attitude towards the generals in the army has already made the generals in the army dissatisfied.

Sun Quan’s strategy is to gradually stabilize Jiangdong and Jingzhou, and then become stronger, temporarily not participating in the battles of the princes. However, Cao Jun’s dispatch is to defeat Sun Quan’s plan, and Cao Cao will not give Sun Quan a station in Jingzhou. Time to stabilize your heels.

Compared with Sun Ce, Sun Quan's methods are softer and easier to deal with. Such people are likely to make other choices when facing important situations.

Zhou Yu fell into a long silence after learning about the fighting situation in Jingnan County. The existence of the three Jingnan counties could restrain Cao Jun's power to a great extent. However, in just one month, Cao Jun was in Jingnan three counties. Breakthrough progress has been made. From Cao Jun's dispatch of troops to Jingnan three counties for the Cao Jun to break, he did not experience a fierce battle during that period, and the terrible Cao Jun appeared in front of Zhou Yu.

There were a lot of soldiers and horses in the three counties, and together there were more than 10,000 people. In the face of 20,000 Cao Jun, more than 10,000 people lost the three counties of Jingnan. Zhou Yu understood that this situation was related to Sun Ce's death in Jiangdong. There are very big reasons. If Sun Ce were still there, it would have formed a sufficient deterrent to the three Jingnan counties. At the beginning, Sun Ce led the troops to seize the Jingnan three counties by powerful means, shaking Jingzhou, and Sun Ce's death. The shock was greatly weakened. With the support of Cao Cao from the family in Jingzhou, it was expected that the generals of Jingzhou would make such a choice in the face of the arrival of Cao Cao's army.

However, Zhou Yu was unwilling to lose on the battlefield of Jingzhou like For Jingzhou, Jiangdong paid a great price, and now Sun Ce died in less than a year, and Jingzhou will be taken from Jiangdong’s rule. , It will be a great blow to Jiangdong.

There are now more than 40,000 soldiers and horses in Xiling City, and the Cao army has nearly 80,000 troops. The strength of the two sides is roughly one to two. Under such circumstances, there is still a great opportunity to resist Cao's attack. Once Cao Jun is attacking the city At the time when the situation appeared exhausted, it would be an opportunity for the Jiangdong Army to fight back. Zhou Yu has been waiting for such an opportunity.

The Jiangdong Army cannot easily give up Jiangxia. Even if the three counties of Jingnan are lost, Jiangxia cannot afford to lose. Losing Jiangxia means that Jiangdong once again returned to the situation where Liu Biao ruled Jingzhou.

The chaotic big man, the situation has gradually become clear. If Lu Bu leads an army to break through Yizhou, he will become the most powerful prince. Facing Cao Jun, it is very likely to win. However, Jiangdong loses Jingzhou and can only hold a corner and lose the chance to fight for the world.

From Sun Quan’s body, Zhou Yu has not seen enterprising spirit for the time being. Zhou Yu can feel that Sun Quan is quite satisfied with the current situation in Jiangdong. Not a good sign.

Among Jiangdong’s civilian officials, there are many who support Cao Cao. Once Jiangdong Army fails again on the battlefield in Jingzhou, there will be more people supporting Cao Cao among Jiangdong civilian officials, and they will even advocate Sun Quan surrendering Cao Cao. There are many families in Jiangdong. After they left Sun Quan, they were still able to gain a position under Cao Cao's rule. As long as the family's power could continue to continue, surrendering to Cao Cao was nothing to the family. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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