Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2011: : Liu Bei abandoned Fucheng

"Zi Jing, the situation in Jingzhou is extremely unfavorable for our army now. The loss of the three Jingnan counties will inevitably cause greater turbulence in Jiangdong." Zhou Yu said in a worried tone. Next, it is very likely that a decision will be made to withdraw the Jiangdong Army from the Jingzhou battlefield.

How could Lu Su fail to see the current situation. He came to Jingzhou and said that he was helping Zhou Yu, but actually to supervise Zhou Yu. In Jiangxia, Lu Su could see how hard Zhou Yu was in the face of the enemy's aggressive attack. , Zhou Yu was able to make Jiangdong Army win one victory after another, which in itself was extremely difficult.

Judging from the situation of the two warring parties, Cao Jun is more elite than Jiangdong Army. In this regard, Lu Su has to admit, and the more braver Cao Jun showed on the Jingzhou battlefield, the more disadvantaged Jiangdong was. Although Su's rise in Jiangdong was very short, he did not want Jiangdong to appear weak.

Only when Jiangdong is more powerful can the courtiers get what they want.

"Du Governor, Cao Jun has been outside Xiling City for ten days. It is expected that after creating siege equipment, Cao Jun will inevitably attack Xiling on a large scale." Lu Su said.

"I don't know what Zijing's opinion of the current situation?" Zhou Yu asked suddenly. After Lu Su arrived, although he rarely expressed his views, through Lu Su's words and deeds, Zhou Yu could feel Lu Su's judgment on the general situation. There are unique features in Shanghai, and these talents are what Jiangdong is in short supply.

Although the number of troops can form a deterrent to the enemy, the role of a wise general cannot be ignored on the battlefield. The chief general has higher wisdom in the face of war, and he can consider the situation on the battlefield more comprehensively. , Will have a great impact on the war.

Lu Su sighed: "Presumably the governor has already seen the current situation clearly, and now the most important thing is the decision from Jiangdong."

Zhou Yu nodded. If Jiangdong supports this battle, Zhou Yu will do his best. If Jiangdong makes other decisions, Zhou Yu will do his best to fight for it, because Jiang Xia was captured by the generals led by Sun Ce, and even more so. The important part of Jiangdong’s attack on Jingzhou. The loss of Jiangxia means that everything will start from the beginning. After this war, Jiangdong wants to recover his vitality, which cannot be done in a year or two.

After the start of the war, it is not only the consumption of food and grass, but also the generals in the army. It is easy to replenish the soldiers in the army, but it is not overnight to make these soldiers grow into elites. What could be done was defeated by Cao Jun this time. When the Jiangdong Army in Japan faces Cao Jun again, it will have greater psychological pressure.

"Jiangdong's decision is the key to Jiangxia's war!" Zhou Yu said slowly: "The governor will follow the king of Wu to fight in all directions. It is the most beneficial for Jiangdong to break Jingzhou. If Jingzhou is lost, the governor will have no face to meet Wu. King."

Lu Su felt that Zhou Yu's pivotal position in Jiangdong was due to Zhou Yu's impressive military exploits, and the Wu Wang referred to Zhou Yu was naturally Sun Ce.

"The governor can rest assured, Wu Wang Conghui will certainly not obey others easily. As long as the governor is in Jingzhou, Jiangdong will have the possibility of victory." Lu Su said.

At this moment, the two have a common understanding. They both hope that the Jiangdong Army can win this battle and gain more control over the land.

As long as the Jiangdong Army can defeat Cao Jun in this battle, not only can the lost Jingnan three counties be retaken, but also Wuling and Nan counties, and Zhou Yu will also have enough confidence.

The next day, Cao Jun began a fierce attack. Such an attack was extremely unfair to the Jiangdong Army guarding in Xiling City. The giant Thunderbolt car was invincible on the battlefield. With the giant Thunderbolt car, it was to stand up. In an invincible place.

The Jiangdong Army was more flustered when facing these thunderbolt cars. However, under Zhou Yu’s order, the soldiers in the army hid behind the female wall, only to bear the attack of Cao Jun’s thunderbolt cars, although there were some damages, There was not much confusion.

Zhou Yu was very clear about the flaws of the Thunderbolt when attacking. He originally thought that with the two hundred Thunderbolt cars in the city, it would be easy to defend Cao Jun’s attack, but the emergence of the giant Thunderbolt turned Zhou Yu's plan into frustration. At the same time, Zhou Yu was shocked by Cao Jun’s strength. The Thunderbolt, which could reach 400 steps in range, formed an absolute suppression for the Jiangdong Army. In the Jiangdong Army, the Thunderbolt used at this time still had a range of only three. More than a hundred steps.

The suppression of the thunderbolt made the defenders unable to raise their heads in the face of Cao Jun's attack, but the main task of Cao Jun's current is to fill the moat.

Not to mention that the war in Jingzhou has reached the most critical moment. At this time, the war in Yizhou is also the same. After breaking through Fuguan and Fucheng, it means that Lv Bu will lead the Chang'an army to the last critical hurdle in Yizhou~www.readwn. com~Mianzhu, launch the final attack.

As long as Mianzhu is breached, it means that the army will drive straight into the rule of Yizhou, and there will be no other barriers to Chengdu.

When Liu Zhang faced Liu Bei’s attack on the city, he could only choose to surrender. If the same thing was put on Liu Bei’s body, whether other changes would happen, it was unknowable. From the current situation of the two sides on the battlefield, Liu Bei led The Yizhou Army was on an absolutely weak side. When facing the enemy, the Yizhou Army retreated steadily. The equipment of the Yizhou Army seemed so vulnerable in front of the army under Lu Bu's command.

The battle at Fuguan was even more of a key battle in Yizhou. After Liu Bei lost Fuguan and returned to Fucheng within two days, the army of Fucheng began to evacuate to Mianzhu, apparently giving up Fucheng directly.

The capture of Fuguan and Fucheng was the beginning of Liu Bei's entry into the middle of Shu. At that time, Liu Bei was so energetic and led the elite Jingzhou army to gain an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield. Now the same situation has appeared in Liu Bei's body. Their enemy was replaced by Lu Bu.

The Yizhou Army did not have more combat experience when facing war, which made them fail when they faced a smaller number of Jingzhou Army.

This situation is even more similar to that when Liu Bei entered the middle of Shu. Compared with the soldiers under Lu Bu, the Yizhou army lacked sufficient experience in the difficult battles, while the army under Lu Bu was different. They have gradually come to the present situation in battle after battle. The battlefield in Yizhou is not a big deal to the powerful army, and the danger of Fuguan is still broken by the Chang'an army. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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