Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2056: : Difficulties of the Yizhou Army

The fierce fire oil can play a huge role in conjunction with the thunderbolt car. However, Zhuge Liang has used fierce fire oil when the enemy is attacking the city. In fact, the burning area of ​​a tank of fierce fire oil is not large. The formation of the soldiers was loosened, and after the two sides went into full-scale war, the fierce fire oil was no longer useful.

With regard to equipment that affects the battlefield such as the bed crossbow, the Yizhou Army is also on the weaker side. The bed crossbow appeared in Yuan Shu's hands at the earliest, and then Lv Bu and Yuan Shao. After Cao Cao attacked Shouchun, he gained even more. The method of building the Thunderbolt, and now the Thunderbolt that Yizhou has mastered, can reach three hundred steps in range. There must be some gap compared with the Thunderbolt in Lu Bujun.

After such calculations, Zhuge Liang found that in the decisive battle, the Yizhou Army was already on the weaker side. The strength of the two sides was equal, but the elite level of the soldiers must be taken into account. There is also the enemy cavalry. Their greatest reliance is Three thousand continuous crossbow troops, as long as the continuous crossbow troops appear at the critical moment of the battle between the two sides, it will be able to inflict a painful price on the enemy.

Zhuge Liang thought of a shift in the big tent alone, and then fell asleep deeply, but his mood was a little dignified. The Yizhou army's battle was too important for Liu Bei, no more than the battlefield in Jingzhou. At this time, Liu Bei was no longer there. With extra retreat, Lu Bu could retreat to Yizhou after the defeat, but after Liu Bei was defeated, he failed and would withdraw from the situation where the princes were fighting for the hegemony of the world.

No one wants to see failure. Zhuge Liang wanted to assist Liu Bei to achieve great achievements, so naturally he didn't want to destroy Lu Bu just like that.

The next day, after Zhuge Liang learned the news that the envoy of King Jin was outside the city, he immediately ordered Wu Yi to prepare in the army. When he was outside the city yesterday, the generals under the King Jin’s account were aggressive and even more so. The general Lingbao was killed in battle, and now the envoy of the Jin king arrived, Zhuge Liang naturally thought about how to give the envoy a great power.

Wu Yi was very excited after receiving Zhuge Liang’s order. He was obviously quite satisfied with this task. After the Battle of Minghe Mountain, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army realized that the army under King Jin’s account was not as legendary. As long as they are brave enough on the battlefield, they will also die in battle.

In a short while, in front of the Chinese Army’s Great Tent, a large pot was set up. The oil in the pot was blowing bubbles from time to time under the vigorous firewood. There was a big pot on the front of the tent, which made them a little puzzled. After learning that King Jin’s messenger had entered the city, many generals showed an expression of understanding. Some generals even wanted to wait to see King Jin's messenger make a fool of himself. In Luo County, even if he killed the envoy of King Jin, what could he do? Anyway, the two sides are in an endless situation.

Among the generals of the Yizhou army, there are many who hate Lu Bu. The stability of Yizhou is changed because of the arrival of Lu Bu. As generals in the Yizhou army, they take the protection of Yizhou as their responsibility. Liu Bei enters Yizhou and belongs to the Yizhou family. There is a big difference between the two choices, while Lu Bu is leading an army to attack.

After Huang Xu entered the army, he could feel the hatred of the lieutenant generals of the Yizhou army. Some soldiers looked at them with hatred or greed.

The costumes of the army under the Emperor Jin’s tent are particularly conspicuous in the Yizhou army, making it easy for many soldiers passing by the Yizhou army to notice their presence, but Huang Xu chose to ignore this situation, and the group held their heads up. Walking in the middle of the enemy army, there is a different feeling. Those who follow Huang Xu are the elites of the personal guards.

Following Huang Xu to the enemy army, there are many people who are yearning for the guards. In their opinion, this is a rare opportunity to be able to show off in front of the enemy. Although there is a certain danger in going to the enemy, they are Under King Jin’s account, even Huang Xu would travel as a messenger. Do they have reasons to be afraid?

Many generals showed disdain when they saw the envoy of the King Jin, and many generals in the Yizhou army have sufficient confidence in Zhuge Liang. They think that Zhuge Liang can lead the Yizhou army to victory in this war. The Battle of Heshan gave the generals in the Yizhou army a high level of confidence. Even if Lingbao died in the battle, they could not change their fighting spirit.

"General Huang, the front is the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. As a school lieutenant, the final general cannot approach without getting an order." The leading lieutenant clasped his fist.

Huang Xu nodded slightly, but he saw a trace of teasing from the look of the school captain, and immediately realized that this trip to Luo County to discuss the location of the decisive battle was probably not as simple as it seemed.

In front of the Chinese Army’s Great Tent, the raging flames have caused the oil in the cauldron to boil ceaselessly, and there are waves of heat on the surface of the oil, and you can feel the heat just by looking at it.

After the school lieutenant left, Huang Xu and his group headed to the Chinese Army's large account with a calm expression.

Wu Yi shouted loudly: "Who is in front, who hasn't ordered to approach the Chinese army's big tent for no reason, let's kill him!"

With Wu Yi's shout, more than a dozen soldiers surrounded the group with their swords in their guards who followed Huang Xu raised the ring swords in their hands. Exuding a strong fighting spirit, even in the enemy's army, as former personal guards, they can't show the slightest weakness. They have their own pride.

Huang Xu said lightly: "Don't do it!"

The guard put away the sword in his hand, but stared at the vicious Yizhou sergeant around him with a vigilant look.

"This general is Huang Xu, the general under King Jin’s account. He was ordered by King Jin to discuss the decisive battle. I hope the general will report on his behalf." Huang Xu said in a loud voice. The general made it clear to embarrass these messengers.

Wu Yi laughed and said: "This general has never heard that there are generals such as Huang Xu under King Jin's account. Could it be that King Jin just sent an unknown soldier to come, and he didn't come forward to salute when he saw this general."

Huang Xu's complexion changed slightly, and he coldly snorted: "This general is an envoy to the King of Jin. Is your face bigger than that of King Jin?"

"Zhu Zi'an dares to be so rampant. This is Luo County. Even if this general kills you, no one dares to say anything, Huang Xu, have you seen the big pot in front of you? The oil in the pot is this general. Prepared for you." Wu Yi said coldly.

Huang Xu smiled. The enemy generals were so rampant in front of the account that they must have been hinted by Liu Bei. Maybe Liu Bei was in the Chinese army's account at this time, and the decisive battle was first proposed by the Yizhou army, that is to say. It is the Yizhou Army who wants to fight decisively in this trip. It will take some time before the weight of our side can be transported. After the weight of the army is completely transported outside the city of Luoxian, a scene of Fuguan and Mianzhu will inevitably be formed for the Yizhou Army. , Let the defenders face the attack of their own army, there is no room to fight back. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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