Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2057: : Huang Xu meets Zhuge Liang

"The oil in front of the Chinese army's big account reminds this general of the fierce fire oil in the Jin king's army. Although this general has not seen it with his own eyes, he has told the tragedy of the city through the siege soldiers." Huang Xu laughed.

Wu Yi's face was not very beautiful. Originally, Huang Xu's complexion was immature, and he had no name among the enemy army. After Huang Xu was terrified, the rest of the matter was much simpler. Who knew that he would encounter such a It is difficult for the articulate generation to take advantage of words.

"Come on, put the enemy in a frying pan and fry it." Wu Yi ordered.

The soldiers around were about to rush up when they heard the words. The guards who followed raised the ring head knife in his hand, the blade exuded a faint light, the ring head knife used by the guards was forged from hundred-smelting steel, belonging to Sophisticated weapons, at least in the Yizhou Army today, are ordinary school lieutenants, and it is difficult to use weapons forged with hundred-smelting steel.

"The dignified King of Han is considered a famous figure among the princes. Isn't it this way of treating the messenger? If you do this, wouldn't you lose the so-called face of the Yizhou court." Huang Xu shouted, but his expression was You can't see the slightest fear. The reason why the Yizhou army did this is because Huang Xu was afraid of Lü Bu. Such things as embarrassing messengers rarely happen under Lü Bu's command.

Wu Yi looked at Huang Xu curiously. He didn't think that Huang Xu's age was not bold enough to measure. Especially the guards who followed Huang Xu, although they were nervous, they showed no timidity.

"Pass the order, let the envoy of King Jin come in." Zhuge Liang said lightly. Liu Bei handed him over the decisive battle between the Yizhou army and the King of Jin army. Unless it was a major event, Liu Bei would not bother. For Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei But with sufficient confidence, he believes that Zhuge Liang's ability can handle this war well.

The main reason was that Liu Bei was always in a state of abuse when he was at war with Lv Bu. When facing Lv Bu, he did not have enough confidence. From Zitong to Mianzhu and Bajun battlefields, the Yizhou Army's steadily retreating defeated Liu Bei. In the initial fighting spirit, at this time, Yizhou needs someone to stand up and stop the enemy’s attack, and Zhuge Liang is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate. The Battle of Minghe Mountain has proved Zhuge Liang’s ability to lead the battle. At this time, he is in the Yizhou army. No one dared to say that they could lead the Yizhou army to victory against King Jin.

And Zhuge Liang's victory also made the soldiers in the army more respectful of Zhuge Liang.

After receiving Zhuge Liang's order, Wu Yi smiled and said: "General Huang is really a dragon and a phoenix among people. It was just a joke of this general. I hope General Huang will not go to his heart."

Seeing Wu Yi’s smile, Huang Xu snorted and walked towards the Great Account of the Chinese Army. The behavior of the Yizhou Army has long been seen by Huang Xu. If the Yizhou Army dared to kill the envoy of King Jin at this time , What is greeted must be the crazy revenge of the Jin king's army. Looking at the princes of the world, no one dares to ignore the attitude of Lu Bu. Even a prince like Cao Cao, when attacking Jingzhou, has to wait for the Changan army to take action before daring to send Jingzhou. , It can be seen in general.

Huang Xu entered the Great Account of the Chinese Army and saw that Zhuge Liang turned out to be the leader. He was slightly taken aback. Huang Xu had naturally heard of Zhuge Liang’s name, and before the two armies, there were generals in the army. Huang Xu introduced Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei. As the deputy commander of Lv Bu's personal guards, Huang Xu had to have a certain understanding of important figures in the Yizhou army.

"Huang Xu, the envoy of the King of the Jin Dynasty, met a military division." Huang Xu said with a fist, Zhuge Liang represented Liu Bei at this time, and his identity was quite different from Zhuge Liang, and his etiquette could not be lost.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "General Huang is young and brave, so I don't know if he will take up any duties under King Jin's account?"

The generals in the tent also cast a curious look. The generals of what position Jin Wang will send can see whether Lu Bu attaches enough importance to the Yizhou army. In fact, Zhuge Liang guessed that Lu Bu should send Pang Tong or As an envoy, Guo Jia didn't want to send Huang Xu to come.

"Underneath is the deputy commander of the guards under the account of King Jin." Huang Xu said neither humble nor arrogant.

When the generals in the army heard this, their complexion changed slightly. Huang Xu was just the deputy commander of the personal guards. He went to the Yizhou army as a messenger. It can be seen that Lü Bu's contempt for the Yizhou army. Zhuge Liang is the army commander of the Yizhou army. The state army was also the first person under Liu Bei, and even Zhang Fei, the brother of the king of Hanzhong, treated Zhuge Liang with respect.

"It turned out to be the deputy commander of the personal guards under the Jin King's tent." Zhuge Liang smiled: "If the official knows well, General Huang's father is the old general Huang Zhong, one of the five tiger generals under the Jin King's tent, right?"

Huang Xu clasped his fist and said, "Exactly."

This time, the generals in the tent looked at Huang Xu obviously differently. If Huang Zhong is mentioned, the generals under today’s generals will basically not be unknown to anyone, especially the generals in the Jingzhou army who have regard to Huang Zhong’s name. The head is even more thunderous. The old Huang Zhong has become one of the five tiger generals under the account of King Jin. always makes people feel incredible, but the generals in the Changsha army admire Huang Zhong's martial arts very much. Although Huang Zhong is only a partial general in the Changsha army, his martial arts are extremely strong.

"When I was in Jingzhou, I heard that my father had led General Huang to seek medical treatment, and my father was a general in the Changsha army before, right?" Zhuge Liang asked with a smile.

Huang Xu nodded. For some reason, when facing Zhuge Liang, Huang Xu was a little nervous, especially Zhuge Liang's bright eyes, as if they could penetrate his inner thoughts.

"General Huang is the general of Jingzhou and the general of the Han, but now the King of Jin is leading the army to attack Yizhou, and the Saint is in Chengdu. Could it be that General Huang, regardless of the Han family, wants to follow the King of Jin to become a chaos and thief?" Zhuge Liang Suddenly, his tone became serious.

If Huang Zhong is here, he will definitely feel a little embarrassed. However, all old generals still have a certain respect for the Han Dynasty. However, Huang Xu is different. He has seen Huang Zhong lead him in the process of treatment in Jingzhou. The scene of bumping into walls everywhere, there is not enough trust in the so-called Han room. Besides, Huang Zhong’s ability is only a partial general in Jingzhou, but after he followed Lv Bu to Bingzhou, he was reused, which is enough to explain the problem. Today’s Han room Already weakened, the righteousness is just verbal shouting.

"Although the father is a courtier of the Han family, the king Jin treats his father and the people are kind, and the father is kind to the people. Under the account of the king, he is able to do more things that are beneficial to the people. Wang Zeng said that the people are the water monarch and the boat, and the water can carry the boat and it can overturn the boat. I must have heard of it. I don't know how the army thinks about King Jin's remarks?" Huang Xu asked back. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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