Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2072: : The bed crossbowmen advance

The Yizhou Army in front of the Chinese Army is the most nervous. The total number of crossbows invested by both sides is about 400. In terms of number, the Yizhou Army may be more. The battlefield is in Yizhou. The Yizhou Army thinks It is more convenient to transport crossbows and thunderbolt carts, but the soldiers in the Yizhou army who control the crossbows do not have much confidence. They can see that the enemy's crossbows are larger and what it means on the battlefield. They know very well that if the enemy's bed crossbow can steadily suppress their own bed crossbow on the battlefield, it will inevitably cause more damage to them. This situation is not what Yizhou army soldiers want to see. of.

Accompanied by a series of orders from the Chinese army, the soldiers who controlled the bed crossbow quickly loaded up the crossbow. Several soldiers began to be nervous and busy. To make the crossbow shoot farther, it was necessary to pay enough strength, and the bed crossbow was shot. The crossbow arrow is a short spear, otherwise, why has such a powerful destructive power on the battlefield.

Compared with the tension of the Yizhou army bed crossbowmen, the Chang'an army bed crossbowmen appear to be methodical. They are no longer in the minority to deal with such wars. The content of ordinary training is how to get the crossbow arrows out more quickly on the battlefield. , The bed crossbow has amazing range and terrible destructive power, but its weakness is also extremely obvious, that is, the winding speed is very slow.

Not only the Thunderbolt, but in the Chang'an Army, there are also generals and soldiers who are specifically responsible for the bed crossbow. Their usual training content is how to better make the bed crossbow bring huge damage to the enemy.

Today, in the Chang'an Army, it is Gao Lan who is in charge of the crossbow.

In fact, in the Jizhou army, Gao Lan had in-depth research on the bed crossbow, not only in the leadership of the army, but also the use of the bed crossbow. After learning about Gao Lan’s ability, Lu Bu was overjoyed. If an army wants to make greater progress on the battlefield, it must continuously improve and be able to better adapt to the battlefield. This is very necessary.

Under Lu Bu, whether he is in charge of the Thunderbolt car or the bed crossbow, it is not a contemptible profession, just as the Thunderbolt Army now has a great reputation in the army.

On the battlefield of Guanghan, the Perak Army was able to kill the main general and the lieutenant in the city and achieved a dazzling record. Now when the two armies are facing each other, it is time for Gao Lan to show his personal ability on the battlefield. For the Yizhou Army, Gao Lan had sufficient confidence to give his own bed crossbow an advantage.

After taking refuge in Lu Bu, although he became a general, Gao Lan understands that it is very difficult to get ahead in the army under Lu Bu. Although he has remarkable points in training soldiers, he and Ju Yi There is still a big gap between generals such as Gao Shun, Zhang Xi, and Ju Yi wants to become one of the most prominent generals in the army through his own efforts. Isn't that the case?

When Yuan Shao led troops from Qingzhou to attack Jizhou, he secretly sent Guo Tu to recruit him. Gao Lan refused, mainly from Yuan Shao. He did not see the temperament of Lv Bu. In dealing with his generals, Yuan Shao and Lv Buxiang There is indeed a big gap between the ratio, and among the army under Lu Bu, Gao Lan felt a different breath, and he resolutely refused Guo Tu's persuasion.

After the crossbow is ready, all the soldiers of the former army are ready to fight. The confrontation of the former army is the precursor to the beginning of the war. This is a war that determines the destiny of Yizhou. What kind of performance on the battlefield means that Liu Bei's future destiny will change.

"Send an order to the former army and generals to attack!" Lu Bu ordered. Following Lu Bu's order, the standard-bearers on the battlefield began to deliver messages.

On such a huge battlefield, it is very difficult to send messages to the generals through fast horses, but it is very different to send messages through the flag bearers. The generals on the battlefield will pay attention to the situation of the flag bearers. After receiving the order, they can make adjustments in the first time, which is also a convenience that ordinary command stations do not have.

The rumbling of war drums suddenly sounded. On such a huge battlefield, it did not affect the shock that the war drums caused in the hearts of the soldiers. The drums are an important auxiliary method for soldiers on the battlefield. The time is even more crazy, making them forget the strength of the enemy, and even more desperately, the drum of war can completely arouse the blood in the soldier's chest.

With the sound of the war drums, the soldiers from both sides took a sonorous step towards the front. Zhao Yun led the flying cavalry wandering the battlefield. In this war, he has an important mission, which is to guard against the crossbow appearing in the enemy's army. The chariot, two thousand flying cavalry, is Lü Bu's important means to fight against Yizhou Army Liannu ~ As long as Liannu appears, the flying cavalry will launch a fierce attack towards Liannu from the side, with cavalry on the battlefield. As long as the speed is within the range of Liannu, it will inevitably cause huge damage to the enemy's Liannu.

The Liannu is the most relied method of the Yizhou Army. In the Yizhou Army, there are also cavalry on the battlefield. Zhang Fei is the commander of the cavalry. Compared with the Feiqi, the Yizhou Army’s cavalry looks a bit miserable, but the number of troops is only small. There are hundreds of horses, and the horses are even more uneven. The blades of the cavalry are different. As long as the generals with some insight can tell, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army is just a makeshift. Feiqi feels a little absurd.

However, Zhuge Liang has sufficient confidence to deal with flying knights. The continuous ballista is an important means for the Yizhou army to fight against the cavalry. When the cavalry of the army suddenly appeared when the cavalry charged, it would definitely cause huge damage to the flying cavalry. The power of the continuous ballista was that it could fire a steady stream of crossbow arrows to cause damage to the enemy.

Not to mention flying knights, even against wolf knights, Zhuge Liang is confident that he can win the victory with the continuous crossbow army. The crossbow arrows of the continuous crossbow carts are not comparable to ordinary crossbow arrows. They have powerful destructive power.

"The bed crossbowmen march forward!" Gao Lan shouted. Hao Meng was able to form a Perak army with the Thunderbolt. Gao Lan believed that he could also form a bed crossbow army.

The bed crossbowmen on both sides seemed a little wary in such a confrontation. They didn’t know much about each other’s range on the battlefield. In such a war, they have a huge advantage in range and can cause more damage to the enemy. This is beyond doubt. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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