Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2073: : Clash

Chapter 2073: Confrontation (seeking subscription) (Page 1/1)

The bed crossbows of both sides were cautiously moving forward. When they were 400 steps apart, they all stopped. Although they knew that the opponent's bed crossbow could not reach 400 steps in range, they had to be more careful.

The generals of the Yizhou Army have full confidence in their bed crossbows. As long as they are at a distance of three hundred and thirty steps, they can cause more damage to the enemy. A distance of three hundred and thirty steps, the craftsmen of Yizhou They paid a lot of effort for the bed crossbow, and in order to make the bed crossbow more powerful on the battlefield, they paid a lot of effort.

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army believe that the distance of three hundred and thirty steps is enough to fight against the Chang'an Army. Even if the range of the enemy's bed crossbow can reach the same distance, their own bed crossbow has a considerable advantage in number. The same can achieve the final victory, the crossbow on the battlefield to gain an advantage, for the former army is a huge encouragement.

There was a sneer at the corner of Gao Lan’s mouth. Four hundred steps, the range of his own bed crossbow was closer, like the generals who controlled the bed crossbow in the Yizhou Army. Gao Lan had greater confidence in the bed crossbow in the Chang’an Army. Fifty steps can be achieved by a non-ordinary bed crossbow. According to the news from all the princes’ meticulous work, except for Cao Jun’s bed crossbow, which has a range of nearly 350 steps, the rest of the bed crossbows in the prince’s army Not to worry, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are hostile parties, so naturally they will not easily inform others of the method used to build the middle bed crossbow.

Relying on the bed crossbow is also an important method for Lv Bu's army to gain the upper hand. As long as the bed crossbow is used to suppress the enemy, if the Yizhou army wants to make a difference on the battlefield, the first thing to do is to charge. Only by charging can you benefit. The state army reduced losses under the power of the bed crossbow.

In a decisive battle between the two armies, it is very important to seize the opportunity. Which side can quickly take advantage of the situation on the battlefield can make the enemy pay a heavier price in the subsequent engagement.

The generals who control the crossbow on both sides are cautious, lest they reach the enemy’s range, but they don’t notice too much. They have been extra instructed before going to the battlefield. The back of the crossbow corresponds to the direction of the Chinese army. If it loses in the crossbow confrontation, it is to give the enemy a chance to get a step further away from your own Chinese army.

At three hundred and sixty steps, Gao Lan gave an order, and the front army stopped advancing and cast his sights on the crossbowmen on the opposite side. Their crossbows had already been wound, and they were waiting for the enemy to approach the firing range.

The bed crossbowmen of the Yizhou Army were still trying, because the range of the Yizhou Army had not yet reached the range of the Yizhou Army, the enemy's bedcrossbows stopped, and the Yizhou Army moved forward cautiously.

When the enemy was three hundred and fifty steps away, the bed crossbowmen who had been ordered by Gao Lan released the deadly crossbow arrows. In the confrontation between the bed and crossbows, the party who shot the crossbow first must have the advantage.

The two hundred bed crossbows fought together. The sound of the bed crossbow tearing the air came from time to time, shocking the soul. After shooting the crossbow, the bed crossbowmen did not stop at the slightest, and even before they had time to appreciate their achievements, they began to load the crossbow. The bed crossbowmen, who are in charge of aiming at the enemy, are preparing to adjust their directions. Only by completing these things at the fastest speed can they gain greater advantage.

Unlike the bed crossbowmen, the front armies in other positions have already started fierce battles. However, after hearing the crossbow arrows, many soldiers from both sides nearby couldn't help but cast their eyes on the battlefield. They wanted to see what it was. Which side has taken the lead on the battlefield.

The Chang'an Army was excited because they saw their own crossbows raging in the Yizhou Army, and the bed crossbowmen of the Yizhou Army looked so fragile under their own crossbow. The bed crossbow runs through. Under such circumstances, many bed crossbows in the Yizhou Army have lost their function.

The strength of the bed crossbow is also reflected at this time. The bed crossbowmen themselves do not wear armor. They need to shoot the crossbow arrows faster on the battlefield, and the existence of armor will affect their movements. Moreover, the range of the bed crossbow makes them not need to consider the enemy's arrows. All they have to do is to release the crossbow in the bed crossbow. When the bed crossbow is against the battle bed crossbow, the armor is even more unnecessary. Wearing armor, can it stop the power of the crossbow bolt, at most it will only make the crossbow bolt penetrate one less.

After seeing the loss of his own side, the generals of the Yizhou Army looked pale and looked at the Chang'an Army with a little fear. At this time, the two sides were about three hundred and fifty steps apart, and there were still twenty steps before they reached the range of their own crossbow. The army’s sudden arrow shooting was unexpected by the Yizhou Army. Under such circumstances, the damage of the Yizhou Army bed crossbowmen can be imagined. At least 20 bed crossbows lost their effect in this confrontation. , And the soldiers who control the bed crossbow can lose at least two hundred people. Unlike the continuous crossbow, it usually takes eight to ten people to control the bed crossbow. Under such a dense crossbow Two hundred people are not a problem.

"Bed crossbowmen, move forward quickly!" The general immediately ordered. In the crossbow confrontation, one's own side is already in a weak position. If you can't get within your own range as soon as possible, there will be greater damage. For some reason, the generals in the army understand that only when they get closer and closer to the enemy can they have a chance to counterattack. The Yizhou Army has an advantage in the number of crossbows. This is also where the Yizhou generals are emboldened.

The generals of the Yizhou Army responded quickly, but when the Yizhou Army's bed crossbowmen were lifted to a specified distance to teach the enemy a lesson, the Chang'an Army's bed crossbowmen once again did their best.

With two rounds of crossbow arrows, the number of Yizhou Army's damaged number reached 400, and the number of damaged bed crossbows reached 50. The original advantage in number has disappeared after two rounds of confrontation.

"Arrow!" Seeing this, the Yizhou army general gave the order without hesitation. In the confrontation between the bed and crossbow, although his side was at a disadvantage, only the bed crossbowmen eliminated more enemies on the battlefield, and his army later charged. In the process, more losses can be reduced.

The crossbows from both sides come and go, and the bed crossbows in the Chang'an Army have also been damaged. With such a intensive confrontation of crossbow arrows, it is a huge test for the bed crossbowmen. The bed crossbowmen of the Yizhou Army are loading. When the crossbow arrows were being used, their hands trembled a little. It was the first time they experienced the process of the crossbow confrontation. The lack of experience in the confrontation between the bed crossbowmen and the strength of the enemy made the bed crossbowmen of the Yizhou Army suffer a lot. Excitement, especially when they saw the crossbow arrows penetrate the robe, the fear in their hearts was thoroughly aroused. The two rounds of crossbow arrows made many bed crossbowmen more fearful when looking in the direction of the Chang'an Army, and the speed of loading the crossbow arrows was also greater. Is affected.

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