Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2111: : Zhang Fei blocks the enemy

However, what makes Zhao Yun feel strange is that after the soldiers in the army reached the enemy's firing range, they were not attacked by the crossbow arrows.

As the horses galloped, and the dust was rolling, Zhao Yun noticed that the Lien Crossbow Army in front was dispersing to both sides of the road. He instantly understood the choice of the Lien Crossbow Army. At such an important moment, the choice of the Lien Crossbow Army made Zhao Yun overjoyed. As for He didn't think too much about why the Liannujun would do this. As long as he could catch up with the enemy and keep Liu Bei on the battlefield, that would be Zhao Yun's biggest mission.

The cavalry roaring past made Wu Yi's complexion not very good. How mighty the Lien Crossbow Army is on the battlefield. Looking at the situation, it is clear that the enemy general did not put the Lien Crossbow Army in his eyes and faced the surrendering company. The crossbow army did not even stop.

"This general is a flying cavalry lieutenant. Since you have taken refuge in King Jin, you will stay beside the road for the time being, and you must not affect the way the army advances. All the weapons in your hand are thrown aside, and all the crossbow arrows in the ballista are removed. "The lieutenant shouted.

Wu Yi stepped forward and said, "Underneath is Wu Yi, the commander of the Liannu Army."

"It turns out to be General Wu. The cavalry in the army is chasing the escaped Yizhou Army. The military situation is urgent. General Wu can be considerate." The captain clasped his fists on the battle horse.

"The general is busy with military affairs, so I understand it naturally." Wu Yi's expression is full of respect. Even in the Yizhou army, Wu Yi rarely shows such a side. In the army, Wu Yi is in charge. It is the Liannujun. What status does the Liannujun have in the Yizhou army? Even if the generals of other divisions see Wu Yi, they must respectfully, even if many generals want to see him, Wu Yi is not. A simple thing.

Now he is a captive of the enemy army. After making this choice, there is no way to change. If they resist now, they will die even more miserably. Instead of this, it is better to simply choose to surrender.

No matter what Wu Yi's thoughts, the flying cavalry responsible for gathering these surrendering soldiers had a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts. Originally, they were following the general on the battlefield, but they did not expect the enemy to surrender at such a time. The surrendered people. There were also more important figures in the Yizhou army, which affected the pursuit of Feiqi.

At this time, the greatest wish of the flying cavalry lieutenant was that the soldiers from the rear could catch up as soon as possible, so that he could lead the cavalry to continue to charge the enemy.

Just when the school lieutenant gathered the surrendered Lien Crossbow Army to one place, dust billowed not far away, and the horses galloping in shocking momentum.

After seeing the flag waving in the wind, the school lieutenant of Feiqi was shocked. It was Lu Bu who led the cavalry to come in person. On the battlefield, the Lv character flag is the best proof of Lu Bu's identity. The school lieutenant obviously did not expect that, Lu Bu. Will appear on such a battlefield. Although the enemy army has failed, it still has a certain strength. At this time, there are not many cavalry in the army.

After Lu Bu noticed the situation on the roadside, he didn't pause at all.

"Who just led the cavalry?" Wu Yi asked. During the decisive battle with the Chang'an Army, Wu Yi did not see a large army with the flag of Lu appearing. Now a group of cavalry is actually using the flag of Lu to tell Wu. Yi has some doubts.

The school lieutenant said: "It is King Jin who leads the cavalry."

From the look of the captain, Wu Yi saw not only respect, but also madness. This kind of look has never been seen in the generals of the Yizhou army. When the generals in the army treat the masters in the army, they will have With such emotions, one can imagine what kind of influence the Lord will have among the soldiers.

"It turns out that this person is King Jin." Wu Yi murmured.

"King Hanzhong, the enemy cavalry is catching up." The scout in charge of the battlefield news rode up again and shouted.

Zhuge Liang's complexion was not very good. He sent Wu Yi to lead the Lien Crossbow Army to block the enemy. That was just what happened, and the enemy's cavalry didn't seem to have suffered any obstacles.

"What's the situation behind?" Liu Bei asked.

"General Wu Yi led Lian Nujun directly to the enemy." The scout said truthfully.

Liu Bei's complexion changed drastically. The reason why Wu Yi retreated to the Chinese army on the battlefield was that when the army retreated, Wu Yi could show enough value to stop the enemy's pursuit, but now it's better, facing the enemy's pursuit. , Wu Yi led the soldiers in the army directly chose to surrender.

Zhuge Liang’s heart also couldn’t be calm. Wu Yi was the general he pulled up with one hand, and Wu Yi was responsible for the most important Lien Crossbow Army in the Yizhou Army. This was the biggest support of the Yizhou Army on the battlefield. What kind of trust did Wu Yi have, but what did Wu Yi do at a critical moment? Faced with the enemy's cavalry, he directly surrendered.

"I don't want Wu Yi to be such a coward and ungrateful person." Zhuge Liang's hands trembled.

"Kong Ming, the enemy is pursuing fiercely. Since Wu Yi has taken refuge in the enemy, it will not be of much benefit to say that the most important thing is to leave the battlefield." Liu Bei said.

"Brother, the final general will lead the cavalry to block the enemy!" Zhang Fei stepped forward.

Liu Bei's complexion is constantly changing Bu's cavalry has such a powerful strength, Liu Bei naturally knows, let Zhang Fei stay on the battlefield to fight the cavalry, it is definitely a very risky move, if Zhang Fei fights to death on the battlefield However, it was the biggest blow to the Yizhou Army. Guan Yu was injured. If Zhang Fei made a mistake on the battlefield, the Yizhou Army was the real danger.

Through this battle, Liu Bei saw more things that the Yizhou Army did not possess. What kind of behavior did the Chang'an Army have when facing the battle. On the other hand, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were dealing with the enemy. , More of fear.

"After Yi De arrives on the battlefield, be cautious. If nothing can be done, lead the cavalry back to the army as soon as possible." Liu Bei warned.

Zhang Fei clasped his fist and said, "Brother don't worry."

More than 300 cavalrymen are the last cavalry force in the Yizhou Army. These cavalrymen are also Liu Bei’s last hope. If the cavalry cannot stop the flying cavalry on the battlefield, the Yizhou Army will suffer a greater loss, just two. Ten miles away, it will become the burial place of Yizhou Army.

When Zhang Fei led more than 300 cavalry soldiers back to the battlefield, his expression revealed a relaxed look. Perhaps it was a good choice to fight Liu Bei to die on the battlefield. He could feel that the current Yizhou army has come to an end. It’s just that Liu Bei still has illusions about the current Yizhou. Liu Bei doesn’t want to accept a failure. Zhang Fei can understand what he thinks. The same thing is placed on any monarch and he will not give up. Let Zhang Fei. I felt dissatisfied that Liu Bei abandoned the soldiers who fought on the battlefield. No matter what situation these soldiers were in when facing the enemy, it was not a wise move for Liu Bei to lead the Chinese soldiers to retreat. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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