Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2112: : The King’s Club 1 Meeting Yide

Although the Chinese army gathered the elites of the army at that time, the most important force on the battlefield was still ordinary soldiers. They were the key factor in determining the direction of a war. When ordinary soldiers lost their fighting spirit and confidence, What will happen to the army?

"I am the Yan Ren Zhang Yide!" Zhang Fei shouted vigorously as he saw the black cavalry team approaching.

The thunder-like shouts attracted the attention of the flying cavalry soldiers. The Yizhou Army offered a reward for the soldiers of the Chang'an Army. Zhang Fei’s head was credited to the flying cavalry soldiers. Zhang Fei was a powerful general of the Yizhou Army. Liu Bei's righteous brother has a pivotal position in the Yizhou army.

With the spear in Zhao Yun's hand, hundreds of cavalry behind him stopped pursuing.

"Unexpectedly, General Zhang led the cavalry here." Zhao Yunce said immediately.

"General Zhao, if you want to pursue the Yizhou Army, you can come here," Zhang Feilang said.

"Could it be that General Zhang thought that with these cavalry soldiers would be able to stop the flying cavalry's attack? General Zhang is a fierce general, why should he follow Liu Bei to fight to death?" Zhao Yun persuaded.

Zhang Fei shouted, "Children Zhao Yun, dare to disturb the military's mind here."

"It's not the general who disturbed the military's mind. You look back at the cavalry behind you and ask if they are willing to follow General Zhang to the death battlefield. They are more ordinary people. They have their families behind them. What will the family get? The soldiers who flies to the battlefield are heroes. Their families will receive generous compensation. The most important thing is the warriors who died on the battlefield, which is the hero of the Chang'an Army. After death, they will enter the hero monument. Can Yizhou Army do it?" Zhao Yun said.

Many cavalrymen of the Yizhou Army couldn't calm down after hearing such words. They were also cavalrymen in the army. Not only did they have a huge difference in strength, but they also had such a huge difference in their treatment after death. They couldn't help but Focusing on Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei is the chief general in the army, and Zhang Fei's decision is the most important to them. They only need an order from Zhang Fei and they will put down their weapons.

After today’s confrontation, many of the Yizhou Army’s cavalry died on the battlefield. The surviving cavalry are also panicked. They are cavalry in the army and have to withstand more tests on the battlefield. The current situation in the army is worrying. But it is to be the last team to resist the enemy.

Cavalry is the elite of the army, they are also soldiers in the army, they also want to survive in this war.

Zhang Fei’s heart was also waved. Zhao Yun’s words made him think more, but the most important thing at the moment is to allow his army to withdraw from the battlefield. As long as Liu Bei can leave the battlefield, it will be the Yizhou army. All the cavalry died on the battlefield, in Zhang Fei's opinion, it was worth it. With such an idea, Zhang Fei found his goal on the battlefield.

"Children Zhao Yun, don’t talk nonsense here. We are the elites of the Yizhou army. How can the cavalry under the tent of the king of Han Come out, this general has been on the battlefield for many years, and he has never been afraid of it." Zhang Fei shouted.

Zhang Fei is a banner in the Yizhou army. The generals in the army respect Zhang Fei, not only because of Zhang Fei’s credit, but also because of his admiration for Zhang Fei. When charging on the battlefield, Zhang Fei can To lead the way, Zhang Fei dared to step forward in the face of a tough enemy army.

After Zhang Da heard Zhang Fei’s words, he felt a little dignified. He was Zhang Fei’s lieutenant, but he had already chosen to take refuge in King Jin. If Zhang Fei had taken refuge at this time, he would become King Jin’s subordinate. Generals are a matter of course.

The sound of rumbling horses' hoofs sounded again from the rear, and the head of the person was extremely fast, leaving only a fiery red figure.

"King Jin." Many Feiqi had an answer in their hearts, and their expressions showed excitement, because the leader of Feiqi is Lu Bu, and this has not changed even now.

Zhang Fei also noticed the figure in the forefront, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he raised his vigilance in the dark. Zhang Fei admired Lu Bu's martial arts very much. Originally on the battlefield, the Yizhou cavalry was absolutely absolute. In terms of the weakness, now that Lu Bu leads the cavalry, you can imagine what kind of performance the Yizhou Army cavalry will have on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei is not a person who easily admits failure. Facing the flying knight led by Zhao Yun, he has enough confidence to stop him. However, when facing Lu Bu, Zhang Fei has no confidence. Lu Bu is an insurmountable mountain. .

On the battlefield, even if Zhang Fei is a tough general, he will not be afraid of it. Failure is nothing for a general like Zhang Fei. As long as he keeps improving, he will eventually be able to defeat the enemy. , But when facing Lu Bu on the battlefield he did not have such confidence, Lu Bu is difficult to surpass.

The battle to support Zitong made Zhang Fei aware of the gap between each other. After he returned to the army, although he was more diligent in martial arts practice, he did not make much progress. After his martial arts reached Zhang Fei's level , It is very difficult to get promotion.

Facing the world’s number one military commander who has been famous for a long time, it is impossible to say that he is not nervous. The shadow of the famous tree of people, even Zhang Fei and other fierce generals, must be weighed when facing Lv Bu. Yes, Lu Bu's martial arts are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. When fighting against such an enemy, he must consider more things, otherwise, it will be a defeat on the battlefield.

The defeat of Zitong made Zhang Fei much weaker when facing Lu Bu.

Lü Bu led the cavalry and stopped the horses neatly at a stone’s throw from the Yizhou Army’s cavalry. This momentum made the Yizhou Army’s cavalry look sideways. Many of the Yizhou Army’s cavalry looked at Lu Bu with gazes. fear.

"Meet King Jin!" Zhao Yun said loudly.

Lü Bu nodded and said: "Zilong led the cavalry to continue chasing the Yizhou army, leaving 300 cavalry behind, and this king will have Yi De for a while."

"Here." Zhao Yun clasped his fists. Lu Bu was the head coach of the army. Although he got along well with Zhang Fei on the battlefield at the beginning, Zhao Yun still weighed in front of the big issues. Even though Zhang Fei was brave, he was standing there. The opposite of Lu Bu is the enemy, and only by destroying the enemy can the governance of the land become more stable.

Zhao Yun led a group of cavalry troops and whizzed away, but the cavalry of the Yizhou Army did not dare to step forward to stop it, not because they did not get Zhang Fei's order, but because they did not have such courage. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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