Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2119: : King Jin arrives, those who descend will not kill

In the face of thousands of soldiers of the Yizhou Army, Feiqi once again showed the scimitar in his hand. In the successive battles, Feiqi also felt tired, but they had their own beliefs to defeat the enemy. It's time for Feiqi to rest.

The rain of arrows poured down, and the scimitar kept reaping the lives of the Yizhou sergeant. There was no mercy in the eyes of the flying horse. They wanted to be able to kill the enemy to a greater extent on the battlefield. What they need most is victory. Victory requires the blood of the enemy to be poured out.

Why doesn’t Liu Bei know the current state of the lieutenant soldiers? Since he chose to retreat from the battlefield, he just didn’t want to give up easily in this battle. Even if he failed on the battlefield, Liu Bei would continue to work hard. He couldn’t just do it. Admitting failure, he still has Luoxian and Chengdu City.

Before the start of the war, the words of mobilizing lieutenant soldiers were just to encourage the soldiers in the army to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield to kill the enemy. It is nonsense that the enemy will not retreat.

Retreating from the battlefield of the decisive battle meant that the Yizhou Army had to pay a heavy price. At one point, Liu Bei was psychologically prepared. Since he failed, he would have to bear the price.

The battlefield is ruthless. If you choose the battlefield, there will be death and failure. Liu Bei's belief is that you should not succumb easily in the face of failure. Only by fighting can you get more.

Liu Bei led more than two thousand soldiers, but he did not go to Luo County. Zhuge Liang’s worries were reasonable. Besides, it was difficult for Luo County to defend at this time. Lu Bu led the army just won the battle, if he leads the army. If Luoxian was besieged, it would be even more difficult for Liu Bei to leave Luoxian.

Only after returning to the city of Chengdu can Liu Bei feel at ease. As the governor of Yizhou, the defense of Chengdu city is not comparable to other cities. As long as you stick to the city, even if Lu Bu has a larger number of elite soldiers in his hands, Don't want to break through Chengdu City easily.

In the melee between the thousands of soldiers and the flying cavalry, they were completely at a disadvantage. More soldiers among them even fled the battlefield directly after their army had left. The departure of the army meant that they had been abandoned on the battlefield. They know what the price of infantry against cavalry will be.

The shrewd Liu Bei wanted to let the soldiers in the army stop the flying cavalry from pursuing the pace, but the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were not fools either. Since they could not win against the enemy cavalry, they could simply choose to leave the battlefield and let the flying cavalry go on. Pursue the middle army.

With this mentality, when facing the cavalry, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army have a low combat effectiveness. They are more concerned about how to save their lives from this battle. In fact, they and Liu Bei The purpose is the same, all in order to be able to continue to survive.

After Lu Bu defeated the Yizhou cavalry, he continued to pursue Liu Bei’s escape. The victory of this battle was a good opportunity to eradicate Liu Bei’s forces from Yizhou in one fell swoop. Leaving Liu Bei in Yizhou would not be conducive to the stability of Yizhou. Only a dead Liu Bei can make Lu Bu feel at ease.

Yizhou has a strong background. Their army has failed in this battle. However, if Liu Bei continues to fight against the Chang'an Army based on the background of Yizhou, it will be a very troublesome thing. No one dares. Certainly, after Liu Bei's defeat on the battlefield, the Yizhou family will still support Liu Bei.

"The King Jin arrives, the survivors will not kill!" Dian Wei Ce immediately shouted.

"The King Jin arrives, the survivors will not kill!" Feiqi's neat shouts sounded on the battlefield.

Many soldiers of the Yizhou Army were unbelievable when they first heard the shouts. What kind of identity is King Jin. They are just a failed army. In order to resist the enemy’s offensive, they can only support themselves on the battlefield. It is worth letting King Jin take the shot himself.

However, when they saw the King Jin banner floating among the flying cavalry, many soldiers of the Yizhou Army directly gave up their resistance, and they couldn't afford the courage to fight against the army led by King Jin.

The arrival of Lu Bu was the last straw that crushed the camel to the soldiers of the Yizhou army during the war.

After the soldiers left by Liu Bei were gradually calmed down, Lu Bu left more than a hundred flying cavalry to guard these soldiers, and led the cavalry to continue chasing the Yizhou army. Physical strength is a huge drain, and the dried meat that Feiqi carries with them can help them recover their physical strength faster on the battlefield.

For this war, the Chang'an Army was fully prepared. Not only the cavalry, but even the infantry in the army also carried one day's more dry food. It was completely planned for this war in more than one day.

"Military officer, King Jin led the cavalry to come, the cavalry behind can't stop it."

Zhuge Liang's expression changed drastically after hearing the news. At this time, the Yizhou army was already panicking, not to mention that at this critical moment, Lu Bu led the army, and now there are no generals in the army that can stop Lu Bu's cavalry attack~ Liu Bei decided to withdraw from the battlefield more decisively. At that time, there were still many Yizhou soldiers on the battlefield fighting **** battles. I did not expect that Lu Bu led the cavalry to come so fast.

"Master, King Jin is here." Zhuge Liang's tone was a bit heavy. From Lu Bu's actions, he could feel Lu Bu's determination. Even if the same thing is placed on the Yizhou Army, he will not easily let the enemy leave. Yes, the existence of the Yizhou Army will inevitably affect Lu Bu's rule in Yizhou.

Liu Bei's expression changed drastically. He was most afraid of Lu Bu. Compared with Cao Cao, Lu Bu was obviously more terrifying. If possible, he would never want to see Lu Bu again. The Yizhou army was elite in Liu Bei's eyes. However, after encountering the Chang'an Army, it appeared to be so weak. Even the Lien Crossbow Army, the most important means in the army, was retreating steadily under the attack of the Chang'an Army.

"Kong Ming, be a soldier in the dispatch army to stop the enemy." Liu Bei's voice was a little anxious.

Zhuge pointed out: "Just so."

When it was really time to dispatch troops, Zhuge Liang was surprised to find that there were not too many generals in his hand that he could use. Seeing from the generals in the army, Zhuge Liang felt the panic in their hearts. Lu Bu was too terrible and led the Chang'an Army to The Yizhou Army not only experienced defeat on the battlefield, but also panicked like a dog in the family.

If Liu Bei can escape from this defeat, he should gather his troops and fight against Lu Bu. Although his army has failed, there are not a few soldiers who fled from the battlefield. The most likely choice for these defeated soldiers is to go. Luo County, now Luo County is full of uncertain factors, so Liu Bei can only lead his troops to Chengdu. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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