Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2120: : Definitely to kill all

"Wu Ban, you lead a thousand soldiers, and you must stop the enemy's attack." Zhuge Liang ordered.

After Wu Ban hesitated for a while, he still clasped his fists. The soldiers who were able to withdraw from this battle probably had the last command to stop the enemy's attack. On the way, the Yizhou army has undergone too many tests. .

However, in the face of Zhuge Liang’s order, Wu Ban dared not disobey. He was still a general in the Yizhou army at this time. If he violated Zhuge Liang’s order, the consequences would be serious. Zhuge Liang could not decide.

Wu Ban led a thousand soldiers against the flying cavalry. The soldiers in the Yizhou Army stepped up their evacuation speed. After the enemy's successive pursuits, the soldiers in the army had no fighting capacity at all.

"My lord, if we continue according to the current situation, it will be difficult for our army to return to Chengdu, and perhaps it will be defeated by King Jin and the army." Zhuge Liang said in a worried tone.

"What should we do in Kong Ming's opinion?" Liu Bei asked.

"There is a dangerous place ahead, and there are more than a thousand soldiers in the army today. If you set up an ambush here, you will definitely be able to stop the enemy's attack." Zhuge Liang said.

"Okay, just from Kong Ming's opinion." Liu Bei immediately agreed.

After the news of King Jin’s personal arrival spread among the Yizhou army generals who blocked the flying cavalry, the effect was extremely obvious. Many soldiers directly put down their weapons and fleeing for their lives, which has already made them feel. Panic, even if they become captives of the enemy, they don't want to go on like this anymore.

The shadow of failure looms over the heart of every Yizhou army general. Wu Ban is a well-known general in the Yizhou army. After the generals lost their fighting spirit, they wanted to use a thousand infantry to block the attack of the enemy cavalry. Impossible, he understands that Zhuge Liang asked him to lead an army to block the enemy's cavalry at this time. It was clear that he had given up on him. It was sad to receive such treatment on the battlefield.

Wu Ban didn’t want to die on the battlefield like this, but from Liu Bei’s body, Wu Ban could no longer feel the strength to defeat Lu Bu, Yizhou’s most critical war, Liu Bei had already failed, would he still want to rely on Yizhou’s strength? Will the old, weak, sick and disabled come to stop the elite Chang'an Army?

Wu Ban's respect for Liu Bei does not mean that he will die for Liu Bei. At a critical moment, he has clearly seen Liu Bei's ability and panicked in the face of the attack of the Chang'an Army. There is no way to deal with the enemy's pursuit, Zhuge Liang Although the ability to command operations on the battlefield is very strong, the overall strength of the Yizhou army's generals determines that Zhuge Liang wants to win this war. It is very difficult, especially after the Liannu Army defeated the enemy. .

With Fang Tian’s painted halberd in hand, Lu Bu is like a **** of war from the nine days in the Yizhou Army. Everywhere he passed, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army gave way. At first, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army wanted to try to defeat Lu Bu on the battlefield. Kill, in this case, they are not only the great heroes of Yizhou, but they can also alleviate the emergency of the army. However, what makes the archers of the Yizhou army desperate is that their bows and arrows are so weak in front of Lu Bu. There are more than ten bows and arrows. The hands attacked at the same time, without touching Lu Bu, but an angry Lu Bu followed. More than a dozen archers were killed and injured under the charge of Lu Bu's flying knight.

The strength of the enemy cavalry was most obvious that it stimulated the soldiers of the Yizhou Army, and they even chose to give up before the cavalry arrived.

Wu Ban kept commanding the soldiers in the army. However, he found that the soldiers of the Yizhou Army seemed so weak when facing the charge of the flying cavalry. Under the attack of the flying cavalry, the formation of the Yizhou Army was directly torn apart. Splitting apart, they did not cause much trouble to the cavalry.

The charge of hundreds of flying knights made the soldiers left by the Yizhou Army completely desperate. When facing the enemy, they no longer had the slightest will to fight.

"All the soldiers obey orders, give up resistance, and make way!" Wu Ban ordered. He could not see the hope of victory in this battle. If he blocked it like this, it would bring even greater anger from Feiqi. Instead of this, it is better to take refuge directly.

Many soldiers of the Yizhou Army gave up resistance without hesitation after receiving such orders.

Seeing the scene in the Yizhou army, Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction. Now the most important thing for the flying cavalry is time. If it can't cause fatal damage to the enemy after the enemy retreats, in the next battle It is no small trouble for the mid-commissioning team. Lu Bu is quite clear about what kind of person Liu Bei is. As long as Liu Bei is given a chance, he will be able to do more on the battlefield.

Therefore, when dealing with characters like Liu Bei, we must kill them all and not give Liu Bei a chance to breathe. The surviving Liu Bei brings more trouble.

Now is the best opportunity for the Chang'an Army. Liu Bei is defeated from the At this time, there are only more than a thousand soldiers beside him. It was the time when Liu Bei was fatally blown, even the fierce generals in the Yizhou Army. Zhang Fei was also defeated on the battlefield, not to mention the other soldiers, as long as Liu Bei sent the soldiers to block the pursuit, there would be no good end.

"Master, the scout is here to report. There is a dangerous place ahead. I am afraid that the Yizhou army has already set up an ambush here." Dian Wei did not dare to neglect the news from the scout.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. This was also the situation that he worries most on the battlefield. Yizhou's terrain is complicated. The Yizhou Army only needs to set up ambushes in difficult terrain to make it difficult for its cavalry to complete the pursuit. This is also the Yizhou Army's The soldiers had lost their fighting spirit on the battlefield. When facing their cavalry, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army who were in charge of blocking chose to take refuge. Their fighting spirit had been destroyed in successive battles.

Wu Ban gathered the soldiers of the Yizhou Army to the side, waiting for Lu Bu's disapproval. His expressions did not dare to disobey the slightest. The expressions of the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were also full of fear. This is the battlefield, between the two sides. They are enemies. If Lu Bu didn’t want to bother to kill them directly, they would have no extra choice. If they could survive on the battlefield, no one would choose to die. Otherwise, why would they have to retreat from the battlefield, no matter how elite. Soldiers, in the absence of morale, are so vulnerable. When facing the enemy, they will forget their elite status and turn to the enemy.

"Leave a hundred people to guard these pawns, and the rest will continue to kill the enemy with this king." Lu Bu ordered, and today is gradually dimmed. If Liu Bei is allowed to walk into the city, it will be difficult to kill Liu Bei. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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