Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2166: : Zhou Yu's plan

No one is allowed to approach without an order. This situation makes the generals in the army panic. When Zhou Yu is there, they can respond in time according to the situation of the enemy's siege. However, Zhou Yu was injured and left them on the battlefield. The performance on the site was unsatisfactory.

The assassins retreated when they learned that Zhou Yu was injured because their crossbow bolts contained poison. As long as Zhou Yu was injured, it would be difficult to survive unless there was a genius doctor in the Jiangdong Army.

Cao Cao learned that Zhou Yu was injured and was very likely to die. After the news that Jiangdong Army’s Chinese army was under martial law, he was excited. Regardless of whether Zhou Yu would die or not, if Zhou Yu was injured and could not direct the battle, it would be of greater help to Cao Jun’s siege. .

However, at present, Cao Jun just filled the moat and has not launched a real attack on the city. Now it is an opportunity.

On this day, the Cao Jun boarded the city wall several times, and the Jiangdong Army's resistance was also very tenacious. Cao Jun failed to defeat the Jiangdong Army to seize the city wall.

Through this siege, Cao Cao saw the hope of breaking Xiling. Zhou Yu was injured. This is the best news for Cao Jun. If Zhou Yu can die in the city, Jiangdong Army wants to defend and live in the absence of a general. The city is even more impossible.

Zhou Yu is of great significance to Jiangdong Army, just like Cao Cao to Cao Army.

After two consecutive days of siege, the Jiangdong Army was under great pressure. At the critical moment, it was the general Cheng Pu who stood up and commanded the army to fight, so that the Jiangdong Army gradually gained a foothold in the face of Cao's attack. , But compared to Cao Jun's high morale, Jiangdong Army's morale is a bit low.

News from the city continued to reach Cao Cao’s hands. Many of Zhou Yu’s guards were punished, and the leader of the guards was dismissed. It was possible to ask him at any time. Cao Cao was overjoyed. Cheng Pu was an old man in the Jiangdong army. Although there is a certain strategy in leading the battle, there is a big gap in comparison with Zhou Yu.

In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, the three healers were in the Tent, and there was no trace of anxiety in their expressions.

"Captain, General Lu Su is asking for a meeting outside the tent." Zhou Yu's personal guard said.

"Let Zijing come in." Zhou Yu said. When he encountered the assassin that night, fortunately a guard came forward and blocked the assassin's crossbow arrows, but Zhou Yu fell to the ground.

The Chinese army was under martial law. Without the command of Zhou Yu, although the generals were a little flustered, they would not have much problem when facing Cao Jun’s attack. Even if the Cao Jun’s attack on the city was fierce, there would be nearly five. How could it be such a simple matter to break a city guarded by ten thousand people, and Zhou Yu was planning a major event.

After Lu Su’s repeated requests for interviews were rejected, he was also a little panicked. Zhou Yu was too important to the current army. If Zhou Yu encountered the assassin and made some mistakes, the lieutenant generals would have great combat effectiveness when facing Cao Jun. At a discount, in the Jiangdong Army, Lu Su can feel Zhou Yu’s influence in the army. There is a clear difference between the Jiangdong Army with Zhou Yu and the Jiangdong Army without Zhou Yu. You can see the situation of the lieutenant generals in the face of Cao’s attack. out.

Lu Su valued Sun Quan. Naturally, he hoped that Jiangdong Army would win in this battle. Victory would allow Sun Quan to get more benefits on the battlefield in Jingzhou. However, judging from the current situation, Jiangdong Army is in an extremely embarrassing situation. In terms of position, if you want to do more on the battlefield, you have to fight one hundred thousand Cao Jun on the front battlefield. This war is unfair to Jiangdong in terms of the strength of both sides, but this is the case for the war. It is said that one party is weak and has softness or pity. This is the era of winners and losers, and losers will eventually be forgotten.

Several times to see Zhou Yu did not get the results, which made Lu Su a little panic. If Zhou Yu happened at this time, the attack on Jiangdong Army would be even greater, and the news circulating in the army Lu Su was even more nervous. The assassin wanted to reach The purpose must be unscrupulous, and their crossbow arrows are most likely smeared with poison.

After getting the promise, Lu Su was relieved. After entering the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, after walking forward to salute, Lu Su saw Zhou Yu lying on the bed. Lu Su didn't feel much difference from when he saw Zhou Yu before.

"Zi Jing, this general is naturally unscathed, but how is the situation in the army now?" Zhou Yu smiled.

"The governor is okay?" Lu Su asked in surprise.

"Does Zijing want this general to be injured?" Zhou Yu asked rhetorically.

Lu Su was not a dull person. He was a little nervous because of Zhou Yu's injury before, but now that Zhou Yu is not a major problem, his mind suddenly becomes alive. Cao Jun attacked the city fiercely and Zhou Yu was injured. In this way, Cao Jun will inevitably relax his vigilance.

"Does the governor want it?" Lu Su lowered his voice.

Zhou Yu nodded slightly. "Since Cao Jun attacked Xiling, our army has always been passively defensive, and the morale of the army has been somewhat low. The general is aware of these things, but Cao Cao led the army in the camp for many The defense is extremely tight. It just so happens that the general encountered the assassin and pretended to be injured. The affairs in the army have General Cheng, so there won't be too many problems."

"The governor is really a good calculation, and the generals in the army are also blinded by the governor." Lu Su's mood suddenly became a lot easier. If Zhou Yu's plan is successful, it will greatly ease the Jiangdong Army's defense of Cao Jun. pressure.

Zhou Yu said: "If it weren't, how could Cao Cao believe it."

"The governor is innocent, but the subordinates are relieved." Lu Su breathed out a long sigh.

After the two of them made some plans, Lu Su left the Chinese army’s big account, but his expression was a little frustrated. This was also the first general to enter the Chinese army’s account after Zhou Yu encountered the assassins. Regarding Zhou Yu’s situation, the generals in the army. Naturally, he was extremely concerned, but Lu Su just shook his head without saying more. This situation made the military general's mood even more solemn.

At this time, it was the key moment for Jiangdong Army to fight Cao Jun. Zhou Yu was injured and it was a great blow to Jiangdong Army. Cao Jun's elite, if the current situation of attacking the city proceeded, it would be Jiangdong Army that ultimately failed.

The generals in the army were panicking, but Cao Cao was very excited, wishing that Zhou Yu would die immediately and change his command. It would be a huge blow to an army.

"Zhou Yu's child's life is coming soon, after the truth breaks through Xiling, there will be no Jiangdong forces in Jingzhou." Cao Cao laughed.

Xun You whispered: "Master, Zhou Yu has many tricks, beware of fraud."

Cao Cao said: "No, our army attacked Xiling fiercely. Zhou Yu is still being treated in the army's big account. He must be injured. The crossbow arrows in the hands of the assassins are poisoned." You who love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this public account. , V letter search: rdww444 or hot web texts, let’s chat about web texts together~

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