Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2167: : Night Attack on Cao Jun (Part 1)

After hearing Cao Cao’s thoughtful words, the generals in the army also had a lot of discussions. When fighting with Zhou Yu, Cao Jun had indeed suffered a lot. However, as long as Xiling was broken, it would be Zhou Yu’s burial place, no matter what Jiangdong Army was. How elite, when he encountered Cao Jun on the frontal battlefield, he had only failed, and the enemy coach was injured. There is nothing more exciting for the generals in the army than this news.

Especially when attacking the city, the generals in the army have some clear feelings. Although the enemy's defense is tenacious, there is not much tactics. Facing the offensive of the own army, they often win by relying on the advantage of numbers. , If this continues, Xiling will inevitably be breached. As long as one's own soldiers can gain a foothold on the city wall, defeating Jiangdong Army is an extremely simple matter. Cao's generals still have such confidence.

Some counselors even began to congratulate Cao Cao in advance. After the capture of Jingzhou, Cao Cao's strength will be greatly improved. When fighting against Lu Bu, he will have a greater foundation. If he can take advantage of the trend to occupy Jiangdong, the original chaotic world will change. A scene of two princes vying for hegemony.

Cao Cao’s counsellors and generals were confident that Cao Jun could win the battle against Lu Bu, especially the generals who had followed Cao Cao for many years. They witnessed Cao Cao’s journey, no matter how difficult things he faced, Cao Cao. Always a little open-minded, this alone is not something that an ordinary monarch can possess.

Cao Cao was particularly happy after receiving the compliment, and discussed the specific matters of attacking Xiling with the generals in the army. When his army has the thunderbolt car as a cover when attacking, it can prevent the lieutenant generals from appearing when attacking the city to a greater extent. Casualties.

At the second shift, Cao Junyingzhai had calmed down. After the news that Zhou Yu would die soon after being injured was spread in the army, the excitement of the lieutenant and generals can be imagined.

Zhou Tai led a thousand cavalrymen and quietly opened the gate and walked out. The horseshoes were covered with cotton cloth, so that when the horses were walking, they would not disturb the enemy. After the thousand cavalrymen, Cheng Pu led two thousand heavy armoured soldiers. That is, the well-known trouble-relief army in the Jiangdong army.

The Troops Jiefang was founded by Sun Ce to fight against the elite team of the princes in future wars. It is known as invincible and able to overcome difficulties and dangers. It is the most elite infantry force in the Jiangdong Army. It was originally forged by Jiangdong in Changan. Weapons are prepared to relieve the troubles of the army.

This was the first time the Jiangdong Army resisted on the battlefield since Cao Jun attacked Xiling.

It does not require too many soldiers to attack the enemy. It seems that Zhuge Liang used so many troops when he attacked the Chang'an Army because of the lack of elites in the Yizhou Army at that time. It is easy to be exposed on the battlefield. Besides, a sudden attack in the middle of the night can cause maximum chaos to the enemy when the enemy is unprepared. The chaos of the enemy is an opportunity for a surprise attack on one side.

There is a team of assassins in the Cao army, as well as the same team in the Jiangdong army. This is also inspired by Lu Bu on the Huguan battlefield. Naturally, Sun Ce will not fall behind in this matter. Now this force is helping Zhou Yu in Xiling City. Against Cao Jun.

In terms of the assassin’s elite level, the most powerful were the assassins under Lu Bu’s command. The princes recognized this, but facing the assassins under Lu Bu’s command, if the princes did not have the ability to defend themselves, they would be in a more passive position. It is still necessary to train an assassin that belongs to them.

Before the army was dispatched, the assassin team in the Jiangdong Army had already been dispatched. Their main task was to cut off the enemy's sentry on the battlefield and make more preparations for the assassin's surprise attack. .

Cao Jun gained advantages on the battlefield one after another, and Zhou Yu, the head coach of the Jiangdong Army, was injured. It is inevitable that the soldiers in the army were a little slack. Since entering the battlefield in Jingzhou, the soldiers in the army have always been tense. No one wants to be on such a battlefield. In order to lose lives, the defense in the army must be strict and not give the enemy a chance.

Looking at the yawning Sergeant Cao above the camp and the assassin in the night, he cleared the obstacles outside the camp at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Tai ordered the cavalry under his command to remove the cotton cloth from the horse's hoof to prevent the cavalry from causing unnecessary damage when charging. It is only 500 steps away from Cao Jun’s camp. The Cao’s camp in the dark is like a monster. .

Zhou Tai is a famous warrior in the Jiangdong Army, so naturally he will not be afraid of Cao Jun. He has great expectations for this raid. This is the first time that Jiangdong Army has taken action in this period of time. He wants to teach Cao Jun a severe lesson. He did not forget his mission. After rushing into Cao Jun’s camp, he tried his best to cause chaos in Cao Jun’s camp and burned down the enemy’s thunderbolt, so that Cao’s offensive could be At this time, the moat has been filled. If Cao Cao delays waiting for the army to build enough thunderbolt cars, it will definitely affect the siege. The daily consumption of grain and grass for the 100,000 army is not a small amount.

If the enemy army is in chaos, it will be able to ensure the safety of the cavalry to a greater extent. At such a late night, sudden chaos in the enemy army will have a great impact. Under the panic, the lieutenant generals will make some incredible things. Things are also normal.

The success of the raid is of great significance to the current Jiangdong Army. Cao Jun’s siege of the Jiangdong Army is only a defense. The army cannot do more on the battlefield, so that the soldiers in the army have no greater role in this battle. Hope, victory, can make the morale of the generals in the army high.

After receiving the news, Zhou Tai waved the long knife in his hand, and thousands of cavalrymen slew towards Cao Jun's camp.

The cavalry charged up and shocked Sergeant Cao above the camp. However, when they saw the shadowy figure of the cavalry through the fire, they just rang the gong in their hand, and what was ushered in was the dense arrows of the Jiangdong cavalry.

After the soldier Cao above the camp was shot and killed, assassins from the Jiangdong Army rushed forward to open the gate, and then Zhou Tai led the cavalry into the Cao army.

This raid surpassed Cao Jun’s expectations. The news of Zhou Yu’s injury had just spread among the army. Who would have thought that Jiangdong Army chose to make a raid at this time. When I was about to fail, I suddenly came up with such a hand.

The raid plunged Cao Jun’s camp into chaos. A torch ignited Cao’s camp. Against the backdrop of the fire, the cavalry of the Jiangdong Army became even more terrifying in the mind of Sergeant Cao. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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