Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2168: : Attack on Cao Jun at Night (Part 2)

Many Sergeant Cao didn’t even have time to put on the armor. They just ran out of the camp with their weapons. Then they saw the cavalry killed by Rumble. Panicked and spread rapidly among Cao’s army. This unexpected assault. , Cao Jun generals panic even more.

Some soldiers who are still resting in the camp, after the camp is on fire, their fate can be imagined.

This is the battlefield of the Jiangdong cavalry. They are the killing gods in the eyes of Cao Jun. From time to time, Cao Jun fell under the iron hoof of the Jiangdong cavalry. Under such power, the resistance of Cao Jun’s soldiers seemed so fragile. They panicked them. Courage on the battlefield was defeated.

The movement in the army awakened the sleeping Cao Cao. Without waiting to put on his armor, he walked out of the camp and asked, "What happened in the army?"

"Thanks to the Prime Minister, Jiangdong Army's raid on the camp, our soldiers can't stop it." The guard said eagerly.

"Jiangdong Army's raid?" Cao Cao didn't react for a moment. He was still immersed in the news that Zhou Yu was injured and was about to die. He didn't expect that Jiangdong Army's raid came at night. After thinking about it, Cao Cao understood Jiangdong Army. He gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want Zhou Yu's children to be so shameless. Cao Ren, Xiahoudun, and Cao Chun are sent to lead cavalry to stop the enemy's attack, and the generals of the generals restrain the soldiers under his command."

In such a camp, if the soldiers in the army are panicked, it will cause more deaths and injuries. These deaths and injuries may not come from the enemy, but from their own soldiers trampled on each other. There are a large number of Cao’s troops, and once they are completely chaotic. Afterwards, Cao Cao was not sure whether the Jiangdong Army's raid would have done its best to deal with the greater impact of the army.

The dark night gave the Jiangdong army cavalry a chance. More than 90% of the soldiers in the Cao army had difficulty seeing the surrounding things at night. In the face of an enemy raid, they could not see clearly the situation in the army. It will be aggravated, and this situation is also true in other armies. If the enemy's surprise attack is successful in the dark, it will cause great harm to the army.

The chaos in the Cao army continued. After receiving the order, the generals of the various ministries tried to restrain their soldiers. However, under the rampage of the Jiangdong cavalry, the effect was not very good. Just when the Cao army camp was in chaos, Cheng Pu Leading two thousand elites into Cao Junyingzhai.

All of a sudden, Cao Junying shouted and screamed. Although it was ten miles away from Xiling, the defenders on the city heard the movement.

For this raid, Zhou Yu has absolute confidence. When the enemy is in chaos in the middle of the night, his cavalry and heavy armor can cause the greatest damage to the enemy. The most important thing is that this raid will bring the most damage to the enemy. What kind of effect will come.

Cao Jun has hundreds of thousands of people. It is impossible to defeat one hundred thousand Cao Jun just by relying on a surprise attack of three thousand people. There are elite cavalry in the Cao Jun. Once Cao Jun’s cavalry responds and finds Jiangdong’s cavalry , It will be even more difficult to continue to cause damage to the enemy on the battlefield.

Zhou Tai led the cavalry to set off a **** storm among the Cao army, and the cavalry's infantry all evaded wherever the cavalry passed.

"General, the enemy's thunderbolt is about a hundred paces on the left." A cavalryman came on horseback and shouted.

"Kill it!" Zhou Tai exclaimed. His mission on this trip was not only a surprise attack, but also to burn the enemy's Thunderbolt car.

One by one the torches were dropped on the Thunderbolt car, and soon a raging flame ignited where the Thunderbolt car was placed.

After Cao Cao learned about the Thunderbolt car, he was very angry. Although there are many craftsmen in the army who can build the Thunderbolt car, if the Thunderbolt car is damaged too much, it will affect the army's siege.

This was a night that made Cao Jun difficult to calm. The Jiangdong Army, who could not be seen in their eyes, showed extremely strong strength on the battlefield, and Cao Jun paid a heavy price.

It was not until the elite of the Cao army reacted from panic to resist the Jiangdong army’s attack that Zhou Tai and Cheng Pu led their troops back to Xiling. The Jiangdong army retreated, but Cao army did not pursue it. At such a late night, if the enemy army deployed an ambush on the way , Isn't it the sheep into the wolf's mouth.

At twilight, the chaos in the Cao Jun had stopped, but the camp was in a mess. Many camps were still littered with smoke, and soldiers’ bodies were everywhere on the ground. This raid actually caused the most damage to Cao Jun. It was crowded and trampled by the lieutenant soldiers running around each other in panic.

The tiger and leopard cavalry and heavy cavalry in the Cao army patrolled outside the camp, and the generals of the Cao army who returned from the battlefield of the Jingnan three counties, after this defeat, the joy of victory diminished a lot. From this fight , Let Cao Jun’s generals feel the terrible place of Jiangdong Army. In the past, Jiangdong Army just held on to the city, giving Cao Jun a feeling that Jiangdong Army was nothing but this. But now Jiangdong Army suddenly prestige on the Cao Jun suffered heavy losses.

Cao Cao's complexion was low and terrifying, and the look of the counsellors in the tent was not very good. Yesterday, many of them were still complimenting Cao Cao's attack on Xiling. Unexpectedly, Jiangdong Army launched a raid at night.

Cao Cao glanced at the generals in the tent, and snorted coldly: "The enemy army raided, but the army did not get the slightest news before, and pulled out the general who was in charge of patrolling the camp last night and beheaded to show the public."

After a while, there was a scream from outside the camp, and the head of the night-watching general was sent to the tent as a soldier.

The atmosphere of the Chinese army's big account became more solemn. The enemy's surprise attack was not expected by the night patrol generals. Most of the generals in the army did not expect it. Who would have thought that the Jiangdong Army would dare to launch a surprise attack under such circumstances.

"Lord, there is news from the city that Zhou Yu was not injured, just to confuse our army. The battle last night was directed by Zhou Yu from the side." Cheng Yu said.

"Zhou Yu, child, An dare to deceive me like this. After breaking through Xiling, you will inevitably be broken into pieces before you can vent the hatred in my heart." Cao Cao cursed.

"Master, 60% of the Thunderbolt cars in the army have been damaged, and the giant Thunderbolt cars are the most damaged." Xun You arched his hands.

"The craftsmen in the Chuanling Army build thunderbolt carts day and night, and the cavalry inquires into the situation on the battlefield in detail. After the generals return, they appease the soldiers in the army. If there is a problem with any of the soldiers, Ben Hou will never tolerate it." Cao Cao said. .

"Here." The generals in the account said in unison.

After the lieutenant general left, Cao Cao sighed: "Before the beneficiary was a little negligent, I didn't expect Zhou Yu to be such a cunning, regretting the persuasion before Gongda." You who love to read novels, how can you not? Pay attention to this public account, search for V letter: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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