Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2227: : Incompetent Liu Qi

Liu Qi, who has been paying attention to Lv Bu, trembles when he sees Lv Bu's eyes. When he was in Jingzhou, there was a holiday between him and Lv Bu. At that time, Liu Biao was the sage of the great Han, and he was not low among the princes. His prestige, and now he has become a prisoner of Lu Bu. If he knew that things would get to this point, Liu Qi would definitely not offend Lu Bu.

This is a murderous god. How many people fell on Lu Bu's advancement. Although Liu Qi regretted in his heart, it was difficult for him to change the current situation. He didn't want to die. He was the emperor of the Han and wanted to survive the troubled times. I want to continue to enjoy the life of fine clothes and jade food.

Liu Qi is the most respected person in the Han Dynasty. On the surface, Liu Bei still has to obey his orders. Compared with the situation that has just entered Yizhou, Liu Qi would rather be a puppet in Liu Bei's hands, without actual power. At the very least, there is no need to worry about safety.

People are like this. When they lose, they want to get it. Although Liu Qi is the sacred and the ninth-five, there is no exception.

"Should this king call you the sage, or should you call you the prince or Liu Qi?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Zhuge Liang's face was sullen, and Liu Qi is the sage of today, and even the eldest son of the first emperor, what a noble existence, to Lu Bu's mouth, it is so casual.

Liu Qi arched his hands and said: "The King Jin is polite. When I was outside the city of Xiangyang, I was offended a lot. The King Jin was magnanimous and would certainly not have the same knowledge as me."

After these words, the generals in the palace burst into laughter, and Zhuge Liang’s refutation of righteous words made the generals in the army feel depressed. However, seeing Liu Qi’s performance now, their expressions are full of complacency. This It was the emperor that Zhuge Liang said. This is what Liu Bei called the monarch who can revitalize the great man. He is clearly the one who is greedy for life and fear of death.

Lü Bu smiled and said, "I don't want the saint to be so wise."

Sadness flashed in Zhuge Liang's heart. It fell into Lu Bu's hands. It was obviously impossible for Liu Qi to obtain the power and prosperity of the past. You must know that Lu Bu clearly stated that the Yizhou court was not orthodox, but Liu Qi wanted to survive. , But bowed to his knees in front of Lu Bu. What made Zhuge Liang most angry was that Liu Qi still claimed to be "I", which was the biggest insult to the emperor.

"The King of Jin, in fact, I am very dissatisfied with the behavior of the King of Hanzhong. His mouthful of benevolence and morality is actually extremely rude to me. In my opinion, only King Jin is the minister of ZTE Dahan." Liu Qi arched his hands. He didn't feel the killing intent from Lu Bu's look, which made Liu Qi work harder. At this time, his life and death were between Lu Bu's words.

Lü Bu laughed and said: "Kong Ming, it seems that the sage is extremely dissatisfied with the king of Hanzhong. You are just trying to honour the sacred, but what kind of face is there to rebuke the king here?"

"Hmph, you and others, if you insult the saint, the people of the world will have arbitration." Zhuge Liang hummed coldly. Liu Qi's flattery made his previous words unrestrictedly reduced.

Moreover, Liu Qi’s attitude towards Lv Bu even made the Han family face scandal. As an emperor, even if he is in a dangerous situation, he must maintain sufficient dignity. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be despised by others? Obviously Liu Qi didn’t think about it. Understand what's in it, and in order to survive, I have been desperate.

If you do this, you might be able to save your life, but it makes Han Shi a laughingstock.

"The King of Jin's words are quite true. It is clear that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang insulted me, but they are talking about it here." Liu Qi turned his eyes to Zhuge Liang and rebuked.

However, when Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Qi, Liu Qi was a little ashamed. To be fair, Zhuge Liang usually treated him with courtesy. When he entered the palace, there was no slack in etiquette. The past things, in Liu Qi’s eyes, It's nothing, as long as you can live, everything is worth it.

The generals in the army watched the changes in the immediate situation with relish, and Zhuge Liang's words did gain a considerable advantage for Yizhou, but Liu Qi's words destroyed all of this.

Appearing in front of the generals in the army is a saint who is desperate to survive, and such a person becomes the emperor of the big man, which is the sadness of the big man.

"From the eyes of this king, the words of the sage are very true. At the beginning, Liu Bei advocated making the eldest prince become the sage, just to gain justice, and more likely to seek the highest position." Lu Bu laughed, Liu Qi's attitude, It made him feel extra refreshed. Is there anything more refreshing than the opponents' refutations.

Dian Wei also forgot the anger that Zhuge Liang had brought him before, and looked at Zhuge Liang with a smile but not a smile. He wanted to see what kind of reason Zhuge Liang had to refute in this situation. Dian Wei suddenly felt Liu Qi. It's so cute.

"The King of Jin said that Liu Bei has repeatedly forced me to get the Liu Qi hurriedly agreed.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Qi and his eyes were full of pity. The emperor, who is a magnificent man, did such things in order to survive. It really makes people feel incredible. No matter what effort Liu Qi makes, he can’t change him. The current situation is what Liu Qi must face after becoming a captive. However, Liu Qi wants to continue to live at this time. Even if Lu Bu does not kill Liu Qi, Liu Qi can only become a prisoner. There will be prisoners on the day of turning over.

Judging from Lu Bu’s past behavior, Liu Qi will not end well when he falls into Lu Bu’s hands. Besides, Chang’an officials will not be like those in Jingzhou. They still have hope for the Han Dynasty. They are loyal to King Jin. Lu Bu has achieved extremely strict control over the governance, which can be seen from the current status quo of the aristocratic family.

"Unexpectedly, the saint had this kind of experience in Yizhou. It is really outrageous. Fortunately, this king led an army to break through Yizhou. Otherwise, won't the saint suffer more in Liu Bei's hands?" Lu Bu Said with a smile.

Liu Qi nodded repeatedly and said yes. What Lu Bu said at this time was correct in Liu Qi's view. What he needs is to be able to survive. As long as this condition is met, it is worth paying a higher price.

"I don't know what Kong Ming thinks about this matter?" Lü Bu asked with a smile.

Zhuge Liang felt a sense of humiliation. He was a temporary figure in Yizhou. Not to mention Liu Qisheng’s status. At the same time, he felt depressed. If Liu Qi behaved more generously, he might be able to win the respect of the enemy and have a respectable person. The method of death, since you have lost everything in your hands, what is the difference between living and dying? If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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