Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2228: : The most important thing

"Insurgent ministers and thieves are after all, even if there is a lot of rhetoric, it is difficult to change this fact." Zhuge Liang snorted coldly.

"At this time, Kong Ming is still arguing. Liu Bei supports the saint. What is his intention? Doesn't Kong Ming know? There is no dull person present, and he still has some understanding of these situations." Lu Bu slowly said.

Zhuge Liang fell into silence when he heard the words. He understood what kind of thought Liu Bei had. He knew that he chose to support Liu Bei. He naturally hoped that Liu Bei could get more benefits in the troubled times. Under the rule of the Lord, he was a good hand. Shang Liu Qi is addicted to drinking, maybe he will die at any time, Liu Bei, as a clan of the Han clan, and the actual controller of the power of Yizhou, it is reasonable to become a saint.

The great situation in Yizhou was destroyed by the Chang'an Army. The battlefield in Yizhou showed the strong military strength of the Chang'an Army. After Yizhou was lost from Liu Bei's hands, it meant that Liu Bei had lost his capital to compete in the world. Liu Bei escaped from the city of Chengdu. Without a large army in his hands, it was obviously impossible to gain a greater advantage among the southern counties.

"Place the holy good students, if Kong Ming, temporarily settle in the city, this king wants to let Kong Ming see how this king stabilizes Yizhou step by step." Lu Bu said.

Zhuge Liang's heart moved. The family mentioned that the reason why Lu Bu gritted his teeth was because Lu Bu's treatment of the family was cruel in the family's eyes. The family in Yizhou betrayed Liu Bei at the last moment. Bitter fruit, Zhuge Liang's heart was a little bit happy.

The aristocratic family in Yizhou is strong. They have a deep heritage. The intertwined families have made them more influential in Yizhou. After Liu Bei occupied Chengdu City, various counties and counties took refuge because of Liu Bei's absolute ownership. The advantage, the refuge of the Yizhou family, has given the officials of the counties more thought.

However, seeing Yizhou step by step for Lv Bu pinging, Liu Bei completely lost Yizhou, for Zhuge Liang, is it not a huge blow, in the hands of Lü Bu, he wants to escape, it is clearly impossible, and what does Lü Bu have? Zhuge Liang was also aware of the same method. To put it bluntly, he was imprisoned.

As for the captured officials, they turned to Lu Bu one after another. Under these circumstances, Lu Bu did not intend to embarrass these officials. After the officials from Chang'an arrived in Yizhou and gradually took over the power of Yizhou, those families who were still restless. , It will be completely honest.

After the soldiers in the army took Liu Qi and Zhuge Liang away, the generals in the palace still talked about it, especially the performance of Liu Qi just now, which gave them the feeling that Liu Qi’s identity was too much. Noble, this kind of performance is indeed a bit difficult to understand.

Lu Bu coughed slightly, and the court suddenly became quiet.

"Although the city of Chengdu is broken by our army, Liu Bei is still alive. His stay in Yizhou is a huge disaster in itself. The most important thing at the moment is to stabilize Yizhou and destroy Liu Bei." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

Everyone said that the victory of this battle is of great significance to the Chang'an Army. They can become an important general under Lu Bu's command. They still have these visions. Victory will make the military officers and soldiers more cohesive. It has always been shown in front of the princes with a strong side, making the princes who dare to invade Chang'an to pay a heavy price.

"The scouts in the Chuanling Army are investigating the news of the southern counties and counties in detail, and Chuanling Pang Tong leads a large army to come and wait for orders." Lu Bu said.

The generals in the army were shocked when they heard this. From Lu Bu's movement of troops, it was clear that he was preparing to strike down the southern counties. The southern counties did not follow the orders. After all, it would be very troublesome. Only if the county is settled in one fell swoop can Yizhou be truly stabilized. Since Yizhou is obtained, uncontrollable factors will not be allowed in Yizhou.

The war can give the generals in the army more credit and promote their status in the army. What about the soldiers and horses of the southern counties? The generals of the Chang'an Army have not put them in their eyes.

After everyone left, Lu Bu walked around the palace, but he felt the scale of the Yizhou palace. Yizhou is rich and well-known in the world. After Liu Bei occupied Yizhou, he was not in the minority just in terms of the cost of building the palace. However, in Liu Bei's opinion, all of this is worthwhile, but now he has made wedding dresses for Lu Bu.

Although the terrain of Yizhou is dangerous, Chengdu, as the capital of the Han Dynasty, appears to be somewhat insufficient. The current princes pay the most attention to the control of governance, while the focus of Lv Bu's rule is on Chang'an, but after getting Yizhou , Can relieve Changan's pressure on food and grass to a great extent.

During a war, food and grass are of vital importance. It can affect the battlefield. The food and grass are abundant. Only when the lieutenant soldiers face a war will they have a greater chance of winning. However, the elite level of the soldiers is also extremely important to the princes. Like the current Yizhou, the army has a large number of troops, and there is no shortage of food and grass, but it has failed in the most critical war. It is because the Yizhou army lacks training in peacetime. When dealing with wars , Cannot drive the enemy back. In this case, it is difficult to hold the ground.

Why doesn’t Liu Bei understand the truth. He just wants to transform the soldiers into elite soldiers. It cannot be accomplished overnight. The elite soldiers need to be tempered on the battlefield. Only after the test of the battlefield can they be more brave and capable on the battlefield. Help the army gain victory.

The princes understood this truth, but when they really did it, the situation was not the case. If you want to ensure the absolute elite of the lieutenants and soldiers, you need to pay more. When Liu Bei occupied Yizhou, Yizhou No matter in terms of military strength or wealth, they are not weak.

Most of these soldiers were soldiers who had never experienced war. When they faced the war, they lacked adequate responses, and this led to the triumphant advance of the Chang'an Army.

The cost of building the Yizhou Palace is absolutely huge in Lu Bu's view, and it is also the painstaking effort of the people in the city.

Let’s say that after Liu Bei fled the battlefield, there were only seven guards around him. In order to protect Liu Bei from leaving the battlefield, these guards had paid a great price. If it were not for Liu Bei, the armor and costume of the king of Hanzhong were roughly the same size as a soldier in the army. In exchange, it is impossible to leave the battlefield.

In the current situation, Liu Bei will inevitably have a sad mood. I wonder how high-spirited he was when he occupied Yizhou, and he wanted to use Yizhou to fight against the princes of the world and have a place among the princes. However, the real situation Liu Bei was depressed. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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