Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3384: : Jizhou

In such a process, officials from the common people also paid a considerable price. After all, the strength of the family is huge, and it will definitely require many means to deal with the family.

Aristocratic families have retaliated against officials. This is reasonable. If after receiving so many grievances, the aristocratic family still has no other actions, it is a strange thing, but the aristocratic family that shoots will end badly without exception, because Jin Guo Do not allow the existence of aristocratic families to affect stability.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, the **** methods are of great benefit to the people. This gives the people a more sense of belonging to the Jin State. Obeying the orders of the government can allow them to get more benefits while avoiding the interests in their hands. Take away by others.

The people have never trusted the government like this. In the past, even if the officials were benevolent, the people were still afraid of the government. The main reason was that the identities of the two parties were not on the same level. A word can leave the people nowhere to survive.

But now, the forces of both sides are gradually merging together, and their common goal is to have faster development.

This situation is now gradually spreading in Jin, even in Jingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou and other places. The power of the people cannot be ignored at any time. When the power of the people is gathered together, the impact will be produced. Even the family dare not easily confront it.

What Lu Bu values ​​is the influence of the people. It is not enough to fight against the family. It is far from enough to rely on the power of the officials. After the power of the people is involved, the role will be even greater. With other ideas, they can only converge their careful thoughts.

The aristocratic families in Yanzhou and other places are naturally extremely repulsive of such a system as the Jin country. This is taking advantage from them, and the aristocratic families who regard their interests as more important than their own lives, what kind of resistance they have at the beginning can be imagined. And know.

However, their resistance brought more massacres. The officials of the Jin Kingdom would not take care of the family’s ideas. The power of the family would be depleted to a greater degree. The people would get more benefits, and the officials would also be able to do so because of their performance. Such as prominence to get the promotion of status.

Governing a relatively chaotic city is a challenge for officials and an opportunity to improve their current status, so that the chaotic city can be governed to better reflect their abilities.

In this situation, the aristocratic families in Yanzhou and other places can only put their careful thoughts aside. It seems that the more important thing for these aristocratic families is to survive. As for relying on the strength of the Jiangdong Army to drive away the Jin army. It is simply impossible. When Chang'an was turbulent, the Jiangdong Army’s choice was still to stand still, let alone at this time.

The background of the Jin State is there. If Jiangdong Army dared to provoke the Jin State army, the consequences will be miserable. At this point, Sun Quan has a clear understanding. What is important to Jiangdong is how to make Jiangdong’s stability last. .

Otherwise, Sun Quan would not give up the occupied Cangwu County so easily. The main reason is that Jiangdong's current strength is not enough to affect the Jin country. If there is a chance, Sun Quan will not give up easily.

After handling the death of the inspectorate officer who went to Xihe County, Lu Bu gathered the officials from the state together, naturally in order to make these officials more vigilant.

After Lu Bu and his party left, the officials of the State Inspectorate intensified their inspections in the state. Many problems were found. However, the officials who were found would never tolerate them, and the thunder orders of the State Inspectorate were popular. Let Binzhou be more stable.

After leaving Bingzhou, the next place Lu Bu went to was Jizhou.

Jizhou has an important position in the current state of Jin. Jizhou can provide a lot of money and food for Jin, and money and food are important materials to support the army’s operations. If there is not enough money and food, even the elite soldiers in the army, is it possible? In the face of war, these people can still be expected to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

At present, the Jiangdong Army is not that it is not elite, but that Sun Quan does not have enough money and food to support the fighting of the army.

In fact, when the armies of the two forces are fighting, what is even more tested is how much money and food the monarch has in his hands. If there is not enough money and food to go to war, I am afraid that the soldiers in the army will be unable to support it before the end of the war.

The three armies have not moved the grain and grass first. The grain and grass are an important guarantee for a large army to fight. Only when there is enough grain and grass can it be guaranteed that the lieutenant soldiers can have an outstanding performance in the process of fighting the enemy.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao relied on Jizhou to achieve greater development, but Jizhou wealthy aristocratic families have made a lot of achievements. There are many families in Jizhou. After Lv Bu occupied Jizhou, he did not spend less After a series of measures, Jizhou can gradually stabilize.

Today there are still many big families in Jizhou, and the strength of these families should not be underestimated. When the power of these families is united, it will become one of the factors affecting the stability of Jizhou.

The Jizhou Army demonstrated strong combat effectiveness during the decisive battle between the Jin State and Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army. The elite Jiangdong Army broke down on the battlefield of Jizhou. It was precisely because of the defeat of the Jiangdong Army on the battlefield of Jizhou, that Cao Cao wanted a decisive battle with Jin's army more urgently, otherwise Cao Cao would definitely delay the war.

The Jizhou Army has shown strong combat effectiveness. Although it has paid a lot of sacrifices on the battlefield of Jizhou, the generals in the army have received a lot of credit for this. Today, the generals of the Jin State Army have more of them after talking about the Jizhou Army. It is respectful.

It is precisely because of the role that the Jizhou army showed during this battle that it was easier for the army of the Jin country to win the battle.

In fact, when Jiangdong sent 60,000 troops to invade Jizhou, no one thought that Jizhou could withstand the attack of Jiangdong Army and defeat Jiangdong Army. The situation in Jizhou at that time was not very good, especially after Cao Jun broke through Chaoge City.

Lu Bu's deeds in Jizhou and Cao Cao's prestige among the aristocratic families will definitely make Jizhou's aristocratic families vying to rely on Cao Cao. It is precisely for this reason that Lu Bu personally led the army into Jizhou.

In the course of this battle, Jizhou also paid a considerable price, especially the people of Jizhou, who also suffered to a large extent. During the confrontation between the Jin army and Cao Jun, Cao Cao sent Wenpin and Sima Yi. He led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry into the land of Jizhou and brought disasters to Jizhou. The people of Jizhou suffered a lot of losses. How many soldiers and civilians died under the attack of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

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