Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3385: : Ding Feng returns

Then there was the invasion of Jiangdong Army. When Cao Cao fought the Jin Army, he seemed to have made Jizhou an important breakthrough point. As long as Jizhou could be broken, it would be of great benefit to Cao Cao, given the importance of Jizhou. Said that it was impossible for Jin at that time to give up Jizhou.

If you give up Jizhou, you will fall into a more passive situation. This will test the Jizhou army even more. Fortunately, the Jizhou army has survived the most difficult period.

The contribution of the Jizhou Army was naturally remembered by the soldiers and civilians of the Jin Kingdom, and the generals of the Jizhou Army were famous all over the world. Zhang Liao, Zhang Yun and others became famous among the princes.

Lu Bu's upcoming arrival will inspire the military and civilians of Jizhou. As for what ideas the big family in Jizhou will have, it is not within Lu Bu's consideration.

The people of Jizhou are absolutely grateful to Lu Bu. Although Jizhou was rich in the past, more resources are in the hands of the family. The people can barely survive. If there is a famine, the survival of the people will be greatly challenged. Because of Lu Bu, the people have gotten a lot of benefits from it, and they have obtained fields from aristocratic families. This kind of thing is absolutely unimaginable in the past.

After getting the corresponding benefits, the people will be grateful to Lu Bu. They also know that only by ensuring Lu Bu's rule in Jizhou can everything in their hands be guaranteed. If Lu Bu leaves, the people can imagine the consequences.

In fact, many people also know how they got the fields in their hands, and why the powerful family in Jizhou didn’t dare to reach out to them, because behind them were Lu Bu and Lu Bu’s shock, so that the Jizhou family could only take their Think carefully about putting it away.

Bingzhou is not very far from Jizhou. News about Lu Bu's presence in Bingzhou quickly spread to Jizhou. The soldiers of the Jizhou army are encouraged that the outstanding soldiers of the army of each state can go to Chang'an for assessment. If they are ranked, they will be able to get Higher status.

But whoever doesn’t want a higher status for soldiers in the army, although the number of places is limited, it can’t stop the soldiers’ enthusiasm for this matter. They are more active in normal training, and some soldiers are even more active. After the training, take the initiative to increase the training.

After the victory of the Jizhou army, the soldiers in the army did have a relaxed mentality. This situation is also very common. The Jizhou army has gone through hard battles in Jizhou before saving Jizhou, but Lu Bu's way The order has mobilized the enthusiasm of the lieutenant soldiers to a great extent.

Among them, the most active generals were the generals in the army, especially the lieutenants of the various ministries. They showed great interest in this matter. After becoming a lieutenant, it does not necessarily mean that they will become a general. The credit required is In many cases, there are two lieutenants in one, and only one main general. However, any general who can walk to the position of the main general is an easy generation.

It takes a lot of hard work for a lieutenant to become a general. Now they have a good opportunity. It is the assessment between the generals and soldiers of the Jin country. After they get the ideal ranking, they will definitely get A higher status is also an opportunity for generals to become famous.

Military generals still care about their reputation. After they have a strong reputation, it is much easier for them to improve their status. Reputable generals have too many advantages over unfamiliar generals. This is also Zhang After flying to Jin Kingdom, he could become one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War.

Although Zhang Fei did not make any contribution to the Jin country after taking refuge, Zhang Fei’s reputation is there. He became one of the thirty-six generals, and no one would raise objections. If the generals with lesser reputation receive such a promotion , There will definitely be many questions from generals.

Just like what happened to Huang Xu in the Bingzhou Army, Huang Xu is a well-known figure among the generals in the army, but he became one of the 36 generals, but it caused the generals of the Bingzhou Army to have many questions.

The lieutenant generals behave crazily during training, which is of great help to the improvement of the strength of the army. But for generals in the army, who does not want the soldiers under his command to be more elite, if the soldiers are sufficiently elite, When fighting against the enemy, the generals will get more credit, and credit is the important basis for the generals to improve their status. Otherwise, the generals in the military rely on what to get to a higher position.

After the previous battle, the Jizhou Army suffered considerable losses, and the soldiers in the army also received considerable supplements.

At this time, in Yecheng, there were generals from the navy. It was Ding Feng, the naval leader of the Jin Kingdom, who pacified the Japanese nation and allowed Ding Feng to become a general of his reputation might be in the Jin nation. It's not very loud, but everyone knows Ding Feng's name when talking about it in the country.

In the eyes of the Japanese people, Ding Feng is a demon. If they don’t obey Ding Feng’s orders, the end will be extremely miserable. The soldiers of the Jin sergeant did not show mercy when they treated the Japanese people. Even the Japanese people had a lot of times. Their betrayal, their betrayal, brought more killings.

And the value of the existence of the Japanese people is to be busy, and their busyness is to allow Jin to get more supplies.

The grains grown in the Wa country can relieve the pressure on the grain and grass for the Jin country, and the Wa country, which is rich in products, is gradually being developed by the soldiers under Ding Feng's command.

Gan Ning now led the navy to Jingzhou to train the Jingzhou navy. The main force of the Ta’s navy moved to Jizhou. When the Jin State was at war with the Cao Army and the Jiangdong Army, Ding Feng was in the Wa, and the Ta’s navy’s power, Mainly used for the Japanese side, they would not go to war without receiving Lu Bu's order.

Many achievements have been made in the Japanese country, but what Ding Feng wants most is to follow Lu Bu to fight in all directions. At present, the main enemy of the Jin Kingdom is the Jiangdong Army. The Jiangdong Army is known for being good at water warfare. Ding Feng has also experienced strong winds and waves over the years. Although the soldiers under his command have experienced a small scale of water battles, they have also received a lot of training on the sea.

This time Ding Feng returned to Jizhou from the country of Japan, and the grain and grass he brought back was 100,000 stones. The role of these grain and grass should not be underestimated.

Moreover, the grain and grass provided by the Japanese nation to Jin are continuous. Judging from the current rate of cultivation of the Japanese nation, the grain and grass provided for Jin will be more and more. This situation is exactly what Lu Bu needs to see.

The occupation of the Japanese kingdom was not only due to other reasons, but also to make the Japanese kingdom use for the Jin kingdom.

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