Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3624: : Obvious disadvantages

The Jin army has demonstrated this point vividly in previous operations. Regardless of the strength of the enemy encountered, they dared to charge the enemy. Needless to say, the generals in the Jin army have passed through a field. After the battle, he achieved his current status. If he is not brave enough, how can he respect the soldiers in the general?

The military is the world of the strong, without sufficient strength, it is extremely difficult to have greater achievements in the military.

Among them, the encouragement of the generals has a great influence on the soldiers. It is not that the Jiangdong Army does not pay attention to this aspect, but the Jiangdong Army’s system determines that the soldiers in the army are very likely to face the war. What they consider is their own lives, and they value their lives more than anything else.

The lieutenant generals' bravery performance when dealing with wars is a scene that any monarch is eager to see. If they do not possess even the most basic courage in the battle today, such military achievements are extremely limited.

Zhou Yu is the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army, and his status in the Jiangdong Army does not mean that Zhou Yu dared to do anything wrong in the army. When his actions violate the interests of more people, his position as the head coach is also unstable.

Although the Jiangdong Army and the Jin Army did not have a large-scale battle, during the confrontation, the temptation between the two never stopped. In this process of continuous testing and discussion, the soldiers in the army can get a certain growth. This kind of combat experience is important to the Jin army.

Why didn’t Zhou Yu understand Lu Bu’s intentions, it was just this kind of small-scale fighting that the Jiangdong Army could not show weakness. If it had been able to maintain the superiority during the fight, it could make the morale of the military even higher. In a large-scale confrontation, it is difficult to occupy too much advantage, which has a great relationship with the strength of the Jiangdong Army in water warfare.

Jiangdong's materials are continuously being transported to the army. Previously, Jiangdong's army lacked combat materials, and it was not much worse than the Jin army in terms of background.

Fighting has great requirements for the support of the rear. If there is no more support in terms of food and grass, even if the soldiers in the army can be more brave in combat, it will also be difficult to affect the situation of the war. of.

Let’s say that after Zhang Hong returned to Jiangdong from Xiqiang, he was immediately received by Sun Quan. At this critical moment, he went to Xiqiang and persuaded Xiqiang to send troops. No matter whether he succeeded or not, Zhang Hong made great contributions to Jiangdong. of.

When the Jiangdong Army was fighting against the Jin Army, the disadvantages were obvious. If the Jin Army allowed the war to come to a stalemate, even if the Jiangdong Army was superior in water warfare, it would be difficult to get it when fighting against the Jin Army. More cheaper.

At present, Jin is very stable and there is no internal strife. As for foreign troubles, it is difficult to bring much influence to Jin.

The fighting power of the Jin army is not only well-known among the princes, but also among other races. It is as strong as the Xianbei. When they fought the Jin army on the grassland, they were defeated. They eventually lost the grassland on which they depended. Vassal of the country.

Sun Quan did not place too much expectation on the actions of the West Qiang, but the dispatch of the West Qiang army was extremely important when the Jin army was fighting with the Jiangdong army, and it could divide the Jin army to a greater extent. The strength of the Jin army had to be more careful when fighting against Jiangdong Army.

Zhang Hong's trip to the West Qiang country is confidential in Jiangdong. This is also to ensure that the dispatch of troops from the West Qiang country is unexpected. Jiangdong must have a lot of Jin army's meticulous work, these meticulous work can send a lot of news back. In the Jin army, once Lü Bu finds clues from these news, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not respond in advance.

After such a thing happens, the Jiangdong Army will be at a greater disadvantage.

For Zhang Hong, Sun Quan is still quite satisfied. He has made a lot of contributions to the development of Wu, and he has not been as sharp as Zhang Zhao.

Relying on his identity, Zhang Zhao has considerable influence and prestige in the DPRK. When ordinary officials see Zhang Zhao, they are very respectful.

Although Sun Quan had a lot of obedience to Zhang Zhao's words, Zhang Zhao failed to get a higher position in Jiangdong.

Now the prime minister of Jiangdong is Sun Shao, the former hero of Kong Rong. It is said that with Zhang Zhao’s contribution to Jiangdong, it is very possible to become prime minister, but to become the prime minister, but the greatest affirmation of a civil official, Zhang Zhao Hao didn't want to have such an achievement, but Zhang Zhao also knew why Sun Quan rejected him.

According to the current situation, it is very possible for Zhang Zhao to become the prime minister of the Wu state. After all, Zhang Zhao has made a lot of effort during the battle between the Jiangdong Army and the Jin Army. Jiangdong was at a critical moment, and Zhang Zhao was able to step forward and contribute to the stability of Wu, and Sun Quan was also moved.

In order to make Jiangdong more stable, Zhang Zhao did not offend Jiangdong’s family, and many families fell into the hands of Zhang Zhao. Although in this process, Zhang’s family has not less benefited, but has more. The good thing is that Sun Quan makes Wu's situation more stable, so that Jiang Dong Army will have no more worries when facing the Jin Army.

Less than five people know about Zhang Hong’s mission to West Qiang in and Zhang Zhao knew about this.

If the West Qiang Kingdom can dispatch troops after this incident, it would be of great benefit to Jiangdong. When the Jiangdong Army was fighting against the Jin Army, it would have a considerable disadvantage. If this disadvantage cannot be reversed, Jiangdong The situation is bound to be even more critical.

What kind of methods the Jin army has, in fact, Jiangdong’s civil servants and generals are also clear. The Jin State only relies on strong troops, and it is not comparable to other princes. In the battles, the Jin State’s army showed tyranny. It is precisely by virtue of this fact that Jin's combat effectiveness allowed Jin to stand out among the princes.

How many powerful princes fell when they faced the Jin army, not because their strength was not enough, but because the strength of the Jin army was too strong.

Just like Cao Cao, he got the land of Yanzhou, Jingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou in the Central Plains. His strength was not unreasonably strong. Even in the battle against the Jin army, with the Jiangdong army to help out, he still failed to change the situation of the battle. Even Cao Cao I am also the battlefield.

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