Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3625: : It's a major event

The decline of Cao Cao is the best proof of Jin's strength.

"It's really not easy to travel to the West Qiang country." Sun Quan sighed.

Zhang Hong handed his hand: "As long as the State of Wu can be more stable, even if it is a minister who pays his life, what's the matter? The West Qiang State has agreed to send troops."

Afterwards, Zhang Hong told the story of the envoy to the West Qiang country slowly to make sure that there were no omissions.

After listening to Sun Quan, he nodded slightly and recognized Zhang Hong’s efforts in the West Qiang Kingdom. From Zhang Hong’s description, Sun Quan could feel the ambitions of the West Qiang Kingdom. As long as the West Qiang Kingdom had certain ambitions, they would not be easy. Let go of this opportunity.

At present, the main generals of the Jin army are all fighting against the Jiangdong army. After the Jiangdong army has contained more troops in the Jin State, the West Qiang State will send troops. There is a great possibility to get more benefits. In front of any ambitious monarch, he will not give up easily.

In fact, Sun Quan didn’t want to contact more allies. Among them, the Xianbei on the grassland were also the key targets of Sun Quan, but it was impossible for the Xianbei on the grassland to betray Jin at this time. Lu Bu had a strong control on the grassland. .

The Jin army has absolute authority on the grassland. Any tribe that dared to provoke the authority of the Jin army on the grassland will not be successful. The Xianbei tribe on the grassland was also betrayed. When Lu Bu was patrolling the grassland, the grassland The betrayal of the tribe above did not succeed, but suffered heavy losses in such a betrayal.

Sun Quan was helpless because of the incompetence of the Xianbei. If the Xianbei could support the Jiangdong Army at this time, it would certainly be able to cause the Jin Army's strength to be greatly compromised.

Whether they are the Xianbei, the Wuhuan, or the Huns, they have now become the generals of the Jin army. In the process of the Jin army against the enemy, they have shown strong combat effectiveness, just like the Xianbei cavalry on the battlefield in Jizhou, making Cao Jun The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry lost all their losses, how great this is.

The cavalry on the grassland has a greater advantage in training than the Han cavalry. They are a nation that grew up on horseback. In the training of cavalry, they are faster than the Han people. The tribes on the grassland can help the Jin Dynasty. The army provides a steady stream of cavalry.

Of course, this has a big reason for Lu Bu’s power on the grassland. The people on the grassland worship the strong, and only the strong can get their respect. Lu Bu has gone through battles. Established prestige on the grassland.

It's not that these aliens don't want to betray the Jin country, but their betrayal will not only do no more effect, but will cause their tribes to be destroyed. After the painful lessons, these aliens will still have betrayals. The move.

"It is a major event for the people of the Western Qiang country to agree to send troops. There must be no leaks in the affairs of the Western Qiang country. Suffer more losses." Sun Quan said in a deep voice.

If possible, Sun Quan also didn't want to unite with aliens, but under the current situation, Sun Quan had no more choices. As long as he had the strength to support him, that was what Sun Quan wanted to see.

Otherwise, it depends on how the Jiangdong Army can contend with the Jin Army.

It is also unrealistic to pin its hopes on the West Qiang. Even if the West Qiang has many elite soldiers, how can it be able to fight against the Jin army? In terms of armor and armor, the West Qiang is at a disadvantage. If the Jiangdong and the West If the country of Qiang is approaching, it will be able to give some help to the Western Qiang country in such a battle.

Now that the two sides are far apart, if they were ordered to send their soldiers and armor to the West Qiang Kingdom, it would be impossible to reach them.

"The minister leads the orders." Zhang Hong arched his hands.

"You can go back and rest for now." Sun Quan said, "After a good rest, it's never too late to be busy."

"Here." Zhang Hong arched his hands.

Zhang Hong's status in Wu is not low. Jin is bound to pay more attention to Wu officials in secret. Maybe Zhang Hong’s departure during this period has attracted the attention of interested people, but they are Zhang Hong's whereabouts are unknown, and even with certain guesses, it is hard to think that Jiangdong Army will unite the West Qiang State in such a battle.

The West Qiang is a foreign race. As the saying goes, people who are not from my race will have different hearts. If you unite with the people of the West Qiang, the people of the Han will be harmed. This is for sure. Jiangdong did such a thing. Once known to others, it is a stain on Sun Quan, an indelible stain. Although the situation in Jiangdong is critical, the words of Sun Quan uniting alien races will have a significant impact on Sun Quan.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shao's counsellors objected when Yuan Shao united the Xianbei and Wuhuan people. As a monarch, it is normal to do things by no means, but it depends on what kind of behavior it is.

If it was just for the benefit of the Jiangdong Army to bring more Han people into the flames of war, it would bring much infamy to Sun Quan, and even Zhang Hong, who was envoy to the West Qiang country, might also be implicated.

But Sun Quan also had no choice. If there was a better way for Sun Quan to choose, how could Sun Quan do such a thing.

After Zhang Hong returned home to rest for a night, he returned to his position the next day. It was when Jiangdong was employing people. With the help of more people, the effect would be greater. After Sun Quan learned of this, he Zhang Hong valued it even more.

An official is able to work hard without complaint, and when faced with an emergency situation, he can understand the general importance of the situation. There are not many such officials.

Regardless of whether it is Jiangdong or Jin, there is a greater demand for such officials.

Sun Quan’s mood is not as relaxed on the There are too many Jin troops. During the battle, if the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army can’t show stronger combat effectiveness, they want to stop it. It was extremely difficult for the Jin army to attack.

The offensive of the Jin army will not be stopped because of the preparations of the Jiangdong Army. According to the news from Xuzhou, the Xuzhou Army is preparing to fight Jiangdong. If it leaves Guangling, it can approach Jianye City at a faster speed. Sun Quan There is also a reason for the coveting of Guangling. After obtaining Guangling, the Jiangdong Army has a greater possibility of fighting against the Jin Army.

The existence of Guangling can attract the attention of the enemy to a greater extent, so that the enemy will have to divide their forces to attack Guangling. At that time, with Jiangdong's support behind it, it will be difficult for the Jin army to break through Guangling.

After obtaining Guangling, the Jiangdong Army can attack and retreat and defend, and the army out of Guangling can threaten the stability of Xuzhou. After obtaining Xuzhou, the strength of Jiangdong Army will be even more improved.

(End of this chapter)

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