Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3626: : Undercurrent

But the current situation is that Jiangdong can only choose to stick to it. When facing the Jin army's offensive, they have no more choices. They can only wait for the changes in the situation quietly in this process.

The previous Jin State’s control over Jiangdong’s business operations also caused a lot of trouble to Jiangdong. Nowadays, Jiangdong’s prices are difficult to stabilize, and it has a lot to do with the actions of people in the dark.

How powerful is the strength of Jin's merchants, as long as Jin can have more stringent control over merchants, it will inevitably make it difficult for Jiangdong to stabilize.

After controlling the merchant’s business, Jiangdong’s situation will not be as stable as it is now. Jiangdong is rich, but there are many aristocratic families among them, and the aristocratic families’ desire to expand their own strength is endless. They want more improvement. The strength and influence of the family make it possible for the family to prosper forever.

Merchants can make the city more prosperous. Without the power of the merchants, it is basically impossible to get more development.

The princes also understood the importance of merchants, but the princes could not contain the merchants of the Jin Kingdom, because the Jin Kingdom controlled things that other princes did not possess, such as Xianlian, Shenli, Jinjiu, and the previous Jinzhi. Let the businessmen get a lot of benefits. Under such a situation, the businessmen will definitely have more yearnings for Jin, and they want to get more benefits in such a process.

When Xianbei was strong, why would some merchants take risks to the grassland? It is because they want to get more benefits from it. As long as they are driven by sufficient benefits, the merchants will not be afraid.

Jin’s business in the 36 countries of the Western Regions is actually a good illustration. Knowing that going to the 36 countries of the Western Regions or even further places to do business, there are many risks, but under the temptation of interests, businessmen Willing to go.

Trade not only allows Lu Bu to get more benefits, but also to learn more about the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, which will facilitate the future actions of the Jin army in the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions.

Lu Bu's emphasis on merchants was difficult for other princes to achieve. Ordinary merchants can get more protection in Jin. If they only need to act according to Jin's rules, they don't need to worry more about safety. .

Such conditions are a great temptation for ordinary businessmen. It is not easy for ordinary businessmen to survive. They are worried about the invasion from the family, and they also need to worry about the exploitation of the monarch. But after the Jin Dynasty, the system It is strict, but everyone is equal in front of the system. How many families in Jin are not accustomed to such a system and are in decline.

It is not that the family's background is not strong enough, but that their strength is nothing in front of the monarch. Sometimes, only a command from the monarch can make these aristocratic families lose everything in their hands.

Lu Bu's treatment of the aristocratic family has done the best. As long as there is a place with Lu Bu, it is impossible for the aristocratic family to achieve greater development. How many aristocratic families want to provoke such a system will be wiped out.

Sun Quan actually wanted to unite with aristocratic families in Jingzhou and other places so that he could have a better understanding of the situation in Jin. Perhaps it was because Lu Bu's methods were too terrifying, and not many aristocratic families were willing to respond to Jiangdong at this time.

At present, Jiangdong is stable on the surface, but undercurrents are actually surging. Jiangdong Army has a very strong place in water warfare. It is difficult for the Jin army to bring greater threats to Jiangdong Army in water warfare, but Jiangdong The aristocratic family had to give more consideration under such circumstances.

Once the Jin army breaks Jiangdong, where should these families go? The families who have a certain grudge against Lu Bu will definitely stand on Sun Quan’s side unconditionally at this time and provide more help to Sun Quan, but most families don’t want to. After receiving the involvement of this war, they wanted to protect their family.

No matter how strong the strength of the Jin army is, they can do their best not to offend the Jin army. In this case, even after the Jin army occupied Jiangdong, they became the citizens of the Jin country. Survival is just a big change in the way of survival compared with the past.

This kind of change in the way of living is not something the family wants to see, but they have to make such a choice, because it seems to many families to be extremely wise, and their choice can make the family in which they belong Stabilization in troubled times will not be more implicated because of wars, which is of great significance to the family.

But how can Sun Quan fail to see that the careful thinking of these aristocratic families, as far as possible to benefit from the hands of the aristocratic family, is exactly what Sun Quan needs, the aristocratic family has a solid foundation and can provide more support for the Jiangdong army's combat, at this time , If the aristocratic family did not cooperate enough, Sun Quan wouldn't mind letting Jiangdong's aristocratic family see his methods.

Just need to find some excuses, Sun Quan can easily clean up more aristocratic families, so that these aristocratic families will not dare to make more rash actions when the battle is critical.

Especially for some small families, Sun Quan has a lot of attention. The small families are also ambitious. They want to expand the strength of the family. At present, the development of the Jiangdong family has formed a certain scale, and the survival of the small family is affected. Posed a great challenge.

If there is more credit for the Jin army against the Jiangdong army, why not worry that the family in which it belongs will not be able to get more development.

There are many aristocratic families with such thoughts, but when the situation is uncertain, they dare not take action without authorization. Regardless of the situation of the Jiangdong Army, Sun Quan's prestige in the State of Wu is difficult for ordinary people to shake.

If you go against Sun, the consequences are so serious, these families are also aware of it.

Although the Jin army has shown extraordinary strength in battles, but from the current situation, when the Jin army is fighting against the Jiangdong army, it still needs a certain amount of effort if it wants to do more. Jiangdong Army still has this opportunity, and some powerful families will not easily give up supporting Sun Quan.

Once the Jin army breaks Jiangdong, it means that their family's efforts for many years will be greatly compromised.

The news of Pan Zhang's return to the Jiangdong Army quickly spread to Jianye City. This caused a lot of discussions among the officials in the DPRK. The officials in the DPRK were quite excited to be able to make the Jin army willing to make substitutions.

However, they also knew that Zhou Yu had captured important figures in the Jin country alive. If possible, the two sides were unwilling to make such an exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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