Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3632: : More cautious

An official's outstanding ability to govern a place does not mean that he will excel when leading troops in battle.

The system of the Jin Kingdom determines that if a civil official wants to have a certain influence in the military, he needs to make more efforts. In Jin, a military commander is not inferior to the status of a civil official. As far as military commanders are concerned, such civilian officials will not end well.

Shiwu did not underestimate the soldiers in the army, especially during the war, what kind of performance the army officers and soldiers have in combat has a great influence on the engagement.

"As the prefect said, our army must break through Nanhai County, and in the shortest time, so that it can bring greater shock to the Jiangdong army." Zhao Yun said in a deep voice, concerning the Jin army and Jiangdong. Zhao Yun has a certain understanding of the situation of the military battle. The Jin army is brave. However, the Jiangdong army is better at water warfare. If the two sides fight, it is difficult for the Jin army to occupy more advantages. After breaking through Nanhai County, the situation in Jiangdong will surely be shaken, and then the Jin army will take the initiative.

Zhao Yun naturally had a way to break through Nanhai County at a faster speed.

Seeing Zhao Yun's confidence, Shi Wu said: "General Zhao, the generals in the army who had previously led the army to fight with Jiangdong Army before in Xia, this time to break Panyu, Xia is willing to follow General Zhao."

Seeing the look of anticipation between the warriors and warriors, Zhao Yun pondered for a moment and said: "If you have a warrior prefect in the army, it will certainly be of greater help, but the stability of Cangwu County is also extremely important. Trusted officials are responsible for the affairs of Cangwu County."

"Thank you General Zhao." Shiwu arched his hands and was able to follow the army to the battle. After victory, Shiwu could get a lot of credit. As for Zhao Yun in the army, he could not break Panyu City. Shiwu was Not considered.

The Jiaozhou Army is also the Jin Army. After changing its name, the Jiaozhou Army will show a different side to the enemy.

"The food and grass are ready now. Three days later, this general will lead the army to set out." Zhao Yun said.

Shiwu nodded. Jiaozhou has been gathering grain, grass, and equipment recently. Presumably the news has already reached Nanhai County. This can be seen from Zhu Zhi’s response. Zhu Zhi has gathered Nanhai County’s food, grass and equipment in Panyu City. , Just want to rely on Panyu City and Jiaozhou Army to form a confrontation.

The weather is getting colder, and if this war is over as soon as possible, it will be good for the Jiaozhou Army.

Jiaozhou’s troop mobilization, the transportation of grain and grass, and many news soon reached Zhu Zhi’s ears, which made Zhu Zhi more cautious. Jiaozhou has 20,000 troops, and now 20,000 people have gathered. In Cangwu County, it was made clear that Zhao Yun wanted to attack Panyu.

Zhu Zhi did not let up the 20,000 people in the Jin army. In the past, the Jin army was extremely terrible. Although Zhu Zhi understood that they were fighting only the Jiaozhou army, who can be sure that the Jiaozhou army has arrived in Lubu. There will be no other changes in his hands.

Zhao Yun is a well-known general in Shanxi, and he has shown extraordinary abilities in the confrontations. With Zhao Yun in the army, the threat to Jiangdong Army can be formed to a greater degree is that a general, especially the commander in chief, When facing the enemy, it can play a great role.

In terms of leading the battle, Zhu Zhi is definitely far behind Zhao Yun, but he is also a general in the army. Zhu Zhi also wants to do more against the Jin army, if he can defeat the Jiaozhou army. , His Zhu Zhi's reputation will resound all over the world.

The Jiangdong Army under Zhu Zhi's command was also elite, and many of them experienced the battle against Cangwu County. In this kind of battle, the soldiers' abilities were greatly tempered.

In the battle against the Jin army, Zhu Zhi needs to make greater efforts. Only by causing more damage to the enemy during the battle, can the situation in Nanhai County be stabilized, and there are quite a few in Panyu City. Thunderbolt, continuous crossbow and bed crossbow, these are the preparations made by Jiangdong Army in response to the invasion of Jiaozhou Army.

If the forces in his hand are sufficient, what Zhu Zhi wants to do most is to seize Cangwu County and seize control of Cangwu County from the hands of the Jin army. It is already difficult for the county to be preserved. It is the most important thing to guard Nanhai County under the protection of the Jin army.

Since the Jiaozhou Army has been mobilized, Zhu Zhi has often appeared in the army, encouraging the soldiers in the army, observing the training of the lieutenants and soldiers, and ordinary training can keep the lieutenants and soldiers in the battle against the enemy. The training before the battle has a great influence on the lieutenant soldiers.

The Jin Army and Jiangdong Army are in confrontation. According to the news from Jiangdong, the current situation still has certain advantages for Jiangdong. It is impossible for the Jin Army to invade Jiangdong Army in a short time, and Jiaozhou Army will become the Jin Army. Deterrence the main force of Jiangdong Army.

If Nanhai County is lost, it will have an impact on Jiangdong, Zhu Zhi knows.

In the historical battles, the Jin army has demonstrated a variety of methods. It is very difficult to succeed against the Jin army, especially in terms of equipment. The Jin army has terrible thunderbolt cars, and these thunderbolt cars can attack far beyond. Jiangdong Army, this alone can make Jiangdong Army fall into a difficult defense.

Especially when the Jin army’s thunderbolt cars arrive at a certain number, it can bring more damage to the Jiangdong army defending the Zhi doesn’t understand this, but what he can do is It is possible to continuously strengthen the city wall, so that the lieutenant soldiers can get more security protection in the process of defending the enemy's offensive.

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army obviously also knew how powerful the Jin army was in offensive. When strengthening the city wall, they were very active, making the city stronger, and having a greater chance of responding to the Jin army’s offensive. .

Under the edge of the Jin Army, it is difficult for Jiangdong Army to preserve Nanhai County.

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army will also be extremely serious when dealing with training, especially when they know that the war is about to come, many soldiers have shown more effort during training. If they are in ordinary training, they can’t be extraordinary. In terms of performance, it is basically impossible to have greater deeds against the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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