Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3633: : Panic

Judging from the current situation, the battle between the Jin army and the Jiangdong army is already inevitable. How to ensure your own safety in the battle, you can only work harder to improve your own strength and fight against the enemy. Only when it is time, it is possible to survive.

However, the Jiangdong Army was fighting the Jiaozhou Army this time, which made the Jiangdong Army's generals relax a lot. The Jiangdong Army’s generals still knew what kind of performance the Jiangdong Army would do on the battlefield. They hoped that the Jiaozhou Army wanted to break the South China Sea. County, it's simply impossible.

In the beginning, the Jiangdong Army chased the Jiaozhou Army to fight, but now the Jiaozhou Army has changed its name and became the Jin Army. Could it be possible to change the combat effectiveness of the Jiaozhou Army.

The Jin army has many methods. The generals of the Jiangdong Army are clear, but the generals in the army still have great confidence in the Jiangdong Army's victory in such a battle. If even the Jiaozhou Army cannot defeat it, how can the Jiangdong Army be Has an elite name.

The generals in the army had absolute confidence in this battle, and Zhu Zhi was quite satisfied. If the lieutenants had a pessimistic attitude towards the battle, this would be the sadness of Jiangdong Army.

However, the living conditions of the people in Panyu are not very good. What they have is more anger towards the Jiangdong Army, especially because more people are scattered because of the Jiangdong Army. The rice in the family is tyrannical by the soldiers After looting, what they most desire is to let the Jin army come.

It’s no secret that Jin’s officials in Jiaozhou are not a secret in Nanhai County. Jin’s officials treat the people generously and enable them to lead a stable life. This is what the people of Nanhai County admire most, but they live in Under the rule of the Jiangdong Army, it is not easy to go to Jiaozhou. The Jiangdong Army has strict control of the people. The people are forbidden to go to the Jin army to prevent more people from coming to Jin. After the land is governed, it will not return.

The number of people still has an important influence on a city. When the number of people increases, the army will have a richer background when facing the enemy.

The lost troops can be quickly replenished from the people after the war is over. If there is a shortage of food and grass, the people can also provide for the army. It can be said that in the eyes of lieutenants and soldiers, the people are rich wealth.

Of course, in ordinary times, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army would not attack the people. At present, the Jin Army is about to attack Panyu. It is reasonable for the Jiangdong Army’s performance to fluctuate, and Zhu Zhi has nothing to do with all this. Too much blame, lieutenants and soldiers are under tremendous pressure when undergoing a war, especially the existence of life and death on the battlefield.

After how many soldiers have arrived on the battlefield, it is not easy to survive.

It is precisely because of Zhu Zhi's indulgence of the lieutenant generals that the lieutenant generals have no more awe of the law and discipline. There are even many generals who go to the restaurant to eat and drink for free, which makes the people and businessmen miserable, but At this time, no one dared to offend the soldiers in the army.

After being on the battlefield, the lieutenant soldiers are not sure that they can survive the battle. In this case, they don’t value their lives so much. They can enjoy it before dying, for the soldiers in the army. It's not bad, and they don't even care about their lives. How dare these businessmen and people dare to contend with lieutenants?

Try to cooperate with the soldiers in the army as much as possible, so that they can survive safely.

In the end, Zhu Zhi had an understanding of the situation in the city before he ordered the soldiers in the army not to leave the barracks casually. This made the situation in the city improved. Although occasional incidents of disturbances by the soldiers in the army may occur, it is better than before. A lot.

Not only the people, but even the merchants in the city, they have no better impression of the Jiangdong Army. In a difficult time, they can see what kind of discipline an army has. If the same thing is placed on the Jin army, Jin Do generals in the army understand such indulgent officers and men in the army? Ordinary people don’t know much about the situation of the Jin army, but businessmen who are in business will learn more about it. The Jin army has extremely strict military discipline. , If the military general violates it, he will be punished.

Violation of military discipline, in the eyes of the generals of the Jin army, is a shame.

Although the aristocratic family supports the Jiangdong Army, Zhu Zhi's control over the aristocratic family is strict, and even let the aristocratic family hand over the private soldiers in order to avoid more uncontrollable factors in the process of fighting.

At any time, the Jin army's methods cannot be ignored.

After the Jin army was dispatched, the situation in Panyu city became more tense. The families in the city were the first to bear the brunt. They needed to provide a certain amount of rice for the army's operations. If at this time, these families would dare to violate Zhu Zhi's orders. If this is the case, Zhu Zhi will send soldiers from the army to these families. This method is indeed very effective. Facts have proved that as long as the soldiers are sent into these families, these families can be settled down.

Under these circumstances, even though many families have a lot of dissatisfaction with Jiangdong Army, they dare not show it at this time, because after offending Jiangdong Army, the consequences will be serious. When Jiangdong Army treats the family, There is no more softness.

The Jiangdong Army is eager to win in this battle. After victory, they will have a greater chance to save everything in their hands. If they fail, it is Jiangdong who suffers the most.

In previous battles, the Jiangdong Army did not perform very satisfactorily against the Jin Army, which made many people not optimistic about the Jiangdong Army’s situation, especially the Jiangdong Army’s generals who made such a move. Afterwards but the family in the city didn't dare to violate Zhu Zhi's order, otherwise, before the Jin army entered the city, their family would have been wiped out by Zhu Zhi.

The people in Panyu are panic. Many people even live on the streets. The people's life can still be self-sufficient. However, the army levies grain and grass, so that more people not only lose their rice at home, but also take advantage of their fields. Embezzled by the family.

The requirements of the people are actually very simple. As long as they can have food and survive, they will not violate the ruler's order, but with such a simple requirement, can the ruler meet it?

In the past, during wars, the common people were also the bottom-level figures. They needed to worry about their own survival. If they could become family tenant farmers after losing their fields, it would be acceptable to many common people.

(End of this chapter)

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