Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3698: : Plan carefully

Yadan frowned and meditated for a moment after hearing the words: "The most important thing at the moment is to fill the moat outside the enemy's city. Only such soldiers of our army can ascend to the city. The marshal might as well order the archers in the army to suppress the enemy's army. , And then ordered the army sergeant to fill the moat as quickly as possible. In this way, our army can climb the city wall. As long as the lieutenant generals get on the city wall, why not worry about not breaking the Jin army’s city."

"The prime minister's words are exactly that, to break the city, you have to rely on the generals." Yue Ji laughed.

The generals in the army have no reason to refuse. The lives of ordinary soldiers do not seem to them. What they need is that the army can break through the enemy’s city in this offensive. If this is the case, they can only be allowed The soldiers in the army get more benefits during the battle.

The Western Qiang army is responding to the attack on the city, while Yu Jin is preparing for the enemy's upcoming attack. It is not an easy task to do more in this defense. Defending the offense of the West Qiang army is not as simple as it seems. If your army can't perform well in the defense process, there will be more accidents in this battle.

How to arrange the defense forces in the city is also a matter of testing the generals.

Xiabian City has four gates. Among the prefectures of Liangzhou, they can only be regarded as average. The city is more than three feet high. I want to deploy more troops on the walls. The current situation of the Jin army is What is difficult to do is to distribute the forces in the city reasonably, so that the enemy can do more in the attack.

Judging from the news that came, it would take at least ten days for reinforcements to arrive. Defending the enemy's offensive for ten days is particularly important.

Only after the arrival of one's own reinforcements, this defense will be effective. Once the city is breached, Liangzhou will inevitably shake.

Although Wudu is not rich among the counties in Liangzhou, it is not bad, but Wudu is not very far from Sili, and it will have more convenience in development.

Once Wudu is lost, it will affect the safety of Sili. No one is sure whether the West Qiang army will attack the Sanguan after it breaks Wudu. The actions of the West Qiang army can be described as cruel to the people. As long as there are places they pass, there will be more killings.

Only after the guards succeed in demonstrating, can the Liangzhou Army have more opportunities in this operation.

Yu Jin believes that not only Liangzhou's army, but Chang'an's army must also be preparing. Otherwise, the Xiqiang army threatens the safety of Chang'an, which is of vital importance to Jin.

It is now a crucial moment for the Jin army to fight the Jiangdong Army. From the order sent by Lu Bu, it can be seen that the Jin army against the Jiangdong Army will not return to the army because of the invasion of the West Qiang Army. This battle is against the Liangzhou Army. The biggest test.

After the end of this battle against the Western Qiang army, many Liangzhou army soldiers will inevitably die in the course of the battle.

The war itself is cruel, and it is inevitable that lieutenants and soldiers have more sacrifices on the battlefield. The key is how to win after paying the price.

The Liangzhou Army is also proud of the Jin’s army. It has shown strong strength in previous battles. Regardless of the combat effectiveness of the Western Qiang Army, the Liangzhou Army will not have the slightest amount of power in this battle. Even if it is difficult to defeat Xiqiang's army, he must grit his teeth and persevere.

After much deliberation, Yu Jin arranged 700 soldiers on the four walls of the city. In this case, there are more than 1,000 soldiers in the city who can support the walls everywhere at any time. When the defenders on the city are exhausted from fighting. , Can give the defenders a chance to rest.

Once the enemy army is successful, it is likely to be endless, and the cavalry in the army is under the command of the ban. When the battle is urgent, the ban will lead 500 cavalry to support the city wall, even if the cavalry is used as an infantry. , Nor can the enemy make greater breakthroughs in this engagement.

The rest of the pawns are divided into two forces, standing by at any time.

The lack of military strength made Yu Jin have to carefully calculate the military strength in his hand when dealing with the offensive of the West Qiang army. Only in this way can he have this greater chance of winning.

The next day, when the sky was twilight, the Xiqiang army began to approach Xiabian, and all the gates were blocked under the order of forbidden. Although the Xiqiang army was a foreign race, no one was sure that random occurrences would happen in the city at this time. Some people colluded with the West Qiang army, and after the city gate was sealed, more troops could be saved.

The young and strong team in the city has 2,000 people. Their task is to carry luggage to the defenders when the West Qiang army is attacking the city, so as to ensure that the defenders will not be affected by the lack of arrows and other materials during the defense. Fight against the enemy.

Sometimes, the power of the people cannot be ignored. When their power is used properly, it can also play a huge Of course, the premise of all this is that the people can have more of the soldiers in the army. Support, if the people are resistant to the army, even after the military generals order them to do these things successfully, they cannot let the people use their best.

The people of Liangzhou have a lot of hatred for the army of Xiqiang, it is precisely because the army of Xiqiang has displaced them and even lost their homes in the past. They will make a difference when the army of Xiqiang is attacking the city and be able to enter the army. It is also the goal of many young people.

In the past, when the Jin army conscripts, it always aroused a fierce response among the people. This is also a good thing that other monarchs can't imagine when the Jin army treats the people normally.

The military-civilian harmony will play a greater role in the battle against the enemy, especially in the case of a lack of troops in the city, the participation of young and strong can better alleviate the crisis in this regard.

The West Qiang army began to attack the city. If it wants to attack the city wall, the first thing to do is to fill in the moat, and the West Qiang army lacks sufficient siege weapons. The Jin army has a lot of defensive methods, which will gradually be tested on the West Qiang army.

The offensive taken by the Xiqiang army was to attack from all sides of the city wall. During such an offensive, they would put more pressure on the defending army. Although the Xiqiang people lacked the way to detect the news, it was very important to the people in the city. There is still a certain understanding of the number of troops. There are only more than four thousand troops. It would be difficult to defend against an attack of a hundred thousand troops.

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