Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3699: : Qiang Siege

Yadan was a wise man in the West Qiang Kingdom, and came with the army to avoid greater damage when the West Qiang army attacked the city.

The soldiers on the four sides of the city wall were waiting, and Yu Jin appeared in the east of the city. At this time, there were no more attacks.

The Qiang people's first attack was about 20,000 troops. Each wall had thousands of archers in order to provide better cover for the soldiers who attacked the city.

On the city wall, there were no arrows from the crossbow carts or bed crossbows coming towards the West Qiang army. With such a dense West Qiang army, the soldiers who controlled the equipment did not even need to aim too much, they only needed to release it.

From three hundred steps to one hundred steps, the Xiqiang army paid a considerable price, and then the Xiqiang archers began to suppress the defenders with their bows and arrows. As long as the suppression of the defenders can succeed, they will be given to the Jin The army poses a greater threat to ensure that the West Qiang army is able to avoid more losses as much as possible during the offensive process.

After seeing the scenes of the enemy’s oppression, many soldiers of the Jin army couldn’t help but tighten the weapons in their hands. There were many soldiers among them who had never experienced war. It was the first time they went to the battlefield. The fighting scene of the war made their hearts more tense, and the Xiqiang army's only quantitative advantage could bring no small trouble to the Jin army.

After seeing the offensive methods of the West Qiang army, Yu Jin felt tight and used the archers to suppress the defenders. If the defenders were in sufficient numbers, they could fully use the advantages of the city wall to cause a greater degree of damage to the enemy. Damage makes it difficult for the enemy's archers to do more.

Not to be used for forbidden orders, the Thunderbolt riders poured blocks of boulders toward the enemy, and the crossbow riders kept releasing their crossbow arrows.

From time to time, Xiqiang's soldiers fell down. When Xiqiang's archers approached the city, they began to release arrows to the city wall. During the offensive, they needed to worry about their own safety. There were not only soldiers controlling equipment on the city wall, but also There are a large number of archers. With the advantage of the city wall, the archers can exert greater power to ensure that the archers have greater power against the enemy.

The Jin army’s defensive methods caused considerable damage to the Xiqiang army. A famous Xiqiang soldier fell during the offensive. The archers in the Xiqiang army were the first to bear the brunt. These archers were What could bring a certain threat to the defenders became the prime target of the Jin army's offensive.

For three consecutive days of siege, the Xiqiang army outside the city paid a heavy price, and the defenders on the city also paid a high price. Although Xiqiang’s archers are much poorer in equipment, they are doing this. In the process of offensive, relying on the fear of death, no matter how great sacrifices are made, it will also cause more trouble for the Jin army in the process of offensive.

The archer force invested by the Xiqiang army will maintain four thousand men before each attack is launched, in order to cause more damage to the defenders.

The three-day offensive was completely day and night. The West Qiang army had to rely on its numerical superiority to prevent the offensive from stopping, so that the generals of the Jin army were in a hurry. It did cause a lot of trouble for the Jin army.

The three-day offensive had very obvious effects. The moats outside the four walls were all filled in for the Xiqiang army.

After the three-day offensive, the Xiqiang army paid a price of more than 5,000 people. After the defenders were injured, they were able to be sent to the city for treatment in time. Even so, more than 300 soldiers were killed.

During the offensive, the Xiqiang army didn’t care much about the death of their Paoze. What they wanted was to break through the city faster in such an attack. To them, Paoze’s death was normal. Things are up.

This kind of offensive that does not care about the lives of lieutenants and soldiers has a great effect.

Although the Xiqiang army is loose in military discipline, it dare not violate too much when executing the command of the commander. If there are lieutenants who do not obey the command, the rear supervising team will directly kill them. In the face of such cruel methods, the lieutenant soldiers had to work hard during the offensive process. It would be death to retreat, but if they step forward to attack, they may have the possibility to survive.

After seeing such results, Yue Ji was quite satisfied. What he wanted was to consume more enemy troops during the offensive, and lose more than 5,000 people. Although Yue Ji was a little dissatisfied, he filled the enemy’s moat. After that, it was time for the lieutenant soldiers to meet the enemy forces. As long as one's own soldiers can board the city wall, why not worry about not breaking the city.

Yueji still had a lot of confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Xiqiang soldiers, especially in such a siege. After boarding the city wall, they could cause greater damage to the enemy. The advantage of, will be the biggest manifestation in the offensive process.

No matter how much the Jin army has in defensive means, in this offensive, the West Qiang army must be successful. Only after breaking the Jin army's city can the West Qiang army take further action. It is only this invasion of the Jin Dynasty to break the city. That's it for the beginning.

Three days are enough to build a larger number of ladders, and there are also a lot of rush cars. Relying on such simple equipment and advantages in numbers, it can play a great role in attacking the city. .

No matter how brave the Jin army soldiers were in combat, it was necessary to break through the city.

With the order from Yueji, the fourth day of the West Qiang army's offensive began.

Yu Jin's eyes are reddish for three consecutive days, and he has very little rest time, in order to cause more damage to the enemy when they attack the city.

At this time, the situation in the city was not optimistic. Although not many soldiers were sacrificed, the number of enemy attacks did not decrease due to the loss of the defenders.

"Send to all the city walls to guard against the enemy's offensive. Those who dare to retreat for no reason during the battle shall be engaged in military law." Yu Jin commanded in a low voice.

For the soldiers who joined the army not long ago, such an offensive by the Xiqiang army is cruel to them. However, in this battle, the soldiers of the Jin army have no way of retreating. As, can only play a role in the next battle.

The huge stones in the city have been consumed by the West Qiang army regardless of consumption. If they continue at this speed, the huge stones in the city will be exhausted after four days at most.

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