Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3700: : Only 20,000 people

Fortunately, there are still a lot of arrows from the crossbow and the crossbow, which are also transported from Wudu and nearby cities, in order to block the Xiqiang as much as possible in this battle. Army.

There is not much time to prepare for the Jin army. If not, you only need to transport more sharp weapons from the craftsman's workshop. Why can't you repel the Western Qiang army in this battle.

Not to mention other things, just equipping the army with more fierce fire oil can make the West Qiang army pay a heavy price, but there is no timely preparation in this regard, so that the Jin army does not have this more in the process of combat. Advantage.

There is no doubt that the Jin army is tough in terms of combat effectiveness. Many soldiers in the army insisted on fighting on the city wall after being injured in battle, which moved Yu Jin very much.

The generals in the army do not care for their lives, but they are the generals of the Jin army. When the city is threatened, they have to stand up to resist the enemy's attack. Only in this way can the people behind them receive strong protection.

The people give more support to the lieutenants and soldiers, and the lieutenants and soldiers should also provide them with adequate protection. If not, how to make the people support the army more.

Pieces of wood tied with iron chains were transported to the hands of the guards. Some of the soldiers' blades were replaced with special long-rod swords, which appeared flat on one end of the sword.

The attack method of the West Qiang army is mainly through the ladder. As long as the enemy’s ladder can be pushed down continuously, the enemy’s offensive can be rendered useless. Such a weapon can play a role in defending the ladder attack. Not a small effect, two or three soldiers worked hard together, enough to push down the ladder.

After the ladder is overturned, it will bring more trouble to the enemy's offensive.

Compared with the offensive of the Xiqiang army in filling the moat, a real offensive launched by the Xiqiang army at this time will pose a greater threat to the defending army.

Outside the city, the shouting and killing shook the sky, and the Xiqiang soldiers kept shouting during the charge, as if only in this way could they have a stronger force when attacking.

Some Xiqiang soldiers were crying, their faces flushed. Obviously, such a cry was a big test for them.

After seeing the offensive, Yue Ji couldn't help but smile: "I don't know the prime minister thinks how long it will take for our army to break through the enemy's city?"

Yadan said: "Marshal, from the previous defense of the enemy, it can be seen that the enemy's methods are not as simple as they are on the surface, especially the huge crossbow arrows in the enemy's army. According to the lieutenant general, these crossbow arrows can cause the death of up to four soldiers at the same time."

From Yadan’s tone, Yue Ji felt worried, and couldn’t help but smile: “The prime minister is too worried, even if the enemy has such a weapon, can it still be able to stop our army with thousands of troops? The offense failed."

"The defenders in the city are not a cause for concern, but there is news from the scouts that Jin is now mobilizing troops. If we can't break through the city as soon as possible, our army will have more trouble." Yadan said.

After Yue Ji heard this, he was taken aback and asked: "I wonder how many troops have been mobilized by the enemy?"

"I don't know how much. According to the news from the scouts, there are at least 20,000 people." Yadan said.

"Haha, it's just a mere 20,000 people. If the enemy dared to fight our army head-on, this commander will let the enemy know how powerful our army is." Yue Ji said disapprovingly.

"Marshal, the Jin army has many sharp weapons in his hands. If there are more such sharp weapons in the army that comes to support, what should I do?" Yadan said: "It is said that among the Jin army, the most powerful is the cavalry. When the cavalry of the Jin army fought with the princes, they showed extremely strong combat effectiveness."

Yue Ji smiled and said: "Even if there are cavalry in the Jin army, how can we also have a large number of cavalry in our army? Is it because our army is fighting?

In the process, the cavalry of the Jin army could not be defeated. "

In this matter, Yadan will naturally not have too many arguments with Yueji. Yueji is the commander of the army, and he is also an absolute authority in the army. If he has too many different understandings from Yueji, It is not good for Yadan itself.

As Yue Ji said, even if the Jin army is superior in strength, the inferiority in numbers will be the biggest obstacle to the victory of the Jin army in the battle.

"Marshal, after breaking the city, we must protect these sharp weapons in the enemy as much as possible to ensure that these sharp weapons will not be damaged, and then win over the soldiers of the Han people. As long as our army can have more such sharp weapons, why not worry? There are more victories against the enemy," Yadan exhorted.

Yue Ji nodded with deep approval. Yue Ji was shocked by this sharp weapon of the Jin army. Why did Yue Ji not want to let the West Qiang army have more such weapons, so that when fighting against the Jin army, he would have More odds.

Seeing the soldiers in the army suffered so many damages when attacking the city, Yue Ji was also uncomfortable in his heart.

There are a large number of the Western Qiang army, but if you want to become an elite army, you will definitely need to put in more effort on the battlefield. Anyone who can become an elite army has also experienced life and death on the battlefield. Such a loss outside the city will have a large impact on Xi Qiang's strength.

However, in this battle, Yueji did not have more choices. Only after the enemy's city was broken, the soldiers who followed the army could get better benefits in such a battle. The strength of the Western Qiang Kingdom Can get further promotion.

As the Marshal of the West Qiang, Yueji naturally hopes that the West Qiang will be stronger and occupy more Han cities. Compared with the Han cities, the cities of the West Qiang are so dilapidated~www. After a series of orders were issued, the offensive of the Xiqiang army began. Although the weather was a bit cold, some Xiqiang soldiers were naked during the attack. They were not protected by armor. Such an offensive method is indeed shocking.

A soldier named Xiqiang carried the ladder and launched a charge towards the city wall. In the course of this charge, the ladder soldiers would suffer tremendous damage.

The crossbow riders and archers pointed the main direction of the attack on the ladder soldiers, so that the ladder soldiers suffered more damage during the attack, which could alleviate the pressure on the defenders to defend the city.

A ladder was erected on the city wall. These ladder soldiers retreated to the side. The next attack will be the soldiers from the Western Qiang army who are responsible for attacking the city. Once such an attack begins, the ladder soldiers are erecting the ladder. At that time, more losses will be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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