Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3703: : Fierce offensive

Yadan heard that he didn’t have too many words. Only after the army entered the city can the victory be determined. Now that the Jin army has begun to use the power of the people, it shows that the Jin army does not have more means of defense. .

From the arrows of the Jin army, it can be judged that the defenders are running out of materials. They can stop the Xiqiang army for seven days in this attack. The generals in the city must be in the Jin army. Amazing character.

The war can deepen the enmity between the two sides. Although the West Qiang army paid more than 10,000 people when attacking the city, the soldiers of the West Qiang army were more angry with the Jin army, and how many robes died in Jin. In the army's defense, this made the soldiers of the Western Qiang army more angry, and they wanted to cause more damage to the enemy during the offensive process.

Some generals in the army even imagined how to plunder the people in the city after they were about to invade the city.

In the siege on the eighth day, the defending army paid a total of thousands of people, and most of them were young and strong among the people.

The most serious situation is that the arrows in the city are barely enough to defend for a day. If the consumption of arrows in the city cannot be guaranteed, it is impossible to hold the city for a longer time. The army will Arrived in two days.

This is also the news received before the arrival of the banned West Qiang army. No one is sure that reinforcements will arrive in time. If the army delays some time, what will happen.

Inform the lieutenant generals that after two days of defense, there will be reinforcements, so that the soldiers in the army will have more hope. With hope in their hearts, they will be able to fight more desperately when defending.

With the decrease in the number of soldiers, there is no rotation of soldiers in the city at all, and the lieutenant soldiers can only persist on the wall.

After the arrival of the Jin army, will the Western Qiang army allow the Jin army to enter the city? Maybe the enemy army will send an army to block the Liangzhou army from entering the city.

It is too difficult to keep the city under the attack of the Xiqiang army.

However, Yu Jin will not easily admit defeat. He is a general in the Jin army. If he can't repel the enemy when facing an attack from a foreign race, how can he face to return to the army, even if it is dead, what does it matter? As long as it can successfully defend the enemy's offensive, the previous sacrifices are worthwhile.

Because the defenders have entered into the army, they are replenished to three thousand people again. Seeing these young men with angry and hateful expressions, Yu Jin also feels a sense of feeling. In order to be able to withstand the attack of the Western Qiang army, the people are also extremely Desperately, they didn't have more means to deal with the enemy's offensive on the battlefield, but they were ferocious, and they had the **** nature to face the enemy without retreating.

The people of Liangzhou in the past suffered a lot of disasters during the chaos of the Qiang people, but now they have finally gotten a stable life, and naturally hope that such a life can continue.

Among the people, there are also many Qiang people. These Qiang people have been very brave when fighting. Although they have caused harm to the people in Liangzhou, they are still quite satisfied with their lives today. They want to continue to enjoy such a life under Lu Bu's rule.

The Qiang people have won the recognition of the Han people with their efforts.

This is war. Cruel wars will cause more soldiers to die on the battlefield. Among them, the young and strong of the people will suffer the most damage, but how can we not make more efforts when the enemy is attacking? To ensure the stability of the city, how can the people survive this battle?

Yesterday’s offensive, Yue Ji has a certain understanding of the strength of the city’s defense. Just as Yadan said, the generals of the Jin army are really supplementing the army with the young men among the people. It won't have much effect during the battle. Once Xiqiang's soldiers attacked the city, it would bring heavy losses to these people.

However, judging from the news sent by the soldiers, even the young and strong among the people, the fighting power demonstrated in the process of fighting against the Western Qiang army is also extremely amazing. This is also the most depressing place for the more auspicious. Although the Han people say After the arrival of the Xiqiang army, the performance was relatively tenacious, but the role played by these young men cannot be ignored.

The combat effectiveness of the Jin army was also demonstrated in this battle. The tenacity of the Jin army shocked Yue Ji. It is hard to imagine what the West Qiang army would be like if there were a Jin army of 100,000.

The offensive on the ninth day began. Yu Jin and two hundred soldiers appeared on the head of the city as mobile forces at any time. They had to take on more important tasks in this battle, and wanted to persist in this battle. Coming down is not as simple as it seems on the surface, it requires the cooperation of the soldiers in the army and the people in the city.

Without the support of the people in the city, it would be difficult for the Jin army to persist in the process of the offensive of the West Qiang army. The support of the people also invigorated the soldiers in the army. The reason why they are fighting like this is precisely for the city. Of the people can get a more stable life.

After the battles, the number of lieutenants in the army dropped sharply, but the soldiers of the Jin army had no regrets. They were the defenders of the Wudu. It was worth paying for their lives for the safety of the Wudu. Just as Yu Jin said, they are the warriors of the Jin Kingdom, and the sacrifices they made in defending the city are worthwhile.

The offensive on the ninth day had just begun, and the Xiqiang army launched a fierce offensive. It can be seen that in the successive siege, Yueji was also a little anxious. The Qiang army brings more trouble.

No matter how tough the defensive forces in the city are ~ The army of the West Qiang must win this battle. Not only is it more auspicious, but Yadan is also worried about the current situation. Among the army of the West Qiang, There is no shortage of brave generals, but when the West Qiang army is attacking the city, it is difficult to achieve the expected results, which makes Yadan a little depressed.

Breaking down the city of Bian is the first step for the West Qiang army to invade Liangzhou. Next, the West Qiang army needs to face more battles. If even Xia Bian city cannot be captured from the hands of the Jin army, it is bound to be. The lieutenant soldiers caused a certain setback.

It is undeniable that the Jin's soldiers are brave, but there is no reason why the West Qiang army cannot win victory.

For two consecutive days, Yu Jin did not rest. Since Qing Zhuang entered the army, Yu Jin has more worries. If he cannot make a bigger breakthrough in this battle, it will be extremely difficult to stop the offensive of the Western Qiang army. .

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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