Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3706: : The wall is in a hurry

Many soldiers on the wall lay down on the ground. Some of them were too sleepy. The successive battles exhausted the soldiers in the army. But after hearing the sound of the drums, they would still struggle to follow suit. Climb up on the city wall.

The young people among the people suffered the most damage in this defense. This situation is inevitable. No matter what beliefs the young people have, they are after all untrained and are fighting against the enemy. It is commendable to be able to be fearless at the time.

"General, if the enemy attacked the city wall, the end general would die with the enemy." A captain said hoarsely: "General, the end general is too tired and wants to rest for a while."

"No, the enemy will launch an offensive soon and cannot rest. Our reinforcements will come soon." Yu Jin shouted, "Our reinforcements will come soon."

The sergeants and soldiers are numb to the statement of prohibition. They are also eager for the arrival of reinforcements. They want to rest. Even the soldiers who were injured before have rushed to the wall to participate in the battle. The situation in the city has reached a level that cannot be worse. To the point.

"Our reinforcements are coming soon," the school lieutenant murmured.

The battle will not stop because of the exhaustion of the Jin army soldiers in the city. After an hour's rest, the West Qiang army launched an offensive again.

The soldiers of the Western Qiang Army found that the speed of attacking the city wall this time was faster than before, and the defense of the city defenders was worse. From the point of view of Xiqiang soldiers, it was completely slow motion.

This made the soldiers of the Western Qiang army very excited, and the hope of breaking the Jin army's city was right in front of them, and the hope that the army had a lot of anger towards the Jin army, but also admiration.

The people of Xiqiang admire the strong, and the Jin army that stands firm in the city can definitely be called the strong. What if the same battle were put on the Xiqiang army.

Yu Jin reluctantly got up, the long sword in his hand flicked. The original shot was ten and nine, but it was for the Xiqiang soldiers to escape. Fortunately, because of the forbidden battle experience, the long sword was cut and the Xiqiang soldier was killed.

From time to time, Western Qiang soldiers stepped on the city wall. Whenever Western Qiang soldiers stepped on the city wall, they would always cause a lot of trouble to the defending Jin army. The swords in the hands of some Jin soldiers had been damaged in successive battles. , Anyway, if they see a weapon around them, they just pick it up and use it.

Outside the city, Yue Ji smiled when he learned of the attack on the city. Even if it was the tenth day that the Jin army was able to break through the defended city, it was of great significance to the Western Qiang army. There is nothing more exciting for the lieutenant generals than a looting that can make the lieutenant generals recover from the previously damaged situation of the attack on the city.

"The prime minister, it seems that we can break the city today." Yue Ji smiled.

Yadan nodded. In this confrontation, Xi Qiang's army could say that it was determined to win.

"After entering the city, this general asked the prime minister and the generals in the army to drink. There must be many fine wines in the city." Yue Ji said.

When it comes to fine wines, Yadan can't help thinking of the fine wines Zhang Hong brought when he was in Western Qiang. The taste of these fine wines made Yadan unforgettable. Compared with Jinjiu, the wines I drank before suddenly lost their taste.

After breaking through the city, it is not a simple matter to get good wine.

More and more Xiqiang soldiers stepped onto the city wall, and the battle on the city had reached a fever pitch. The Xiqiang soldiers who boarded the city wall wanted to end the war as soon as possible, but the resistance of the Jin army still did not stop.

When Yu Jin saw the situation on the city, he was anxious. If this situation continues, within half an hour, the Qiang pawns will have an absolute advantage on the city wall. There are no defenders in the city. Just break the city wall. After that, it was not easy to say that he wanted to drive the Xiqiang army out of the city.

"You immediately lead the people to the place where the food and grass are stored, waiting for the command of this general." Yu Jin ordered.

"General..." The school lieutenant hesitated to speak.

"Even if the city is broken by the enemy, the enemy cannot get the grain and grass in the city. These grain and grass belong to the Jin country and cannot be left to the enemy when they are burned. Go quickly and wait for the general's order." Yu Jin said.

"Here." The lieutenant held his fist solemnly. Although Yu Jin was a general who came from Cao Jun, but in this battle, Yu Jin's performance made the lieutenant generals more admiration for Jin.

The lieutenant also understood that this was probably the last order Yu Jin gave. He took a deep look at Yu Jin, then turned and left. After the city was broken, he didn't plan to survive, even if he died desperately. Many enemies caused casualties.

The war was still going on. After more Xiqiang soldiers climbed the city wall, it was even more difficult to drive them off the city wall.

Yu Jin barely supported the fight with the soldiers in the army.

"General, the east wall is in a hurry." A general hurried over and shouted.

Yu Jin nodded his head with a heavy expression, nodded a hundred soldiers to walk down the city wall, turned on their horses, and headed towards the west city gate.

The continued fighting has caused a sharp decrease in the number of cavalry in the city. They are elite cavalry in the army. At this time, they can only be used as infantry. As for war horses, they act as tools for their rapid movement. During the battle, the cavalry had no regrets or regrets. It was because of their fast maneuvering that the defenders resisted the attacks from the Western Qiang army again and again.

When Yu Jin felt the east side of the city wall, the soldiers from the West Qiang on the side of the city wall had already occupied a certain advantage.

A hundred soldiers followed the ban on the city They tried their best to drive the soldiers from Xiqiang off the city wall, but the situation on the battlefield was too critical for the Jin army. The army could have There are not many soldiers with combat effectiveness, but they persisted stubbornly in the battle.

A famous Jin sergeant fell on the wall in this way. In order to protect the integrity of the city, they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. After seeing these scenes, Yu Jin did not have any more pickiness to be able to fight against such a soldier. Isn't it the glory of a military commander?

The wound on his body greatly hindered Yu Jin's actions.

After the Xiqiang soldiers took a certain advantage on the city wall, they launched a more violent attack on the Jin army. They needed to enter the city. The depression of the siege for many days needs to be released after entering the city. How many brave soldiers from Xiqiang It was when they fell down while attacking the city. They had an unimaginable hatred for the Jin soldiers and soldiers. No matter what, they must win in this battle.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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