Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3729: :1. Take the lead

The generals of the Jin army can do a good job in executing orders. Their usual training tells them that no matter what kind of situation they encounter, as long as the generals give an order, they will launch an attack on the enemy. A glorious cavalry team. They were the cavalry that followed Lu Bu at the beginning. Although Zhang Liao was responsible for the control over the years, the wolf cavalry's enthusiasm for Lu Bu has not diminished in the slightest.

In the minds of the wolf-riding soldiers, Lu Bu is the most worthy of following people. For Lu Bu's order, they are even willing to pay the price of their lives.

Lieutenant generals are not afraid of death when they are engaged in a battle, which will have a great impact on a battle. They are not afraid of death. In their eyes, there is no so-called fear of death. What they need is to give the enemy in the process of fighting. The army causes more damage. Under such circumstances, even if the army occupies a certain amount of superiority, how can it be.

In the battle against the West Qiang army, the generals of the Jin army still have sufficient confidence. From the fact that the West Qiang army attacked the city before the city, it can be seen that the West Qiang army’s offensive methods are nothing more than this, even if they occupy the number of people. Regarding the advantages, even though the number of advantages has a certain effect when fighting, it is not the most important.

The performance of the soldiers against the enemy is crucial to the engagement.

More than 600 wolf riders charged up on the plain, and they were quite powerful. What Zhang Yun gave to the wolf riders was the order to charge, and in the process of charging, the speed of the horses should not be slowed down as much as possible. The purpose is to use the charge to slow down the speed of the Xiqiang army, so that they cannot reach the battlefield quickly.

With more than six hundred people, it is obviously unrealistic to defeat tens of thousands of Xiqiang army. The Xiqiang army is still relatively brave in combat.

Once the wolf cavalry charges on the battlefield, how much damage it will cause to the enemy. The cavalry is the king of the battlefield. Because of their powerful destructive ability, in a battle, the cavalry can play a role in controlling the battlefield. , And in terms of cavalry, the strength of the Jin army is the most prosperous. The powerful Xianbei on the grassland in the past gradually declined after fighting with the Jin army.

It is not that the strength of the Xianbei cavalry is not strong enough, and the Jin army that is fighting with them is outstanding, so that the Xianbei people paid a heavy low price on the grassland, and finally had to rely on Lu Bu, willing to become a vassal of Lu Bu, which was brought about by absolute strength. It is victory after victory, which brings fear of the enemy.

Before the battle, the soldiers of the Xiqiang army had great expectations for this victory. However, after the actual fight, they suddenly discovered that the battlefield was very different from what they had imagined. The Han army did not say what the commander said. That kind of weakness, what they showed in front of the Xiqiang army when they were fighting was the undaunted side of death. Their tenacious and tenacious fighting power, even if the people of Xiqiang mentioned it, they still had lingering fears.

The battlefield is a place suitable for the strong. Only the strong can win greater victory on the battlefield, and only the strong can be respected by others.

The main reason why the envoys of the Jin Kingdom behaved arrogantly when they went to other princes was that there was Jin Kingdom behind them, and the Jin Kingdom was an insurmountable mountain in the eyes of these princes.

Battle after battle brought the Jin army to the highest position. The princes wanted to fight against the Jin army and even had to choose to unite.

In the face of such absolute strength, other small methods are of little use.

The West Qiang army’s invasion of the land of Liangzhou is intolerable. It is necessary to make the West Qiang army pay a heavy price in this battle, so that they understand the consequences of attacking the Han city, even their own If the city cannot be protected, how will the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army face other people in the future?

Lieutenant generals pay attention to face. They want to be recognized by others after winning battles. In this way, the lieutenant generals will also swagger when they appear in front of soldiers from other states.

The charge of more than 600 cavalry attracted the attention of the Western Qiang army. Even Yadan was a little unbelievable when he got the news. Judging from the news from the scout, the coming enemy cavalry, but There are only a thousand people, but there are tens of thousands of Xiqiang army by his side.

After this shocked Yadan, he was more angry. This was the Jin army's contempt for the Western Qiang army. Thousands of people dared to attack tens of thousands of army. How contemptuous this was.

Yadan vowed that he must make the wolf ride a heavy price in the process of charging, even if the wolf ride is superior in strength, Yadan's anger needs to be calmed by the life of the wolf ride After receiving the order, the generals in the Qiang army were immediately ready to go to war. The soldiers in the Western Qiang Army were still under great pressure against the wolf cavalry. However, when they learned that the enemy had only a thousand men, the Western Qiang Army The officers in the middle rank were still quite angry. This was definitely a contempt for the Xiqiang army. This kind of thing would not be good for anyone.

With a spear in hand, Zhang Yun took the lead. On Zhang Yun’s body, he was not wearing heavy armor. He was a general in the army. He needed to give more command to the soldiers during the battle. Although this attack, he relied more on the wolf rider. The powerful destructive power in the charge, and the reasonable command can prevent the lieutenant soldiers from suffering more damage during the battle, which is of great significance to this battle.

Wolves play a very important role in the Liangzhou Army's battle against the Western Qiang Army. They are not only the mobile force on the battlefield, but also the force that gives the enemy a fatal blow when the two sides engage in the final battle.

The Xiqiang army does have disadvantages in equipment, but the bravery of the Xiqiang army can make up for their inferior equipment and make it easier for the lieutenant soldiers to win the battle.

The wolf ride is a sharp sword that destroys the fighting spirit of the Xiqiang army. When confronting the plains, no army dares to ignore the destructive power of the wolf ride. As long as there is a wolf ride, the battle must be fierce, and you want to fight. If there is a greater accomplishment in it, it must be necessary to choose a suitable target, and the wolf ride is an insurmountable mountain on the battlefield.

Arrows are like rain, and the wolf rider leaned over his horse as much as possible. From time to time, he stared at the clanging sound. The arrows in the Western Qiang Army did not bring them more when they charged. Damage, this is also the most terrifying part of the wolf ride.

(End of this chapter)

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