Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3728: : The enemy's reinforcements have arrived

And if the same situation were put on the West Qiang army, it would do the same. When the war started, the two sides were enemies of life and death, thinking about how to bring the greatest damage to the enemy in such a battle.

The Jin army, who is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, showed strong combat effectiveness when charging. With wolves riding on the side, it would be easier for them to win the battle.

On the battlefield, it is necessary for lieutenants to have high morale, and it is also important for sergeants to have excellent blades and armor. Otherwise, if the most basic battles cannot be guaranteed, the morale is high. What's the use.

The looting of the West Qiang army into Liangzhou has made the lieutenants expect a lot of warfare, but they have endured a lot of setbacks outside the city of Xiabian, and they have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they can’t break the city. How does this make the soldiers in the army think.

Ambition is natural, but when the strength in your hands is not enough to support your ambition, you will often face failure.

Among the West Qiang army, Yadan received the news from the scouts and did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the army to prepare to support the war. In this confrontation, the West Qiang army has invested more than 20,000 troops. If this scale of engagement is true If it fails, it will be a great blow to the lieutenant soldiers.

On the way, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded, and the ground was trembling slightly. The sergeant sergeant uncontrollably appeared in some panic, which made Yadan a little shake, and where the sound was made, it was the two armies who were making the sound. The place of war.

After a little thought, Yadan's face changed drastically. If such a momentum was made by the Jin army, what impact would it have on the fighting Western Qiang army? What kind of morale would the army's lieutenants have in the battle? More importantly, judging from the news from the scouts, in the battle against the Jin army, the soldiers of Xiqiang did not take advantage of it. The enemy army obviously has been set up on the battlefield, otherwise, it would not fight on both sides. At the time, ambushing soldiers suddenly appeared among the enemy forces.

Under these circumstances, it is still necessary for the soldiers involved in the battle to return to the camp as much as possible. This battle has a vital influence on the Western Qiang army, and it is in a frontal confrontation with the Jin army. If it is won, it will be of great help to the future war.

In terms of resourcefulness, Yadan believes that he is not weak. Before ambushing the Jin army was not successful, it was more because the lieutenant soldiers exposed their traces on the way to hide. Now it seems that the Jin army is not as simple as imagined. In a short confrontation, they were able to set up such an ambush without the Xiqiang scouts not discovering it. These methods were shocking enough.

"Prime Minister, there are enemy cavalry in front." A general rode up and brought the latest news from the front to Yadan.

Yadan said: "What kind of cavalry?"

"It's a heavy cavalry." The general said this, his complexion was slightly solemn, how destructive the heavy cavalry was in the battle, the generals in the army are quite clear, although the Xiqiang army came to support tens of thousands of people, But when fighting heavy cavalry, if there is no good response, the most likely situation is that the soldiers in the army are seriously damaged.

This confrontation is important for the Jin army and the Western Qiang army. As long as one of them can win, it will inevitably have an impact on the situation of the next war.

"The lieutenant generals of the Chuaning Army are ready to go to war. The enemy cavalry is no more than a thousand people, so it's not enough to be afraid." Yadan ordered.

After receiving the order, the generals felt a little dignified. This is a battle against the enemy's heavy cavalry, and how destructive the enemy's heavy cavalry is when they are engaged. When charging, the lieutenant generals simply have no more means to resist. Facing such cavalry, the lieutenant generals have a sense of powerlessness.

The West Qiang army does not have the sharp weapons of the Jin army. Whether it is siege or head-on battle, it relies on the bravery of the lieutenant generals. If the generals in the army cannot resist when facing the enemy, they will appear. What a serious consequence.

The Jin army is superior in strength, which is also recognized, and the West Qiang army is not very clear about this. Before they go out, they are immersed in how to get more benefits from the Jin country, and it is best to break more cities.

The Han city did not disappoint the soldiers of the Western Qiang army. They obtained too much wealth in the Han city. Under these stimuli, they needed more to break through the Han city.

The confrontation was still ongoing. Zhang Yun led the wolf riding on the periphery. The main task was to kill the soldiers who wanted to flee the battlefield, and to kill more soldiers who fled, making it difficult for the enemy's reinforcements to enter the battlefield.

To fight against the Western Qiang army, you don’t need more verbal encouragement, just an order from the military general, and the soldiers of the wolf rider will charge forward without to treat the enemy entering Liangzhou. Army, they will not have the slightest softness.

"General, the enemy's reinforcements are here."

Zhang Xi nodded slightly and said, "Leading the wolf to ride, prepare for battle, it's just a mere enemy, not to be afraid of."

"Here." After receiving the order, the lieutenant general hurriedly returned to the army to prepare for battle.

There were a thousand heavy cavalrymen who followed Zhang Yun to intercept. Although the West Qiang army did not cause too much trouble for the wolf cavalry when it retreated hurriedly, their main energy was on the Jin army chasing after the battle, which was helpless. After the massive explosion, the soldiers of the Western Qiang Army had a certain fear of retreat, especially from the place where they had just evacuated.

This has also led to many enemy soldiers who want to leave the battlefield to choose to leave from both sides.

After Xiqiang soldiers had such a choice, the trouble caused to the wolf rider was minimal.

In this confrontation, the defeat of the Western Qiang army has become a foregone conclusion. The key is to keep how many enemy troops can stay on the battlefield. After the war between the two sides starts, it will inevitably be an endless situation. Try to keep the enemy in this way. There is still a great need to pay a heavy price in the war.

After the wolf rider was ready to go to war, Zhang Yun gave an order, and more than six hundred wolf riders followed Zhang Yun and came towards the army of Xiqiang.

With more than 600 people attacking the enemy’s tens of thousands of people, such a thing, just to imagine it, makes people feel incredible. The wolf rider will inevitably cause more damage, and even make the charging wolf rider pay a heavy price.

(End of this chapter)

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