Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3748: : I feel something

Sima Yi could feel the eagerness of Jiangdong's courtiers. In these times of crisis, there were still many people who stood faithfully on Sun Quan's side. After the assassination happened in the city, Sun Quan's protection of the officials under his control was even more important. Heart.

If the safety of the officials cannot be guaranteed, what kind of scenario will appear? Even if the Jiangdong Army can win the battle against the enemy, I am afraid that Jianye City is already in turmoil.

The Liangzhou Army's victory in the battle against the Western Qiang Army is very good news for the Jin Army, but it is not so good for the Jiangdong officials. The hope they finally see is the Jin Army. Pinched out.

The West Qiang army’s attack on Liangzhou did not last for a long time, and it was difficult to cause too much trouble to the Jin country. It can be seen from the fact that the Chang'an army did not use it in this turmoil. Lu Bu was invaded by the West Qiang army. What confidence did he have in the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army at that time.

Sun Quan did not have enough confidence in whether the sharp weapons possessed by the Jin army could be used in water battles. From his previous battles with the Jin army, he could see that when the matter is not at the end, you will never know whether the Jin army will return. How many methods there are, the Jin army's methods are elusive, which makes them look even more terrifying when fighting against the enemy.

However, the news from the Jin army made Sun Quan only temporarily choose to believe that the sharp weapon of the Jin army could not be used in water battles.

On the battlefield of Nanhai County, it was precisely because the Jin army had a sharp weapon that it broke Panyu in one fell swoop, causing the Jiangdong Army to lose control of Nanhai County. At this time, the Jiangdong Army could only shrink in Jiangdong and face the Jin army’s offensive. Constantly trying to resist, wanting to occupy more advantage in the process of fighting against the Jin army, how can it be such a simple thing.

Lu Bu’s victories in previous battles are a good illustration. However, Lu Bu’s opponents will not get better results during the battle. Relying on the strong combat power of the Jin army, Lu Bu has emerged among the princes. Gradually came to today's powerful situation.

When facing the Jin army, we must be more cautious. Anyway, in the two large-scale confrontations between the Jiangdong army and the Jin army, they all ended in failure. Many speculations, the past wars could not be successful, and now, will the Jiangdong Army be able to withstand the crazy offensive from the Jin Army, and how many Jiangdong Army soldiers will die on the battlefield at that time.

Different from the previous battle, this time it was the Jin army attacking Jiangdong.

As for the covenant between Jin and Wu, at this time it would not have any effect at all. In the past, the Jiangdong Army dared to attack the Jin army for profit, and even violated the covenant. Could it be that such a thing should be placed in Jin. It won't work on his body.

The covenant is established on the premise that the strength is enough to make the other party jealous. If even this cannot be guaranteed, how can the so-called allies abide by the covenant?

When the world was turbulent and the princes were everywhere, the binding force of the covenant can be seen. When the eighteenth princes attacked Dong Zhuo, there was also a covenant, but the result was that the princes could let Dong Zhuo ignore for their own interests.

But today's princes are gradually dying out, leaving behind a powerful Jin state and a weak Wu state, and it has become an inevitable situation for Jin to dominate the world.

Sometimes, Sun Quan thinks of Jiangdong’s struggles over the years, and he feels it. Jiangdong is a land of wealth. During the battles of the princes, he did not experience too much turbulence. This made more talented people willing to go to Jiangdong. Their arrival has added a lot of talents to Jiangdong, but the small area of ​​Jiangdong also restricted the development of Jiangdong Army. It is not Jiangdong rulers who are unwilling to do more at this time, but their expansion. The footsteps were restrained by other princes.

In Sun Quan’s view, the most failed thing was that Cao Cao attacked Jingzhou and allowed Lv Bu to lead an army to attack Yizhou. It was after that battle that Lv Bu’s strength became stronger and stronger. Compared with Yizhou’s strength, Jiangdong was still relatively weak. The only amount of food and grass provided by Yizhou for the Jin army is a considerable number.

I’m afraid no one would have imagined that Lv Bu’s army would be able to seize the Yizhou occupied by Liu Bei in one fell swoop. Among the princes, Liu Bei was also a famous figure, who could rise again despite repeated setbacks, and his family would fall into the hands of others. Did not give up the heart of struggle.

Originally, after Liu Bei occupied Yizhou, the situation was still very good, but the wealthy man in Yizhou attracted Lu Bu's prying eyes, and this was how Yizhou was conquered.

What Sun Quan saw from these wars was Lü Bu's conviction and ambition to seize the world.

The situation faced by Lu Bu, if it were placed on other princes when the world was just under the battle, could other princes have the same achievements as Lu Bu? Different people would have different ways to deal with the same thing~www Just like when Sun Quan was developing Jiangdong, he emphasized gradual and orderly progress, using the power of literati, so that Jiangdong could develop faster during the war.

After relying on the power of military generals to conquer the world, it is impossible to use military generals to govern the locality. With civilians governing the locality, the locality can be more prosperous, there will be no more problems in development, and the strength of the Jin army is strong. Victory in the battle also has a great relationship with the support of the rear.

There are many internal affairs talents in Jin. This is also after the further growth of Jin, more talents have emerged. In fact, at the beginning, Lu Bu’s subordinates lacked internal affairs talents. To fall out, it is necessary to use the power of the students in the school.

It is precisely because of Lü Bu's decision that the Jin country is more pure. The military lieutenants have an unimaginable enthusiasm for Lü Bu. If Lü Bu is generous enough to treat the people, how can the people willingly follow Lü Bu? When the Jin country was in crisis, he never left.

Whether it is the princes or the common people and the soldiers in the army, in fact, the two words are inseparable from the benefit. For the benefit, the people dare to stand up against the rule of the big man. For the benefit, the military officers and soldiers will die more on the battlefield.

At this point, the generals and the people in the army are the same as the princes, but the people and the soldiers in the army want benefits, it is not that simple.

Lu Bu was able to achieve today's achievements, but also with many risks. If we talk about this, the princes of the world will definitely have more awe of Lu Bu, and the barren land of the state will be able to stand out among the princes. The powerful Xianbei people were a little more frightened, and made the Yuan family of the fourth generation and three masters retreat.

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