Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3766: : The decisive battle is coming

Although the Jiangdong Army is superior in water warfare, the Jin's superiority in numbers is enough to make the Jiangdong Army pay a greater price for this engagement.

Sun Quan is also ambitious. If Jiangdong Army wins at a lower price in this battle, it will get more benefits from Jin, and it is possible to seize more cities. Why not Zhou Yu Understand Zhou Yu's mind.

Planning the battlefield seems simple, but in fact it is not. In the Jin army, there are extraordinary characters. Let alone others, it is not easy to deceive Lu Bu. Otherwise, Lu Xun will go to Jiangdong army to borrow Why the Arrow failed? This is a good illustration. After Lu Bu sees through the Jiangdong Army's strategy, he will make the Jiangdong Army pay for it.

  Lu Xun is still being imprisoned in the Jin army. Even if Lu Xun has a high status in Jiangdong, Zhou Yu cannot be rescued at this time.

From Lu Bu’s importance to Lu Xun, what Zhou Yu saw was the horror of Lu Bu. Before the Jin State attacked Jiangdong, he must have had some understanding of Jiangdong’s situation, only after he had a better understanding of Jiangdong’s situation. , In order to allow the Jin army to occupy more advantages when fighting against Jiangdong army.

Using Lu Bu’s means, Zhou Yu would have no doubt about this. Even the Jianye City now has a lot of Jin army's meticulous work. These meticulous work is only temporarily hidden. When the war begins, they They will be active in the city to plan more benefits for the victory of the Jin army.

   This kind of thing is also the most feared by the monarch, but sufficient intelligence is also a proof of the monarch's strength.

   Zhou Yu also heard about what happened in Jianye City. The assassination must have been made by the Jin Army. The Jin Army wanted to deter the Jiangdong Army in this way, making the Jiangdong Army more afraid of the Jin Army.

   Zhou Yu is now going to really influence the situation in Jiangdong through the victory against the Jin army. After the victory, Zhou Yu will become a great hero of Jiangdong. At that time, even if Sun Quan wants to deal with him, he needs to be more cautious.

Victory is just around the corner, and the generals in the military are quite excited. Although they don’t have more experience in fighting wits in the middle, the time for the next bravery is when the military generals show that they have a strong fighting power against the enemy. .

   The river is brightly lit, illuminating the waters where the water village ambushes you. This is also to prevent the enemy from launching a surprise attack at night.

Among the Jin army, they were also busy. Pan Zhang took refuge, and Lv Bu still paid more attention. This was a long-known general in the Jiangdong army. After Pan Zhang’s allegiance, he helped the Jiangdong army. It can weaken the combat effectiveness of Jiangdong Army, why not do it.

At this time, the main generals of the Jin army are gathering in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. The defense of the Chinese Army is unprecedentedly rigorous. It is difficult to get close even at a distance of a hundred steps. It is Lu Bu who guards the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Even the generals in the army need to be more cautious after seeing the camp guarded by the guards.

   "Zhou Yu, children, want to fight our army tonight, this battle is the time to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

   The lieutenant general was unbelievable when he heard the words. They didn't even get the slightest news about this decisive battle.

Jia Xu got Lv Bu’s signal. After telling what happened, the generals in the army were excited. Zhou Yu dared to use tricks in front of Lv Bu. He really didn’t want to live anymore. At the beginning, some generals in the Jiangdong Army acted to borrow arrows. He became a prisoner in Jinan County, and is still being held in custody. I didn't expect Zhou Yu to come up with bitter tricks this time. There are really endless methods.

Generals in the army are not good at strategy, but what they have to do is to lead the soldiers to kill the enemy more when they are facing the enemy, so that more enemy troops will fall in the process of fighting the Jin army. , Even if the military generals have completed their mission.

In terms of water warfare, although the Jin army is far behind the Jiangdong Army, the soldiers in the army have great confidence in the victory of this battle. Against the Jiangdong Army, they must have a better performance. In this case , They can get a higher position in the military.

   Jin Army generals need more credit in the battles. Only in this way can they receive greater encouragement.

   The system of the Jin army determines that if you want to have greater success in the army, you must have an outstanding performance against the enemy, otherwise even if you are promoted, the military will have a lot of dissatisfaction.

   In the Jin army, the emphasis is on those who are able to go up and down for the weak. It is difficult to convince the soldiers of the army after the victory that has not been passed to a certain position.

   is not only the generals fighting the enemy courageously when fighting the enemy, the ordinary soldiers are also the same, they want to use this method to make their status more improved.

Against the Jin army, many generals in the army regarded it as the last battle of the Jin army to unify the world. If they have outstanding performance in this battle, they will be more satisfied, no matter how much glory Jiangdong army has. www.readwn .com~ They will all wipe out the Jiangdong Army in this battle.

The decisive battle is coming, but the generals in the army are not too nervous. Many generals have followed Lu Bu for many years. They have absolute confidence in Lu Bu. In the Jin army, as long as there is Lu Bu, the lieutenant generals are facing the enemy. It is a simple matter to win in the process of, which is also one of the reasons why the generals are enthusiastic about Lu Bu.

What the lieutenant generals most yearn for is to be able to win the battle against the enemy. Victory one after another can encourage them to work harder in the battle. If the lieutenant general cannot even lead them to victory. How to convince the soldiers in the army.

   The Jin army is a glorious army. The rise of the Jin country is the result of victory after victory, and such victory is exactly what the soldiers in the army desire to see.

   "Zhang Yun." Lu Bu cast his gaze at Zhang Yun, who was in uniform.

During this period of time, Zhang Yun has been infamous in the army, but this is Lu Bu’s order, and Zhang Yun will not violate it. Besides, if the army can win the battle against Jiangdong Army, even if it is wronged, Zhang Yunlai It's nothing to say.

   "The end is here." Zhang Yun clasped his fist.

   "What happened before General Zhang Yun was done deliberately by me. General Zhang Yun is still the deputy captain of the navy." Lu Bu said.

   "Thank you, Saint." Zhang Yun saluted calmly.

   (end of this chapter)

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