Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3765: : Simply wishful thinking

In a battle, the role played by the counselor cannot be ignored, and once the strategy of the counselor is successful, it will have a greater impact on the battle.

   Lu Bu values ​​the military counsellors very much, and hopes that the military counsellors can get experience in the confrontations.

After the Jin army conquered Jiangdong, the pace of the conquest would not be stopped because of the peace of the world. Lu Bu wanted to have more territory, which required the soldiers in the army to be more elite, and the military advisers could target the battlefield. Make arrangements in a timely manner.

   Fighting, it is dangerous to respond. Once the war fails, the monarch will lose more things, and the power of the people will also be greatly damaged.

   Even though the Jin army is strong, it has demonstrated extraordinary combat effectiveness in the battles, but as long as there is a battle, there will be danger, and if you fail to win, there will be even greater losses.

   It is Lü Bu's goal to let the lieutenant soldiers become more elite after undergoing the war. The Jin army was terrifying in the eyes of other princes. It was precisely because the combat power displayed by the Jin army soldiers shocked them.

   After Kanze returned to Jiangdong Army, he was about to report the incident to Zhou Yu.

After Zhou Yu listened to it, her face was contemplative. From Kan Ze’s words, it can be seen that Lu Bu believed in this matter. The key is that Jia Xu was by Lu Bu’s side at the time. Could it be that Jia Xu was such a resourceful person? Don't you see the problem? Once Kan Ze leaves, what effect will Jia Xu have if he further persuades Lu Bu?

But when Kan Ze talked about Jia Xu’s doubts, Zhou Yu relaxed, Jia Xu might have felt something was wrong, but Lu Bu is a man of absolute influence in the Shanxi Army. As long as Lu Bu gives an order, he can Let the situation of the Jin army change.

This is also brought about by Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin army. Similarly, after General Lu Bu's power is assigned to his generals, he will not have too much worry. It is because the generals in the army are enthusiastic about Lu Bu. At any moment, Lü Bu's command can leave the generals in the army with nothing.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Lu Bu would not do this. There is no doubt about the loyalty of the generals of the Jin army to Lu Bu. It is this loyalty that allowed them to show their superior combat effectiveness in the battles. There is danger, but still forgotten to die.

  It is difficult to see this in the Jiangdong Army. When the lieutenant soldiers are in danger, will they still follow the orders of the generals? What they want to do most by then is probably to leave the army.

This is also the biggest difference between ordinary soldiers and elite soldiers, but all elite soldiers in the army, no matter what the situation they are facing, can do their best to move forward, and they will show their tenacity in battles. Fighting style.

   Zhou Yu frowned and pondered for a long time, then slowly said: "Passing to the army lieutenant general, come to the Chinese army to discuss matters."

Kan Ze bid farewell and left. After all, he is not a member of the military. If this strategy is successful, he will be a man who has contributed to the Jiangdong Army. Why not be able to get a promotion in the future, but in Zhou Yu and the military. If the officers did not take the initiative to leave when discussing matters, Zhou Yu would be dissatisfied.

   After getting the credit, it is only a matter of time to get the promotion of status, so you don't have to be too impatient.

   Seeing Kan Ze's fascination, Zhou Yu nodded secretly.

Kan Ze was able to see through his bitter tactics and took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the Jin army. He had to bear a certain risk. If he could not succeed in persuading Lü Bu, he would even be in danger of life. These things are not meant for everyone. Are capable of doing the job.

   The generals in the Jiangdong Army hurried over after receiving Zhou Yu's order.

Seeing that the lieutenant generals arrived in Qi, Zhou Yu coughed slightly, and slowly said his own layout on the battlefield. At this time, it was almost night, and Zhou Yu had already ordered Yingzhai to strengthen its defense, even if it was someone who wanted to send the news. It is impossible to pass it out.

   "This battle is about whether our army can defeat the Jin army. After you return to the army, you should prepare carefully so that you can have an outstanding performance on the battlefield." Zhou Yu said.

   "Hey." The military general said in unison.

After Zhou Yu’s everything, the military generals looked at Pan Zhang with obvious differences. He was able to withstand such humiliation and arguments. It can be seen how much Pan Zhang paid for the Jiangdong Army to win the battle against the enemy. Efforts, such a general is worthy of their respect.

Pan Zhang was able to select Zhou Yu to do this. It shows that Zhou Yu’s trust in Pan Zhang and that he can perform such a task, Pan Zhang must have an important influence on the Jiangdong Army. If this strategy can be successful. , Pan Zhang must be able to get greater credit.

The strength of the Jin army is strong. At this point, the generals of the Jiangdong army admit that it is not a simple matter to defeat the Jin army in a frontal battle, and Jiangdong will bear more risks after failure. , One can imagine what kind of scene Jiangdong will be like, and in the Jin army, there is a weapon to break through the city ~ Relying on such a weapon, the Jin army can be invincible in battle.

  The battle on the river surface is the ultimate opportunity for the Jiangdong army. As long as the Jin army can be defeated when fighting on the river surface, Jiangdong will be able to survive this battle.

   Zhou Yu's strategy amazed the generals in the army. Pan Zhang was surprised by Ze Fan. This was something that the lieutenant generals did not expect.

   "Here, after detaining Chen Guang and taking refuge in the capital governor, it turned out to be false, and he wanted to persuade the generals to take refuge. It was a wishful thinking." Zhou Yu said coldly.

At this time, naturally no one interceded for Chen Guang. Before joining the Jiangdong Army, Chen Guang was a thief on the river. He made a living by looting the merchant ships. Even after he arrived in Jiangdong, he could hardly have a good life. As a result, many aristocratic merchant ships have been plundered by Chen Guang.

However, Chen Guang’s refuge was secretly ordered by Lu Bu. This is something that the generals in the army did not expect. It seems that when the Jiangdong Army is at war with the Jin army, it is not only a collision of strength, but also of strategy. What is urgently needed, there is not enough strategy, and if you want to get better benefits in the match, it is bound to make the soldiers in the army pay a greater price for this.

Winning the battle at a lower cost is of vital importance to the Jiangdong Army at this time. The Jiangdong Army itself has a large gap in number compared with the Jin Army. Once the war between the two sides starts, Jiangdong What kind of distress will the soldiers of the army endure?

  . m.

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